Comments on: Devil’s deputy talks with Klaus Schwab Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:18:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: M Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:18:40 +0000 Genius!

By: Pauly Sun, 04 Apr 2021 20:15:00 +0000 Plebs still wearing masks in cars, police sergeants bragging they have had both shots…

By: eceres Sun, 04 Apr 2021 13:08:21 +0000 – looking at my post again first part can’t even tell it’s two people, lame. But still interesting to think of aspects in terms of talking. Will say again the article is something, much in it. Best to you Jon.

By: Mac Sun, 04 Apr 2021 10:53:12 +0000 Could argue what’s a citation, another way of saying -somebody sez. What if there were a group or whatever that used lies and made the word citation, as they ‘cite or point to each others false info, as one of many tactics. If looking at more than one opinion, what’s the dfference between a supposed citation or what Bob down the street says.

Had recognized the citiations nonsense in so-called college, where compared to real life, on one hand it can be good to share an extra info when talking about something, share website or interesting quote etc, which is sort the same, but with the made up citation word the difference being a phony dictatorial angle.

So when someone goes off into the matrix with bogus citation word and sqwaks ‘where’s citation’ I just see it a fake word for somebody sez, and pushes the system, and distracts from individual thnking.

By: Noneoftheabove Sat, 03 Apr 2021 16:03:47 +0000 Dear Jon, thank you! If only newspaper content were as well written, truthful and brilliant. And funny!

When I glance at the headlines of major dailies I just shudder and walk faster.

By: Jt Sat, 03 Apr 2021 15:48:47 +0000 Thank you Mos. I appreciate the feedback. I will soon be updating the section on non viral vs viral vectors as I learn more about the importance of how the “naked” nucleic acid is delivered into the cell. There seems to be quite a bit of drama surrounding the company that produces the “proprietary” lipid carrier for Moderna’s mRNA, so I’m hoping some info regarding nanogels might shake out in the mix.

It’s entirely possible nanogels can cross the blood brain barrier(BBB), and if so, could be the main event. It would be classic prestidigitation. While everyone is focused on the mRNA, this self propelling robo-gel is able to adhere itself to the meninges with the first shot. The second shot then has a bio-scaffold, from which to penetrate through the dura mater into the brain’s interior, which to date has been relatively impenetrable.

I started to explore this subject when I discovered the diseased chimpanzee sh@t in AstraZeneca jab, was one of the few vectors that can penetrate the BBB, especially if its been disturbed by a nasal swab. Certainly would explain why they need to jam a stick up your nose to get a sample of a “virus” that can travel 6 feet.

By: eceres Sat, 03 Apr 2021 15:33:13 +0000 It’s something how Jon does the two person dialogue type writing.

Yes it’s something.

How do you think he does it, it’s not every piece but often enough.

Maybe it comes by more open thinking, the same time connecting hard facts though in different aspects.

I could see that.

– – Ok there’s my two person dialogue. Was sort of good exercise. Thinking of it the type writing or thinking is different orientation, writing that way or reading it is different exercise.

I agree.

With what.

What you wrote.


Or you can stop now.

I don’t think I want to, this is good, because I can be two people.

ok then go ahead.

ok I will. After I make a sammich.

can I have one

sure I’ll make a couple


finish making another here and we’re set


So what should we do about those vaccine people, Fauci and Gates are really a pair

(more munching)

not sure, maybe keep digging up the facts, and talk, you know

that makes sense. I need some water want some water

sure, thanks

should do this again

sounds good

ok, see ya

Well, was compelled to keep going, lol, me thinks Jon influence. It seems expanding to think in conversation, and wonder if thinking that way, in anticipating, also improves talking. Anyway appreciate Jon’s unique work, effort. The article is worth two reads.

By: Tim Sat, 03 Apr 2021 03:16:57 +0000 Oh, look,,, another one…a know-nothing know-it-all.
When they start showing up doing their Matrix-agent impersonations you know you’re on the right track.

Of course I now this site is flooded with them…seething hatred(ego)…attempts to strike a sore spot that the larger thing knows about…the little ones are usually ignorant they’re being controlled that way.
But Jon does a good job filtering most of the garbage out.

By: michael burns Fri, 02 Apr 2021 18:59:27 +0000 “Another white guy with no humility[…]” -JOAN

Hahah, hahahah, yes, I know!
Fuckin white people… they SUCK, and have they got it coming Joan! Oh yes, I can feel it risin, down deep in the bottom part of myself. Yesireebob, those whitey cracker ass numb nuts fuckers have got it comin…

Joan from one black, Irish man to another — are you Irish? — we’re gonna hold them down and fuckem in the ass forever for what they did to us, back then, and were gonna put em in camps cause their subspreadin mothafuckas, how dare they think they’re better than us. Bastards.

Joan… Joan, I’m changing my name from Michael Burns to my black African name Mazeba Wanda Bazika Burns.

I’m in a skin darkening program to gain back ‘miz riginal collar’.
Until that time I’m goin blackface, all over…

And I wanna have ah a sex change and be a neutral, butch novigendered too…Mazeba Wanda Bazika is a novigendered name, I think I get that from my great, great, great, great grandmother’s side.

This Jon guy, he’s a big lyin faker, he doesn’t know how to spell citation and I hear he throws rocks at airplanes and chews tobacca in the nude every friggin Saturday.

“I hope you rot in the hell {…]” – JOAN

No Joan, that’s far too good for Mr Jon “smartypants” Rappoport, we want something worse, like, like the next 15 reincarnations, he will come back as a, cat… a big fat black matted,one eared, one-eyed dirty randy, half a tailed one testicled tom cat, named lucky living in New York. In the sewers, living on baby alligators and baloney.

Hell’s too good for em Joan…
I hate too sound to much like an opportunist, but I sense a kindred spirit…Am I right! I’m right! Right! Yes I am.
Do you have a phone number you sound awesome…can you comment with a link to your YouTube channel with some pictures? Are you inferior/superior? Do you like toys?

By: Synergy Fri, 02 Apr 2021 17:25:29 +0000 Your work is awesome & very creative! Thank You!
