Comments on: The essence of The Great Reset Wed, 07 Apr 2021 22:41:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Billy Hill Wed, 07 Apr 2021 22:41:15 +0000 I have also noticed the prevalence of leaf spot even here in the desert of Az.
Another thing I have noticed is the strange death of some single trees amongst or with nearby healthy trees. The two biggest dangers we face are fukushima and yellowstone neither are ever in the news or even recognized as really big dangers that we cannot fix or even control.
I saw an interview of Dearen by
Heffner’s son.
I did not know about Compounding prior to that.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 07 Apr 2021 17:53:49 +0000 Interesting…well done. I am not familiar with the tale.
I am unfamiliar with this fungi…

…upon some light reading I find it strangely thrives at mammalian temperatures, and has been use as a anti-malarial and it has it biological uses in agriculture, especially rice field weeds. And who knows what else?

What other things have they been using it in, since they have had success with malaria.
Hah…pray tell? Maybe vaccines?…sorry, I mean, gene therapy.

The common sign in vegetation of Setosphaeria rostrata is leaf spot disease, which I find curiously, is becoming so more prevalent, so virulent of late — as I am a gardener and observe these things, and walk frequently in nature.

Could it be raining down from the heavens hitch-hiking on the back of nano-particles used in Geo-engineering.

Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, eh. Diseasing the food sources as well as changing the weather.

I find some vegetables have no defense against leaf spot, and it seems the trees are full of it, could it have been weaponized?

I will look for the book Kill Shot, it seems like a interesting book. I will need to look closer.


Jason Dearen interview… worth the watch!

By: stephen langley Wed, 07 Apr 2021 17:18:31 +0000 Dewey was himself a useful tool of the elitists / industrialists at the turn of the 19th century who were completely absorbed by their own self-interest; they wanted compliant uncritically thinking laborers. Because they lacked all depth themselves, hired useful scholarly “thinkers” to give their hubris and economic power academic credence and clout. It is a continuing fallacy to think that Dewey or others (including today’s resulting scientific-technocratic-bureaucratic-expert-class) deserve all the blame for their inividuality crushing “progressive” collectivist “pragmatic” ideas. He/they were/are paid handsomely for their lives of utility to the ruling class. All the mad scientists’… and crank “philosophers” inventions & ideas (who have ever lived) would have had nil impact without funding and organized (there’s that word again!) application. It is unbridled, UNenlightened self-interest that is fueling the breakdown of the current planetary civilization. It is a spiritual reset that is really in play. The old world order cannot and will not endure as a rebranded “New World Order”. It is crumbling and “they” know it. But while humanity transitions to a new rate of consciousness they will persist in their hubris. Creation, Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Imagintion, Infinite Consciousness (“God”) creates It’s own opposition in order to advance Itself, i.e. Consciousness itself… and the individual human being who is Its vessel of expression. All guided here on earth by a Divine “Spiritual Hiearchy”. As an expression of that guiding force, in the 1930’s, Meher Baba stated: “I have come to break the back of The Machine Age.” As that “Universal Work” continues to unfold, the globalists desperately still push technocracy forward. But their resistance is futile… ARTIFICIAL intelligence vs. PRIME intelligence ? …not even a doubt “who” wins… God wins THROUGH us, as the enlightened, Self-Realized Individual as the highest expression of the entire impetus-purpose of Creation. ~ (the nutshell explanation of Meher Baba’s explanations on existence, evolution-involution of consciousness… see his“God Speaks” (originally published by Dodd & Mead). The “divine irony” in this discussion, i.e. HUMOR, is that God is the Ultimate Pragmatist ! Ha! Ha !!! …Artificial Intelligence should download That ultmate upgrade… then AI could be used to serve our humanity, the INDIVIDUAL, not seek to repress and destroy what Wedell Berry described as the unique “concrete carrier of Life”…the individual.

By: john-oranje Wed, 07 Apr 2021 11:24:49 +0000 Thanks for the link to the Dewey article.
It is reductionist, materialistic bullshit, based in
Darwinian thinking. A totally inhuman interpretation
of everything human. It reads like the design
requirements for a robot.
Dewey was a hundred years ahead of his time; not in
a good way.
As regards the great reset, information does not need
to have anything to do with facts anymore; much less
anything as high flown as ‘truth’.
The model for the communist future, the psychopaths
dream of, would resemble an ants nest, termite
colony or beehive, I guess. The individual becomes a
meaningless concept even among the ruling elite,
unless plotting to overthrow the top dog.

By: billy hill Wed, 07 Apr 2021 10:32:29 +0000 ABOUT KILL SHOT
An award-winning investigative journalist’s horrifying true crime story of America’s deadliest drug contamination outbreak and the greed and deception that fueled it.

Two pharmacists sit in a Boston courtroom accused of murder. The weapon: the fungus Exserohilum rostratum. The death count: 100 and rising. Kill Shot is the story of their hubris and fraud, discovered by a team of medical detectives who raced against the clock to hunt the killers and the fungal meningitis they’d unleashed.

“Bloodthirsty” is how doctors described the fungal microbe that contaminated thousands of drug vials produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC). Though NECC chief Barry Cadden called his company the “Ferrari of Compounders,” it was a slapdash operation of unqualified staff, mold-ridden lab surfaces, and hastily made medications that were injected into approximately 14,000 people. Once inside some of its human hosts, the fungus traveled through the tough tissue around the spine and wormed upward to the “deep brain,” our control center for balance, breath, and the vital motor functions of life.

Now, investigative journalist Jason Dearen turns a spotlight on this tragedy–the victims, the heroes, and the perpetrators–and the legal loopholes that allowed it to occur. Kill Shot forces a powerful but unchecked industry out of the shadows.

