Comments on: Computer-generated Presidents Mon, 12 Apr 2021 18:09:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry Mon, 12 Apr 2021 18:09:04 +0000 So what? That clip could be showing a missile, not a plane. Or it could be CGI.

The Sep Clues angle is a methodical examination of the collusion of media on 911 to create a particular narrative.

By: American Flounder Thu, 08 Apr 2021 10:18:01 +0000 Loved this story! I’m glad I’m not the only who sees the problem with too many false realities being bought by large groups. I’m afraid it could end with so many accepted views of thinking they’re all presumed biased leaving the majority believing solely in state declared consensus… I love the way you put that all in this piece about CGI presidents, keep up the great work!

By: Bill Wed, 07 Apr 2021 20:36:37 +0000 Yes there is doubt. Do some more digging, there are still good resources out there on how it was done. No real planes hit that day, just CGI.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 06 Apr 2021 20:30:52 +0000 You are saying nothing but seeding fear for its own sake.

“Covert-19(84) injections = massive depop. Get a jab or don’t eat; so, megadeaths. Who needs computer models? ”

But you quoted those models as sources of information to support massive depopulation?

Covid injections depopulating — if that is what they doing — it is not the only way this decades long war has been depopulating the world.

Depopulation is a war fought by all sides…the Chinese are depopulating the US and other nations.

The first and second world war, stole generations of breeding males, that extrapolated to how many children not being born in the world?

The Spanish flu, toxic foods and polluted environment, and the medical system killing roughly a quarter of million a year consistently in the US alone; the overdose deaths from prescription drugs in the hundreds of thousands: weather modification and crop loss starving millions a years to death…

Cancer from smoking kills how many world wide a year?
Abortions and the general vaccination programs shortening lives?

Your looking at a pawn on a chessboard and think you know the game. This just didn’t start in 2019. This has been going on since Jesus walked around, and before…

Maybe that’s a good thing, that some don’t eat since they don’t know how to feed themselves, since they do not know how to get food?

I know people that treat their children like they are their pets…are they humans?

Xfiles?… seriously.

By: john-oranje Tue, 06 Apr 2021 18:09:10 +0000 Here is the clip from the Naudet brothers’

By: john-oranje Tue, 06 Apr 2021 17:49:56 +0000 Are we going to start spreading dis-info about 9/11
on this site?
The first film of an aircraft hitting the north tower
was shot by a French film crew, making a documentary
about the New York fire dept. They just happened to
be filming in the street when the first aircraft flew

By: Tim Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:29:33 +0000 I’ve only got this to say;
The artificial, synthetic, digitized mode of life is crap, garbage, shit.
And they want us to worship and celebrate it, become “one” with it, their fucking fake bullshit hive-mind fraudulent utopia. Imprisoned by it. Hey, kids… that’s what they’re trying to pull here…they use seduction and trauma to assimilate others into the it/egoMatrix mega-farm being passed off as “reality”. And “wonderful!”.
What is “inversion”?

While actually, all this shit is just a prop, a placebo effect, a distraction and denial of The Real. A channeling of creative “energy” into fake objects and “things”, giving them “life” and effect. The computer or phone is nothing, it’s a fake perception, an anti-telepathic device.

All Real minds of The Real are connected, a priori.

GOD said;
“Ain’t nothing like the Real thing Baby, ain’t nothing like the Reeeal thing…”

By: Tim Willwerth Tue, 06 Apr 2021 12:36:19 +0000 CGI has evolved to the point where they look like real people. Then you have real people posing as the Prez, like Ed Chiarini proves on his website Well Aware1. com, Hallmark actor Ron Masak was Trump. Deception is on the menu until, like Henry T Laurency’s books about Pythagorean Hylozoics ( Greek for esoterics) clearly state, the planetary hierarchy, members of superhuman kingdoms,are called back. Until then there will be no peace on Earth, so if you’ve got something more important to talk about I’m all ears.

By: john-oranje Tue, 06 Apr 2021 12:06:24 +0000 There is no doubt that aircraft hit the twin towers,
but they were brought down by demolition charges.
This September, being the twentieth anniversary, we
will be deluged with repeats of the old lies and
maybe some new ones.
I am quite surprised that this video is still up on
You tube.

By: Tim_2A Tue, 06 Apr 2021 12:05:01 +0000 “Joe’s Empty-Head-Room”

-‘Faux-Vids,’ Ad nineteen…
-Phony, “graphically,” as we’ve seen.
-Occupant, green-screen.

“They (Still) Live”

As the knowledgeable observers are being exterminated, today’s elite policymakers can’t be more elated.

Their toxic innoculations are showing the designed ability to manipulate, and then incapacitate, the educated.

We’re being served a stinking pile of donkey manure, but at least it’s been gold-plated.
