Comments on: Antifa/BLM should be protesting against drug cartels and banks Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:39:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike T Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:39:46 +0000 Jimmy Hoffa assumed another identity and moved to Queensland Australia where I met him in the 1980s. He enjoyed a quiet lifestyle until his death in the late 1990s

By: michael burns Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:01:32 +0000 God that awful… I’ll never get that time back. Your poem sucks big time and taste like treacle poured over sugar with a topping of syrup. A color by numbers version of what should be real art.

If your writing your feelings as lines of prose…well, ask yourself what has John Fitzgerald Kennedy done for me personally.
Feelings are not poetry, it is a form of anti-poetry.

Ask yourself questions that push you into alternate realities, was I angered by his death or maybe I was pleased? Was his death the result of his double cross of those who gave him power? What was positive about the event, maybe there was a purpose? Was this a recreation of the crucifixion in our time, was ceasar, playing his game again? Was there a unknown purpose? Maybe if he had lived, we would all be hearing the sound of droning windmills everywhere and we would be stuck in a world were all language was like what you have scribbled out here on this electronic paper. And all elections would be stolen.
Maybe we would have what we experiencing at present, but, fifty-five years earlier?
A world government, entrenched and all-powerful forever.

Gabriel didn’t light the flame, we did and it burns eternally as a ‘natural gas flame’ — I find that a bit ironic — a hydrocarbon flame that burns and puts life feeding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere until the Green religion finds out about that, and converts it to a solar power generated, electrically driven and flickering imitation of a real fucking flame.

Camelot? Camelot is a fairy tale. Are you still stuck in that mind fuck… I hope poetry isn’t your last option? I have partially read your previous work here..You seem to like the cliched attachment of some words put together; hackneyed phrases that’s not poetry, it’s a type of verbal kitsch…a kind of generic word salad.

By: ReluctantWarrior Fri, 12 Mar 2021 19:40:38 +0000 A Poem I wrote several years ago:

The Eternal Flame

We are like a mote of dust floating in the morning sky
Tiny teardrop that the Angel of starlight cried.
Adorning a frosty Arlington hillock burns the Eternal Flame
Lit by the Archangel Gabriel in Heavenly Father’s Name.
Burning with love and undaunted courage
Defender against iron tyranny’s awful scourge.
Beneath this proud and mighty flame
Rest John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s mortal remains.
Bravely did he master the tiger of oppression’s ride
Becoming a martyred son of freedom’s pride.
With the devotion of an Angel’s chore
He sought an end to a perilous cold war.
Our Thirty Fifth President gave his life
So that the world might see a new birth of freedom’s light.
‘Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation’
He passed the torch of liberty to a new generation.
He saw peace as our sacred responsibility
For without the dream of peace what is liberty?
Proud we are of our ancient heritage
Orphans of a touching celestial marriage
Where love eternal betrothed to mortal strife
In the falling tears of his lovely wife.
For in the depths of her loneliness
God’s hand reaches out to us in holiness.
As Eternal Flame burns proud and sure
We remember the promise of Camelot’s investiture
The President began anew the quest for peace
Before the dark powers of destruction could be unleashed.
For thirteen days in October of Sixty-Two
Humanity was trapped in annihilation’s final queue.
With love’s legacy the President stood strong
Opposing a desperate and warmongering throng.
And communicating with peace and grace
Began a dialogue with the descendants of Peter the Great.
With great courage, vigor and zest
The President wrote to Premier Khrushchev.
They spoke of the tribulation of a hard and bitter peace
And that life on Earth deserved a brand new lease.
Both understanding the ancient truth

‘That the wicked flee when no man persueth.’

And in the hearts of these two men
Was born a peace that only our better Angels tend.
Then the President did with loving apprehension
Say a prayer for our troubled Nation:

‘Oh thou God that heard Solomon in the Night
I cannot guide this Nation without thy light.’

Our President lost his very own life
Because he raised the torch of wisdom’s light.
And knowing he too had a rendezvous with death
Fought for peace until his very last breath.
On film it seemed as if all time froze
In awful cluster of bloody rose
And in the purifying furnace of affliction
Is wrought democracy’s beautiful benediction
As long as God’s light lives in our hearts
From freedom’s promised land we will never depart.
For under mortal strife’s mystical dominion
We gather in the sheaves of holy freedom.
And under fading shadow of Eagle feather
Let Mankind’s love burn together
To share an intimacy heaven sent
Softly kissing the blushing present.
For though Camelot’s dream is no more
Follow the tearful trail of her lost lore
And peace will don your gentle heart
Giving all mankind a brand new start.

