YES – there was A “tax act” put in place, just everyone conveniently forgot that it expired!
It was VOLUNTARY – as worded within that act.
Signing up for Social Security numbers, etc – is done in the “delivery room” within five minutes of birth. We had a direct choice about thirty or so years ago, but now – it is done quietly by the hospital. – So the idea of THIS being voluntary is now moot.
I had a friend who ended being jailed, and then sent to a “state hospital” (to be psyche-medicated) for refusing to “register” his daughter! THIS was plainly and outright CRIMINAL for the “state” to do, but “they” did it anyway.
So again,
“Voluntary” doesn’t hold weight anymore, when you have plentiful criminals in the system willing to FORCE the issue! The only resolve left, is for far more people to rise up – and enforce the basis of the Constitutions. – That is OUR job, NOT the recalcitrant “government’s”!
]]>All these mouth-pieces that keep calling certain “problem cases” – “anarcho-communists” are very misinformed. The two ideas are mutual opposites of each other!
All the so-called bandying about “far-right” and “right-wing” are absolute rubbish. They are still far “left” of genuine anarchy (the ultimate individual liberty). Our own Nation was supposed to be founded on the concept of being “on the knife’s edge of anarchy”. IE: “A government that governs least, is a government that governs best.”
GOVERN: To control, dominate, manage.
]]>I don’t think so!
Just because “they” claim jurisdiction over you and your life, does NOT mean that their claim is valid, nor requisite to living. It’s all about participating in their sham.
It is also considered “illegal” to ever tell them “NO”, but that matters not when enough people decide to tell “them” (and actually enforce it) – “NO!”
The question is:
Are you willing to stand up for yourself, regardless of how much force against you is threatened and/or employed? – Remember William Wallace? ? ?
]]>It does NOT exist in nature.
]]>Yes, there are more han 6000 sequestered patents and many of them concern what can be referred to as COP>1 (coefficient of performance greater than 1), Free Energy Technology, or reverse engineered alien/ET technology that is thousands of years beyond what humanity has created on its own. Anyone who chooses to mock this assertion should read the book: “The Day After Roswell”, written by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Philip James Corso (Ret & deceased).
All one needs to do is observe the amount of energy trapped within the Earth and expressed as volcanic magma & earthquakes. Also observe the true amount of energy coming from our Sun, which creates all the powerful weather patterns, hurricanes, tornados and other wind storms on our planet. Yet, we can’t yet even capture and make practical use of the electrical energy in a single bolt of lightening (except in movies like: Back To the Future). Yes, the Earth is a gigantic rotating turbine producing its own magnetosphere and magnetic field, yet most Earthlings do not understand the basics of magnetism and electromagnetic fields.
Add to that the fact that our planet is controlled by Satanic entities who play the Problem, Reaction, Solution fear game in order to divide and conquer humanity and convince us to waste our precious time, energies and resources warring or creating ever better, more destructive weapons of war that would totally eliminate humanity if used to their full capacity.
Does this observation help to place the situation in a more appropriate perspective? I hope so.
]]>Came across this lecture by a professor of physics.
Turns out the slight rise of CO2 levels has led to a greening effect on the marginal arid zones of the planet.
Makes a mockery of the greenies trying to shut down the global economy so as to lower the very slight increase in CO2 levels.
Actually it makes a mockery of their referred to term of ‘greenies’, ‘brownies’ being a more accurate term.
And as Professor Happer points out, the effect on any form of warming by doubling the CO2 level is almost non-existent but would greatly increase the growing rate of vegetation.
Well worth the watch.