Comments on: The argument against reading and words Thu, 18 Mar 2021 23:40:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Padraigin Eagle Thu, 18 Mar 2021 23:40:16 +0000 Ah, michael obama’s concubine is massively triggered, butthurt doesn’t get close, butt (sic) then that’s how lower case burns loves it, a tail gunner born to be rear-ended, and by writing and reading deliriously offended, claiming that the rumours of him being a limp-wristed tosser are ‘all just pretended’, his safe space now vigorously defended, on his knees, begging please, ‘snowflakes are humans too’.

By: eceres Wed, 17 Mar 2021 21:01:29 +0000 – wish, not which. always click send too soon.
Need cheese now.

By: eceres Wed, 17 Mar 2021 21:00:03 +0000 Didn’t suggest change short term, if something’s wrong whether letters or words or other should be changed, losing continuity lwith something wrong isn’t really relevant when the change is for something that isn’t wrong. Wouldn’t have to be a lot, just some would be good. First post above, example. The note on bible thing, another time severe agendas as gangs cabalists whatever didn’t want anyone but themselves with letters symbols and other they wrote, so people didn’t make own symbols to communicate. Same as gangs and govt doing now, done before. Of course that wasn’t the only writing then there were other writings, asiatics etc.

There is some good language, interesting words, just some things should go. So on pavement have to note you don’t build up a parking lot, it’s poured down, also don’t layer or problem with separation in temp contract expand. If repair have to seriously etch first. I think you mixed contruction with paving. Another thought may want to jot down to think about, the word building, cross-applied, action word same time noun, static, structure, so people wrongly conflate positive inference of actio, with something that’s actually negative, more houses, apartments roads etc, this territory is overpopulated, nearly forty percent of food comes from other countries now, didn’t use to be that way. Could say you’re building a garden but not really. Good arguing with you though. Still appreciate the song, which more would have got it.

By: michael burns Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:01:48 +0000 Aw ya fuckin gobshite. Speaking of gender reassignment. Did yer mammy call you padraigin, ya wank.

Ya might explain to all the rest here, that wouldn’t know what padraigin really means. Its the feminized version of “what Irish name”, ‘wee paddy’.

And you call all that blather of yours, without intoxication.

A padraigin can’t be eagle , its a duck for fuck sake, and a wee duck at that…yer were sayin wee paddy?

By: john Wed, 17 Mar 2021 11:10:53 +0000 But if we change things just for short term
convenience we lose continuity with writing from
the past.
I think English spelling wasn’t really
formulated until sometime in the 19th century.
Do you remember the Initial Teaching Alphabet
that was supposed to make it easier to learn
to read. The problem was you had to unlearn it
to be able to read proper books.

Language is also used as a weapon by elites and
tyrants. People persecuted for translating the
bible into English.
Scottish, Irish, Welsh school children forbidden
to use their native language.

BTW you build UP a parking lot if it’s a multi-
story which I always assumed the song meant.

By: Historic Toejam Czar Wed, 17 Mar 2021 05:07:34 +0000 Forward comrades, the burn it all down better utopia is just around the bend.

Yes we can!

By: eceres Tue, 16 Mar 2021 23:07:38 +0000 -forgot, beside cheese also the yellow vests and anarchists some good frenchies, not all just some. They can talk through nose french accent language, which changes to cool because they have substanc. So I take back part of derelict french language, for anarchs only.
What if everyone corrected themselves, made argument, corrected where should, what sort of world would be ?

By: eceres Tue, 16 Mar 2021 21:45:23 +0000 -hi john, Though question remains, who agreed, why, though also doesn’t matter what others or agendists agreed, what matters is I don’t agree with ps instead of simply s, psychic instead of sykic or siekec. In claiming derived from Greek, various agendists have been steering things a long time, including later Greece. When you refer to Greek the time span of region is not short but long time spans, and of different peoples, not only one period of time. It’s a mistake people make, because schools made by who, only refer to ‘ancient greece’ as if the region record was only one point in time or set of people. Note on song, also example of how words can be used, good message, though dimmed word to slightly dial back, of course you don’t put up a parking lot, you put down a parking lot.
On claiming fonetics as –reduced, a better description would be succinctly directed. Something you chop because it’s nonsense may be technically reducing, but it’s also reducing nonsense. We can’t learn if we’re busy repeating what others pushed on us, people have ability to do, undo, and create. Though, if people don’t bother, we will have to wear masks and be in jail then we lose choice. That’s why asking questions or creating, matters. Last, the only thing good about french is cheese. Otherwise a language that has you talking through your nose is derelict. And it’s ok to disagree. We don’t argue enough, arguing is good. So is french cheese, except the really pungent stuff.

By: Larry C Tue, 16 Mar 2021 20:43:59 +0000 “Books have outlived there time Jon”….

Until the power goes out. ????

By: Padraigin Eagle Tue, 16 Mar 2021 20:43:02 +0000 lowercase michael, why art thou reading and writing (and getting triggered in the process, one might say burnt, as in michael, or should we say, karen); surely, shirley, it’s all flow as you go, with butthurt in the undertow, but you never know, michael aka karen aka never drunk but still blathering, you could one day be the next michael obama, just as soon as your gender reassignment is complete. Hmm. You were saying.