In the name of the heavenly host
Bless your servant John Fitzgerald Kennedy
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Thank you Mr. President

By: michael burns Fri, 12 Mar 2021 17:50:24 +0000 What came out of him was this ridiculous new Green Democrat, an environmentalism, a left leaning idiot that can’t see the forest for the trees. A technocratic idiot who believes the new religion of scientism is the way out of all this…and we’re all in this together holding hands and what not…

He was a Catholic, do you know Catholics? Irish east Boston Catholics? They’re assholes and gangsters.

“He had passed on to us a new vision of a better world…”

Kennedy was contaminated with the jargon of Rachel Carson and his Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall who exercised the great possession of land for the federal government under the guise of creating national parks. Stewart Udall had no problem appropriating that land from the owners. Which continues now with “I might fall off the stage Biden”
And Udall contaminated him with the bullshit of Passamaquoddy. Which they also wanted to reclaim as park land to stop all the mountain of legalities that would have ensued if the project went forward.

The Kennedys are New Englanders and believed they had the right to stop the contamination of land and water after their investments from years past had profited them for “just that very thing”, and did all this damage. And now no one else is allowed to make a fortune like their old man did on Wall Street.

So nice to be unconscionable after your fortune is made for you…

Jon has spoken about Passamaquoddy Tidal Power and Kennedy, it was an environmental nightmare that would have devastated the area. Devastated fishing and the rights of decades old Canadian and American fishing families and the natural tidal process of flooding. Shellfish and the small sea life would have ceased after a time and the place would have become a virtual dead zone.
It was pork belly meant to feed the Democrats in the region and that one world purpose.

Wings of True freedom? You might clue me in on what you think that is…from my POV freedom, it is nothing left to lose, Reluctant?.

Kennedy like all blue bloods was a Technocrat of the highest order, who believed in all this bullshit ‘Brave New World’. “Going to Moon and back…its not what you country can do for you, its what you can do…”.

Yeah okay.

What would be a great first step forward for mankind, instead of the Moon or Mars, is that every single pol in world got exactly what Kennedy and his brother got…a fucking bullet.
The only good politician is one with little crosses on his eyes.
They are all immensely rich liars and psychopaths and are in it for only their own gain. They will figure out your emotions and tell you exactly what you want to hear. And anyone who votes for a President deserves what he gets…

Kennedy blew so much smoke up the ass of your generation, it will take you six lifetimes to rid yourself of the karma.

Now you might think what I say is harsh and cruel and without any feeling, but let it sink in for while and don’t knee jerk and that true freedom you talk about might just come to surface and a light will start to shine on how fake this fucking reality is, right down to the guys you think are on your side.

When was the last time a Kennedy bought you beer, or had you over for supper.
The only one on your side is you…the only none who can recognize and make you free, is YOU.

By: michael burns Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:45:59 +0000 RFK is anti-VAX…he’s a lawyer and knows quite well that vaccines can never be guaranteed as safe. Big pharma have stated that publicly long ago.
That is why the laws changed so a pharmaceutical company could not be sued for damages caused by vaccines — the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986.

The new line of mRNA jabs are not vaccines by definition and so therefor…they are defined more as Pro-drugs. And in a court of law can be defended as such.

Knowing that, he makes a lot of money of, knowing that…

By: ReluctantWarrior Thu, 11 Mar 2021 19:45:01 +0000 President Kennedy was a flawed human being. But his Presidency changed him and he came to understand that with the advent of nuclear weapons we stood on the threshold of self-annihilation. In the end he demonstrated great courage in accepting his fate because he knew that it was worth the risk. He had passed on to us a new vision of a better world….not a perfect world but he knew we could do better. His untimely and violent death planted a seed in many of my generation. It was the beginning of an awakening and a process of learning to question authority and the assumptions upon which our society was based. Our hearts may have been broken but in the shock and horror of that day we began to find the wings of our true freedom.

By: Jim S Smith Thu, 11 Mar 2021 16:22:29 +0000 And there, you fall for “their” twisted mindgame!

You ARE a Spiritual Sovereign. To be sovereign – is to be indivisible. Try to live your life “divided”?

The sovereign is a thinker, and a do-er, creative and destructive, innovative, active and proactive, the sovereign is a mindful being. Anything else, is just another shadow of slavery!

So let’em come at me! Most of “them” haven’t the courage to come face-to-face with one who has found and declared him/herself as sovereign before the eyes of their Creator!

By: DeadHeartDiary Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:56:15 +0000 And I will, additionally say, mammon worship is a guaranteed invalidated ticket.

By: DeadHeartDiary Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:54:20 +0000 I’m so fucking harsh that I’d even abandon siblings, depending on their choices.

By: DeadHeartDiary Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:52:32 +0000 I did mention it’s judgment time, the other day, so. It’s a bit late to try and get through now.
