Comments on: Biden sleeps, perchance to dream Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:53:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim_2A Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:53:34 +0000 Slow Joe (“Sloe”) wants “…brain freezes, can’t compute…” as a norm, so is he LEADING BY EXAMPLE??

His ‘marching orders,’ given by the psy-operations directorate, then through his pharmaco-puppeteers, are that he is to fail miserably, and suffer a terminal brain cramp. Of course, he has NO IDEA of their agenda, as what appears to be his senile dementia (at the least) is not allowing his conscious mind to accept, or even realize, that fact.

I once knew a man who told me he “never dreamed.” He eventually ‘got’ Alzheimer’s disease, and his personality changed dramatically. J.B. reminds me of him.

When “Sloe” ‘walked’ alone in front of the mikes (or did he?), a few days ago, on the White House driveway, and mumbled his way through whatever he’d been coached to say, his ‘remote controllers’ (VP, press sec, et al) were hidden behind a building, until he’d stumbled off the ‘set.’ Mighty strange.

You can see that even as they’re having trouble waiting for it, NONE OF THEM want to be ANYWHERE near that ‘tumble-down shack’ when it crumbles. It’ll be bad.

My opinion is that he’s got another two, maybe three, somewhat ‘useful’ months MAXIMUM, at the ‘top.’

Get ready, patriots.

By: l Fahey Thu, 01 Apr 2021 08:42:49 +0000 Hi Dar, I’, not sure about that…..will they become super spreader or will they simple become autoimmune attacks on the body. I will wait and see. thanks

By: Saoirse Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:09:14 +0000 Geert Vanden Bossche has said that viruses mutate very quickly and that it’s impossible to get a vaccine out fast enough because the virus will have changed to avoid getting destroyed. That’s one reason why mass vaccinating is dangerous. he talked about immune escape. The antibodies are big, and powerful, and numerous but they become outdated long before they hit the streets because the virus already mutated.

This poses a big problem for two reasons. One is it won’t kill the virus, it will only threaten it. That will cause the virus to mutate and hide in cells, making it harder to kill. The second problem is that the powerful antibodies will dominate your killer T cells, and will suppress your innate immune system. The net effect of the two is you are left with zero immunity to every virus on the planet. Meanwhile, there are 100 million people walking around with this condition right now. They are all virus mutating factories who are now the first real asymptomatic spreaders of a highly pathogenic viral monster.

If he is right, come next fall and winter, there may be massive casualties. Hope that helps.

By: RegretLeft Wed, 31 Mar 2021 14:38:30 +0000 And just who is going to clean them and what are they going to use as water. Solar panels require frequent, water-intensive cleaning; they get dusty quickly and become extremely inefficient electricity generators in that state. (Sunlight bounces off the dust)

By: RegretLeft Wed, 31 Mar 2021 14:36:08 +0000 Take a look at the link just above – “former-pfizer-vp” – Yeadon, MD – he addresses the scenario you mention and is extremely skeptical – “a trick” he says … read, think and carry on. It is an excellent interview.

By: Dar Wed, 31 Mar 2021 11:39:54 +0000 Opie,
Have you listened to Vernon coleman’s video about the vaccinated will create viruses and then be superspreaders? I don’t believe in germ theory but I want to know with all Jon R. is saying is if this can be true. Will the vaxxed be superspreaders? many intelligent people on here…some not as much has they have been. REally would like to know thoughts on this issue.

Meeting more vaxxed everyday of people I know and they cannot believe I don’t “just fall in line”. I am sick to my stomach. I don’t bring up now unless people as me. Most people are getting jabbed and are celebrating to all they can tell. The next year will be bleak, to say the least.

By: Mrs K Donnelly Wed, 31 Mar 2021 09:33:12 +0000 Priceless..!

By: Yacov Ezra Wed, 31 Mar 2021 04:57:58 +0000 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:

“We only need like 10% of Sahara covered with solar panels for all energy on earth.” – George.

Nice hypothesis that should be seriously looked into though of course your figures are wild imagination.

Hot deserts everywhere should be converted into solar energy harnessing facilities.

Seas/oceans should have huge tidal energy turbines.

Hilly areas should tap wind energy.

Regions receiving heavy rainfall and with fast flowing perennial rivers namely in equatorial regions that receive daily convectional rain should have several medium to small hydroelectric generating stations, while mega dams should be phased out as they create seismic tremors that could create earthquakes, destroy natural ecosystems by damming and diverting rivers and displace riparian populations creating a human refugee and rehabilitation crisis.

Geothermal energy facilities tapping the heat within the crust-mantle of the earth should be accorded importance.

Hundreds of thousands of hydrogen producing rigs using cheap and efficient clean energies to electrolyse water should be erected and the hydrogen gas produced should used to power vehicles, machinery, street lighting and domestic use.

The tsunami hit Japanese city of Fukushima where nuclear reactors went into meltdown releasing dangerous levels of radioactive radiations into the air, water and soil plans to completely shift to a hydrogen based economy by 2025.

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics planned to use hydrogen transportation for athletes, officials and spectatora during the games.

Helium 3 reactors drawing on abundant helium 3 ores found on our moon should be set up on earth to generate energy.

Research in cold fusion discovered by Stanley Pons and Martin Flesichmann in the early 1990s should be revived as the initial results were positive prior to being classified as was Nikola Tesla’s revolutionary and mind boggling vacuum energy or zero point energy reactor. Interestingly, Tesla died in mysterious circumstances most probably murdered and his workable futuristic inventions stolen by the elites.

Minimal use should be made of of polluting and rapidly depleting fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas and these fuels should be phased out in 10 years. Nuclear power should be phased out as the risk of radioactive emissions to the environment due to leakages and most importantly safe disposal of spent nuclear waste remain major issues of concern.

The stress should be on producing an eclectic mix of energies drawn from clean and renewable natural sources backed by minimalistic hardware designs using minimal resources to generate sufficient non-polluting energy at a reasonable cost for the world.

By: Eluard Wed, 31 Mar 2021 02:19:26 +0000 I get a real Nixon vibe from this one. Lightning flashes of lucidity combined with deep eclipses. Man, that’s dangerous. But, anyway, we know he’s not really making his own decisions. He even said, signing one of the those executive orders, “I don’t know what I’m signing.

Does any president really make their own decisons. Look what happened to Trump. The Medical Cartel rode him like a hobby horse. He’s still babbling “take the vaccine, it’s a beauitful shot, take the vaccine.”

And yet it feels like no one’s home. The lights are dark and no one’s home.

By: Not So Free Tue, 30 Mar 2021 23:39:34 +0000 Satire? Or not. hmmmm
