Comments on: I didn’t order the Fauci baloney on rye with RNA sauce Mon, 19 Apr 2021 03:42:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colleen Rambo Mon, 19 Apr 2021 03:42:23 +0000 While reading your post I actually thought, finally, a web page where people can form complete sentences with correct spelling. When people respond with insults it is because they cannot form a cogent reply.

By: Shazaad Bacchus Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:56:34 +0000 We don’t have any Covid hospitals in Canada. They say the hospitals are “filled” with Covid patients, but when you actually visit the hospitals (hospitals, not Covid hospitals which are non-existent) the Covid sufferers are nowhere to be found. More times than not, if you try to film, you encounter opposition from Security. Jon has put out quite a lot of information proving the hoax. If you look at both sides honestly, you cannot help seeing that the “establishment” has nothing backing up the claim that we have a new virus causing a new disease. It is one media lie after another. I don’t understand why and how you can still be in doubts on what is going on.

By: Shazaad Bacchus Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:28:36 +0000 It is the Jewish “powers that be” – and yes, they also control Israel – that is the real threat to the world. The New World Order is Talmudic, Jewish to the core, but at times masquerades as Masonic. The Israelis are the “lesser brethren” to be manipulated and used for the cause of the Jewish elites. World domination is the primary cause using the UN et al., but how Israel will specifically play into this, we will have to wait and see. I am sure you will agree that there is ample evidence that Israel did 911 (Israeli Mossad specifically) and though unconnected to Jon’s article, it is something to consider and you can take it from there. Israel is not America’s friend! Rothschild and Company are not America’s friends!

By: kiwi Sat, 20 Mar 2021 01:42:42 +0000 spot on John, the invisible rainbow printed in 2017 by
Arthur Firstenberg exlains it all

By: Siouxma Fri, 19 Mar 2021 19:57:27 +0000 No coincidence- 61 yrs.old, Christian, loves his people and wanted to protect them from the Rockefeller/Gates Monsters poisoning Africans by design. He all of a sudden died from “heart failure” …yeah, right— don’t we all!
The VP is now Pres. and reversed all policies…bring on the Covid Culling Jab!

By: Cora Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:23:11 +0000 The people demonizing Jews are thoroughly brain soiled & cannot be de-programmed at this time. Ignore them. The whole world is on a runaway train & will soon learn (after the the HORRIFIC crash) the lies they’ve been taught from childhood.

By: john Thu, 18 Mar 2021 09:23:17 +0000 The scientists and health care workers, calling this out, COULD all be wrong but they
are not wrong. Anyway it only takes one to be right about anything, as I try to explain to people.
Science is not about consensus.

By: Milos Thu, 18 Mar 2021 02:21:52 +0000 Dude, chill, English is not my native language, and I was not trolling, I am just looking for answer that is logical to me. There are covid hospitals everywhere, and there are a lot of sick people. This never happened before and that is why there has to be some cause. Explanations provided on this blog are simply not aligned with what is happening around us now. I am not saying there is virus, but there is something going on.
I don’t wear a mask when I sleep. I rarely wear a mask. You insulted me couple of times in that perfectly written paragraph of yours, even though I just wanted to discuss instead of blindly accepting anything as truth.

By: Lucky Lui Wed, 17 Mar 2021 23:24:13 +0000

“interesting” in deed.

By: Lucky Lui Wed, 17 Mar 2021 23:19:09 +0000 Update: Tanzania’s President John Magufuli dies after weeks unseen

Likely just a coincidence.

Also, another exceptional article Jon!