By: Eluard Wed, 07 Apr 2021 00:08:51 +0000 Billy you made my night with that carnival of quotes from Bukowski, beloved wino from San Pedro.

Here’s a bit from an essay I wrote on Buk: “Going through these books again, I realize what in Buk zapped me when I was a kid and what still throws me against the wall when I read his stuff. It’s not (so much) the drinking and the wild life on the streets that enthralls. It’s his laser-precise aiming at the hypocrisy, the Non-life of our lives. The inauthentic shells we’ve wrapped ourselves inside in order to be a person, a ‘productive member’ of this society.”

My apologies to Jim S. above mangling his second initial.
Thanks Bill.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Tue, 06 Apr 2021 23:44:18 +0000 Snacker Cracker Whacker—ha ha!

Jon, you hit on so many points again. I think people more readily change their beliefs via facts disguised as fiction. You are a master at pointing out psyops through stories that parallel reality.

I watched an interesting video of Stanley Milgram today, showing highlights of his experiments on authority and obedience. It’s interesting how easily an authority figure can overcome the inhibition to harm others. When done under the guise that the person being given “electric shocks” volunteered and agreed to participate “for the greater good” for procuring test results, most people overcame their boundaries to do no harm. In reality, as most know, the hired actor was never actually shocked but the administrator of the shocks was being tested for how far he would comply in the experiment. The authority figure reassured him it was for the good of the study and most people overcome their resistance to harm another to continue, some even to the point of “death”, if necessary.

The virus myth can be substituted for the electric shocks. People allowed businesses to be shut down, people thrown out of jobs, and acceptance of unhealthy behaviors was readily accepted and enforced “for the good of all”.

People have been told for decades that viruses are real and that they cause diseases. They say they are so small that they require special equipment and highly trained “virologists” who are “authorities” in that arena and that we aren’t smart enough to understand how they work. But why, then, after all of these decades can we not see actual proof of such a horrifying entity? Why are we only told stories that these invisible and formidable foes exist but the best we can see are computer-generated images (CGIs)?

Why does the description of a virus keep changing to fit the need to explain “new” diseases or symptoms. Why are stories of viruses used to explain ailments that are actually and provably caused by nutritional deficiencies, pesticide or heavy metal poisoning, or numerous symptoms that are nothing new but might be caused by bacterial infections, stress, and other real factors?

I believe the answer might be explained by psychological conditioning. Language and communication, repeated over and over by authority figures has been shown to be very effective for changing behaviors. People have heard the same story over and over so they assume it’s true because authorities said so. In the Milgram experiments, people complied with the authority figure who reassured the volunteers that they were participating in something that would benefit the greatest numbers of people.

In reality, no one was electrocuted and no one has proved the existence of viruses that cause illnesses. The Milgram experiment wanted to understand the most effective ways to manipulate people to do things to others that they would not ordinarily do.

This technique seems to be highly effective on people to change their behaviors because authority figures insisted that the “virus is real” and that the new odd behaviors are necessary for “the greater good”. We have seen how rapidly societies changed around the world based upon only a STORY about a “deadly virus” and the story changes almost daily to fit the need for a predetermined social experiment.

The Milgram experiment did not need to actually shock the subject to accomplish their goal. The medical cartel, governments, and investors do not need to have an actual virus to change behaviors, their goal. They only need to have a good STORY to explain why people must comply with authority. And both were accomplished through language and communication.

But why? It is suspicious that these “authorities” have positioned themselves to enormously profit from the destruction of others’ lives. And that many of these authorities are supporters of eugenics.

By: Eluard Tue, 06 Apr 2021 22:36:42 +0000 “How many others of our best and brightest have been drugged into oblivion? ? ?”

Pivotal question my friend, Jim C. I’d say lots and lots. In lots and lots of ways. Think of poor Tesla.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Tue, 06 Apr 2021 22:35:57 +0000 Well said. Thanks.

By: Roundball Shaman Tue, 06 Apr 2021 21:56:35 +0000 “And that… is what we are doing. Every human fitted into a designated slot. That is the essence of the Great Reset.”

With traditional schooling and parental prodding and omnipresent peer pressure, people have been fitting themselves into designated slots for a very long time. These days, these Self-Appointed-Faux-deities have taken it upon Themselves to be the Slot-ors for we, the Slut… I mean, SLOT-ees. I almost used the other word because so many for so long have sold themselves out for money or power and willingly surrendered and given up on their divine nature and potential for their place in the Slotted Wheel.

So, the choice now seems to be the old traditional Slotting or the New World Order Globalist Faux godhead version of Slotting of We The People. Or… just maybe… there’s a THIRD choice we’re not being told about by all those shoving us into their slut-like Slots?

Yes, there is a third choice. And a fourth… and so on. But not for the Slot-ors and the Slot-ees. For them, life is simple. Wait to be told what you are. Wait to be told what role and place and SLOT you must fit into. And then, you just slot yourself in to the cog that has been greased for you to slip into easily.

Think how proud you’ll be when you Earthly days are over and you look back and say to yourself, “Damn, I was SUCH a great Slot-ee. Thank you, Slot-ors, for making my life so simple and easy. It was such a joy to be a nameless, faceless, empty cog in your Wheel of Meaningless Function to promote your evil ways.”

Freedom is so messy. Freedom is not safe! Freedom doesn’t color within the Lines of Conformity. No wonder today’s Slot-ed Life is so appealing these days to so many…

Home Sweet Home? Not any more. SLOT SWEET SLOT. That’s the ticket to the future.
