Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The trick behind Occult systems Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:31:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: ja wallin Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:31:44 +0000 Thanks for another great insightful article Jon… eye Have many of your sayings laying around my office from the many years eye Have looked over your stuff… e.g., “… The Great Pysop hath spoken” about the need of the cabal of maniac magicians (aka the sons of Beliel – those sOb’s) to put the individual into permanent exile.

I comment today since in this article you alluded to “What Is,” and thus it was the absolute write time to give you a link to my book *on What is* (a Gnostic tour-de-force published in 2018) that took me almost 5 years to write; with the subtitle *a freedom enchantment in 2(slash)3 ACTs*

Be well and Be blessed,

herb the theurgist (aka dr jf nystrom)

By: Nothere Sun, 21 Mar 2021 21:02:22 +0000 I got rid of all my furniture
because my thoughts were taking up to much room.

By: maria Sun, 21 Mar 2021 18:01:30 +0000 I ask myself what kind of envy is at work in the corona virus scam, a lab-homed “science faction” in their narrow mind sets, support a government attempt to coop up the amazing creativity of our exuberant species and classify every body – the triple somersaulting springboard divers, the trapeze artistes, the clowns, the guitarrists, the art makers and all the rest of the fantastic stock and lock them up forever in a data set in some imaginary drawer? To harvest them.

We shall see what we shall see – humans are not guinea pigs or chimpanzees. People are a special energy and I hope it will explode like a pressure cooker. I always remember the line : ‘when the volcano of Gauguin exploded at Arles …’

By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 21 Mar 2021 18:00:07 +0000 A glance ahead at an epic style poem I am writing in which Lucifer puts ‘God’ on trial. The poem is already 10 pages and growing by the hour. I am using the character of Lucifer as a literary device to represent myself and my own journey through ‘hell.’ Lucifer has often been mistaken for the devil or Satan but I am interested in the more ‘noble’ aspect of his rebellion which in some sense is a rebellion we all need to join. As I am sure you know the Gnostics saw ‘God’ in heaven as the ‘Demiurge’ a not so noble impostor of an agressive and demanding patriarchal hierarchy. Not the kind of ‘God’ you want to cross…a god of a chosen few.

Sophia’s Dream (Unfinished, Unedited Draft)
March 21, 2021

Sparks of light and smoke
Filled the midnight air
As the people
Cringed in fear
And Lucifer appeared
Offering his soul to bare
And even the ghost
Of Hugo Chavez
Got a whiff of
Sulfur beyond compare,
Yet this much maligned
Urchin of darkness
Has gotten a bad rap
In the mad annals of the good book
For he was really a noble light bearer
From a world afar
Bringing luminous gifts
From the Morning Star
Carrying with him
A forbidden secret
A stunning revelation to share
Of a fallen goddess
And her soulful consternation
Having plunged from the galactic pleroma
Cradling the dream of the Anthropos
Softly in her loving bosom
And becoming the Earth
Mother of mankind,
Our friend Lucifer
Though expelled from heaven
Never accepted his exile
Because he knew
That heaven is
A place hidden within the heart
And not some mythical realm
Above the clouds,
Kingdom of some
Off planet wannabe deity
He saw this as
The principal deviation of humanity
From communion with
Our earthly mother
Who sustains and inspires the imagination
Matrix of our being
That ultimately gives life meaning
Offering an indigenous connection to
The Earth Goddess
Expunged by a brutal patriarchy
Of Abrahamic origin

(To Be Continued)

By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 21 Mar 2021 12:21:04 +0000 ‘If there is a secret about consciousness, that’s it. IT CREATES.’

My latest Poem:

The Kiss

When eternity kissed
The hands of time
All life came to be
Finding love sublime
In the embrace of you and me
And under the starlit canopy
I brushed away your tears
That fill the seven oceans
Forming the whitecaps
Of our dreams,
For refugees are we
On the shores of
This cosmic mystery
Where In each sweet kiss
Eternity reborn
And time ceases to be
In that moment of cherry bliss
Beyond the reach of
History’s parchment scorn
And as I let go of you
With each passing moment
I feel the approaching storm
The ocean winds
Are gale force and rising;
Then the lamb
Swallowed the lion
And I became a man
Lashed to Kronos mast
With siren song in my ear
Lost at sea
In the mortal maelstrom
Caught betwixt the agony and ecstasy
Of coming to be,
The decks are pitching up and down
As the waves of strife wash over me
And I kiss the hem
Of your gossamer gown
And in my sweet forgetting
I am homeward bound
Across the wine dark sea
With my soul unfurled
Yearning for my sweet Sophia
And tho I lost myself
Between the raging waves
I have found that new world
That my soul ever craves.
