Comments on: The realist vs. the artist Sat, 10 Apr 2021 01:49:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Citizen Quasar Sat, 10 Apr 2021 01:49:51 +0000 Read some Ayn Rand. Use this LINK:

By: Jim S Smith Fri, 09 Apr 2021 15:45:14 +0000 Hmmmm.

Without “imagination”, innovation and invention would never Be!

EVEN the most detailed and elaborate of scientific theories, started somewhere with an “imagined concept”.

1. To Know,
2. To Will,
3. To Dare,
4. To be Silent.

“Reality” is the base template, “creativity” is in how to express and apply that reality.

By: Opie Poik Fri, 09 Apr 2021 11:59:42 +0000 That’s mighty gracious of you to say. I have no idea what went wrong.

Here’s something nice from just today:

“Every day I would go to the hospital convinced that I had heard all that was possible by way of self-destruction, but human inventiveness in this special field of endeavor is infinite, and even the most unimaginative persons can, and frequently do, invent new ways to make themselves miserable—predictably and knowingly so—without any external compulsion.

“Intellectual utopian schemers are reluctant to accept the existence of a human propensity to self-destruction. Come the revolution—or rather, come their revolution, for no other will satisfy them—self-destruction will disappear from the range of human possibility because life will be so delightful that it will occur to no one to spoil it.

“If you believe that, you will believe anything, as the Duke of Wellington said to the man who approached him and said, ‘Mr. Jones, I believe.’”

Individuals must “paint” themselves out of their corners, as I believe Jon Rappoportsays, over and over.

By: john-oranje Fri, 09 Apr 2021 09:49:36 +0000 Stubborn illiteracy!
…THEIR products; not THERE products.
Maybe it doesn’t matter a damn. But it bothers the
hell out of me.
Just imagine you have corrected yourself without any
input from me.

By: Alan Fri, 09 Apr 2021 06:21:24 +0000 Imagine that America has a true, honest president in office. Some other country needs Second Amendment rights, to defend a “Free State” of the people. Perhaps to overthrow the tyranny that is ruling over them (the kind we are seeing with pretty much every government in the world, under the pretext of war against COVID).

Their people learn the meaning and the spirit behind the constitutional article. They (peacefully) demonstrate massively for said rights, not to petition their own tyrannical government, but to petition the American president and the American people. The Americans (the conservative groups) are impressed, and they support it by initiating “Operation Armyzon”: for a period of time, the oppressed people can place orders online for firearms at American retailers, who ship the merchandise (with proper address labels) to a central collection point. Then, the Marines make a massive delivery of all the packages to the doors of the customers. Thereby, Second Amendment rights are secured for the oppressed people. This sets the precedence for the rest of the world to become liberated as Second Amendment Free States. History remembers the day as the most glorious and peaceful mission in human history.

In fact, the above was the situation Hong Kong was facing back in 2019, during the anti-ChiCom protests. But the people failed the very first step, for no one could believe in this opportunity.

By: Tim Fri, 09 Apr 2021 03:10:03 +0000 A mind ruled by fear leads to nightmares.
A mind ruled by LOVE leads to Infinite Creation.

Thank You all for for your help.

By: Lyn P Fri, 09 Apr 2021 01:22:08 +0000 The part that is there says a lot.

By: Lyn P Fri, 09 Apr 2021 01:21:15 +0000 Imagination — thinking and dreaming out of the box of one’s own self — was so natural in childhood. The outlets I recall were puppet shows, dress up, doll families, the sandbox, street games like “Statue,” and when a little older, a self-designed variety radio show recorded on cassette.

What % of these types of things, and the exploration they bring, are lost on the shapeable minds of the young today? Immediately upon achieving grip strength they are handed a screen. Or increasingly, wear an attached device. Programmed thereby. Watch as children are transformed to BE, in part, machines.

By: Hyden Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:12:17 +0000 The observed and the observer are interconnected not separate. That’s what Krishnamurti/buddha was worried about mans state OF MIND and what type of world we have created.

Stop playing the game boycott there products, and stop voting. toal non compliance….

The five Abhinna (Supernatural Powers): Pali – abhi, excellent, nana, wisdom) are:

Iddhividha = Creative power;
Dibbasola = Divine Ear;
Cetopariya nana = Knowledge of others’ thoughts;
Pubbenivasanussati = Knowledge of one’s past existence;
Dibbacakkhu = The Divine eye.

The Abhinna are attainable not only by the Buddha, but also by Arantas and Ariyas, by ordinary mortals who practise according to the Scriptures (as was the case with hermits etc, who flourished before the time of the Buddha and who were able to fly through the air and traverse different worlds).

By: Roundball Shaman Thu, 08 Apr 2021 19:24:14 +0000 “You think consciousness is a steady-state THING. It’s dynamic and alive. No matter how high you go, there’s always something more. Something new that can be created. There is no final state of consciousness.”

Universe is very accommodating. It will turn into whatever one believes it to be. If one thinks consciousness is a fixed, steady-state thing, then Universe IS THAT… for them. Not the True Universe, but the (false) one that the person chooses to believe in that has nothing dynamic or alive in it.

If one realizes the True Universe of unlimited potential as it truly exists, then Universe IS THAT for them. Universe will give you exactly what you accept of it. It’s the true Magic Lantern told of olden days. You wish it to be so… and it is. Universe. What a nice toy to play with…
