Comments on: The COVID narrative as an occult work of art Sat, 03 Apr 2021 11:44:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andy Sat, 03 Apr 2021 11:44:38 +0000 Cindy, I’m not Jon, but the answer is “no”, the entire thing is manufactured, fabricated, staged, an illusion – and a very good one at that, at least until you’ve seen through it. I was caught by surprise, taken in, fooled, asleep, for about 2 to 3 weeks before the cognitive dissonance became so great that I had to start resolving it, which involved a heck of a lot of research, and soul-searching. I was awakened by the 9/11 theatrics but fell asleep again over the past few years. I’m wide awake now and have every intention of never letting my guard down again. All the best to you.

By: Andy Sat, 03 Apr 2021 11:05:19 +0000 Very well written. Spot on. It made me think about all the “artistic” face coverings (masks) you can see images of on the internet. It’s become a bit of a craze. Mask madness.

By: Andy Sat, 03 Apr 2021 04:04:56 +0000 Thank you indeed Jim. You’ve definitively encapsulated what I have – perhaps only recently – become extraordinarily aware of. I’ve been aware of it for some time, but the events of the past year or so have, shall we say, enhanced that understanding and awareness. Yes, we have been under the sway of the Occultists since – dare I say? – the fall of man (Adam & Eve). I believe that we are heading towards a culmination of…something. My own (very recent) personal experience has finally made me realise that we are on the precipice of entering The Great Tribulation. You know – the MASK of the beast – cannot buy and sell without the MASK of the beast, etc. It is the mask-wearing (or mask-bearing, really) that has really hit it home for me that all previous major Occult attempts to gain control of the entire world are nothing compared to what’s coming. I guess it’s not called The Great Tribulation for nothing.

By: Cindy Fri, 02 Apr 2021 15:47:35 +0000 Jon. I am puzzled.

If the covid does not exist then why are inmates in prison spreading it (they say), along with states that are showing an increase. If it is not covid the please what is it??? Or is all of this fake news?? Do we have covid or not???

I don’t believe in the masks or vaccines never had one except when no fault of mine when I was young had not choice that’s what they did but never had another oh yea hepatitis shot because I had to for for my CNA now I wish I had not,

Please can you tell me if covid is real or not if not then what is spreading in all these places they say.

Thank you

By: Joe Biden Wed, 31 Mar 2021 19:52:21 +0000 This was explained almost 1 year ago by someone else
May 19, 2020

By: Bettina Heinz Wed, 31 Mar 2021 02:37:05 +0000 too convenient! he would have contested everything! Read his book.

By: MagicBullet Tue, 30 Mar 2021 15:45:37 +0000 I called Dr Eimi Nakayama, Asso. Prof. Dept Microbiology at Osaka Univ

She was lead researcher on an NHK special called “closing in on seeing Corona”, showing “viruses” surrounding cells on a big screen moving at time-lapse speed and destroying 4 cells. […]

ME: How did you confirm these cells on the TV video were Covid?

HER: We didn’t, but other cells we infected with the Kanagawa strain, which were diagnosed by nasal swab and PCR

ME: Did you isolate this virus?

HER: Yes it was from Vero cells and genotyped. This batch wasn’t isolated by density gradient, but others have been.

ME: OK do you have a research paper showing gradient isolation?

HER: No but there’s many out there.

ME: Yes, I’ve read many of them, they show culturing, gene sequencing, and E-M photos but no density gradient.

HER: They’re out there, but density gradient isolation itself isn’t enough to get a paper published.

ME: To make public policy and vaccinate the whole world there should be isolation right? Is there an isolate to buy?

HER: You can buy an isolate from here:

ME (later): This heat-inactivated isolate was based on one-patient from this CDC paper which only did a cell-culture and genome, no isolation:
Article: only cell culture and genome:

HER: You can ask BEI Resources, we often buy Covid isolates from them.

ME (later): I wrote to BEI Resources about their NUMEROUS covid “isolates”, they replied:

None of these products are really purified. Each of the virus strains are provided as cell lysate and supernatant. They definitely will not have been separated into density gradients and this is not something we would have tested for during the course of the normal QC and Authentication testing for these items.


BEI Resources
Customer/Technical Services
Administered by ATCC
10801 University Blvd
Manassas Virginia, 20110-2209
Email: […]
Phone: […]

I have the 20 min discussion in Japanese with the Dr. recorded.

By: Bricius the mad Mon, 29 Mar 2021 20:38:06 +0000 And I suspect that their great project is starting to fail – sin of pride perhaps? Or all the sins – everywhere in every country I see signs of rebellion. Even if it’s just being tired of wearing the damn mask. They made a bad miscalculation on that one. The mask is worn during the ceremony/occult initiation. But in order to extend the ritual to global proportions, they had to enforce a constant wearing of the mask – reducing the power of the intitation ritual in two ways: enforcing the wearing of mask during ritual with only a few people, while also usually performing trauma ensures near total control of the subject – thus in their minds, that energy of being is truly given to whatever dark force they are cleaving to. And that’s the second part. Instead of a few dozen/hundred or thousand (one can build up large numbers of intitiated adherents by performing many rituals with a few dozen people)they’ve now spread that energy very thin. The gods always demand more. Or if no gods, the corrupt humans always think more sacrifice needed. Not that it hasn’t been, for a year, a highly effective occult ritual/con – but we are growing and evolving out of it. This BS has been around a long time – the Aztec priests, in control of society thought of their own people as little more than animals, and at one point, had killed 80,000 plus of their own people. There has been, for thousands of years, them and us mentality. That’s changing.

By: patricia canellis Mon, 29 Mar 2021 14:19:52 +0000 Yes!!!! Exactly! Do we know how he died? was it a suspicious death? How old was he? can we know more?

By: Zoey Sun, 28 Mar 2021 03:37:11 +0000 Agree. Also find it suspicous that Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR test died August 2019, 2 months prior to Gate’s Corona virus pandemic event & 4 months prior to CV19’s big debut. It’s highly likely that Deep State scumbags ensured that Mullis wasn’t around to contest the use of PCR test, as the test was critical component to CV19 scam.
