Comments on: Dissent on trial: the Grand Inquisitor Sun, 04 Apr 2021 18:56:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gerardo García Sun, 04 Apr 2021 18:56:18 +0000 Sorry for my english.
“It is obvious the state wishes to control people”
I think: “Its obvious the organized people wishes control the state to control people

By: David Marino Tue, 30 Mar 2021 00:29:10 +0000 Every small business owner should see that video to inspire themselves to do what they know is right. Thanks for posting it.

By: John Cottrell Sun, 28 Mar 2021 14:47:02 +0000 If we’re talking Covid vaccine I’m not having it, I’ve heard it mkes people sicker than the virus itself.

Not caring about life since 2012 I’ve decided to put this scare to the test by not wearing a mask – ever – and living normally, going out whenever and wherever I please and if I caught the thing I’d suffer like mad (and possibly die) as I weigh 125kg and have medical issues since birth but I’ve been just fine for the last twelve months, the virus has ‘failed’!

By: John Cottrell Sun, 28 Mar 2021 14:38:00 +0000 Hannibal Hayes and Kid Curry?

By: John Cottrell Sun, 28 Mar 2021 14:36:35 +0000 Four years later than George Orwell’s depicted year!, I thought stone age might be more like 1588 or earlier.

Totally agree with stupid people pretending to be super smart – and trying to fool us that they are when we know they’re dumb as shit. Yep, smash the system, it’s fake.

By: Haniel Adhar Sun, 28 Mar 2021 00:29:02 +0000 If you are not taking mammalian doses of vitamin C then you are hedging the wrong bet.

The vaccine is causing aluminum poisoning, and all these symptoms and deaths as a result of the vaccines are from the aluminum. The stuff is so toxic that the mRNA part doesn’t even have a chance to do any damage, because the aluminum is killing people rapidly.

By: L Garou Sat, 27 Mar 2021 15:25:27 +0000 I remember some years back a big lawyer publishing a book “Three Felonies a Day”
about how the FEDs can lay felony charges on practically anyone, on a need or a whim.
Knowing the Bureaucrat Plague (worst plague ever), by now it’s probably up to five felonies a day..

By: Greg C. Sat, 27 Mar 2021 13:39:17 +0000 Isn’t the State merely the outward form of the ego? Aren’t we watching being played out the seeming struggle between conscious mind and unconscious? The legal mindset is an extension of the rational mindset. The political mindset is like the ego, believing the answer can be arrived at by a faux debate. The ego deceives in precisely the same way – we tell ourselves we are doing certain things for a good reason, when in fact we are merely justifying our actions which are motivated by unconscious impulses. The State does exactly the same thing. Like the ego, it is a greedy son-of-a-bitch that won’t let go. It thrives on struggle, on supreme effort of will, and proclaiming GOOD.

The unconscious prefers a life without moral struggle, remaining anonymous, being busy activating the unidentified forces. Those who would live this way are ungovernable.

By: Epicurious Sat, 27 Mar 2021 04:22:03 +0000 What a guy. Now there’s a prospective governor of CA

By: george Sat, 27 Mar 2021 04:05:17 +0000 you cannot educate a sheep. everybody who tried have gone mad
