Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: a hypnotherapist’s cosmic glue Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:56:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: MD Realtor Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:56:03 +0000 Research the net and find a Vaccine Indemnify Form, make the company owner/CEO sign it under oath/notary and if they agree to it, have your senior relative sign also.

The form should require the CEO’s SSN, list of assets, etc. and assume ALL liability for the vaccine and it’s potential side effects, with a list of beneficiaries in case death is one of the side effects. Then demand “key man insurance” with a death benefit of $ 10,000,000 in case of vaccine death, or if the employee “dies with Covid Vaccine”.

Also, the time frame needs to state 99 years, as most statute of limitations to sue is only 3 years. I bet they won’t sign!

This is age discrimination, and I bet the insurance carrier really isn’t demanding this.

By: Philpski Tue, 16 Mar 2021 07:02:36 +0000 Hey, I could have said “lazy lie” and the point would have been the same. In America, at least, the world seems to move on lazy (mostly liberal) lies. The primary proponents of lockdowns and such are left-wing, not George Carlin left-wing either, rather the WORST fruits of ’60s liberalism… people who in their old (or young) age want to censor speech. I certainly don’t associate these leftists with a brave soul like Robert Kennedy, Jr. however.

Any answers to my question? I doubt many govt types have even heard of Hegel.

By: Morpheus Mon, 15 Mar 2021 17:13:54 +0000 Anyone who uses the term “lefty lie” exposes themselves as being trapped in the matrix. Fascism is not lefty. We are in the middle of a global Coup, A bio tech corporate take over of the world. Total control of humanity and the natural resources of the earth. My advice is to tell your family member to challenge and fight everything.
As for you, pull your head out of the Hegelian dialectic mode of thinking and the rest of the illusions that make up the matrix.

By: Philpski Sun, 14 Mar 2021 23:00:00 +0000 This is a serious question.

A family member of mine has claimed her company (because she is over 65) has said their Insurance won’t cover a normal re-opening of the store as normal, until all their older (“Senior”; again, it is a family member of mine I am asking this about, I am not of Boomer Age), until all the “elderly” employees are vaccinated.

I am taking this as just a garden variety Lefty Lie, as I am pretty sure there are laws against this sort of thing and that no company (insurance, that is) would have amended their contract for something which has only been around after an “EUA” in December.

But, is there anyone here who can provide some guidance, ANY advice on this issue. I’m sure I am not the only one here scared of having a loved one become a guinea-pig of Bill Gates.

By: BDBinc Sun, 14 Mar 2021 17:30:15 +0000 Yip there is no such thing as a objective reality.
Reality is in our being, the “I am ” that is free of a conditioned mind constructed matrix.
We are all co creating this world through our thought and feeling, seeing it through the filter of our mind.

If the media tell us we are powerless and we think and feel that and do not tap into our inner power ( wisdom) we make it so.
Media induced fear( harnessing underlying fear of death), identity politics to divide us and a belief in what is not real i.e ” covid” what we see in the world.
Mass insanity and chaos for the he media amplifies unconsciousness.
