Comments on: An American city is burning on television Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:20:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim_2A Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:20:47 +0000 What I understand is that ‘morgellon’ is the name of that “worm-parasite.”

A video from bitchute (about an hour-and-a-half long), that another commenter/reader gave a link to some time back (unfortunately, I’ve misplaced it, or the link would be here), showed an interested party putting two of the “test swabs” obtained from a ‘health facility’ of some kind up against each other, where THE FIBERS ACTIVELY FOUGHT EACH OTHER, which made the maker of that section of the video comment that they were OBVIOUSLY NOT cotton fibers.

She had experience with “morgellons,” as her body was infested with them ALREADY, so she was horrified that they were being introduced into other people’s bodies OBVIOUSLY without their consent.

Dr. Tom Cowan was at the very end of the video, which may help you to find it, if you’re so inclined.

Those PARASITIC WORMS are being placed in close proximity to the thinnest bone in the human skull, and they presumably are meant to INVADE OUR BRAIN from that area.

I hope another interested party can re-post the link to that video, as I can’t find it again.

If brain invasion’s something that blows sunshine up the sheeples’ skirts, then they can have it!

Actually, ‘they’ probably don’t even notice it.

By: HeyJude Sat, 17 Apr 2021 01:03:38 +0000 And remind people that repeat the “we’re all in this together” refrain, that NO, we are all in this separately, apart, and mostly alone. This meme is repulsive and subversive.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 16 Apr 2021 20:49:07 +0000

By: Sean Fri, 16 Apr 2021 14:57:44 +0000 Well at least we know what’s going on and what will have to be dealt with. Thanks for the good work you do Rick.

By: Sean Fri, 16 Apr 2021 14:53:21 +0000 Thank you too Lyn P.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Fri, 16 Apr 2021 14:20:44 +0000 Yep. Thanks for putting it out there.

By: Brad Fri, 16 Apr 2021 14:20:12 +0000 Spot on! enough said.

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Fri, 16 Apr 2021 13:07:46 +0000 The latest on masks being covered by Mike Adams and others on youtube is that they’re infused with some type of microscopic living worm-parasite. I saw a medical waste company van the other day and it occured to me again, as it did last year, that old masks qualify as medical waste– and that if they’re being disposed of carelessly, that that could lead to lawsuits. Of course, waiting for that to happen has been a disappointment- and it seems that anything I think makes sense, anymore, is ignored. Still, its true. Used masks qualify as medical waste.. but worse, it appears they’re infused with microparasites.

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Fri, 16 Apr 2021 12:59:21 +0000 I actually emailed a virologist at U of AZ asking about cycles, based on Jon’s explanations, but his (the virologists) long winded answer seemed designed to make me think it was designed to make me THINK he answered my critique but actually did not. So the use of language itself is being employed to spin us in circles.

In direct emails to experts on this issue and others where I’m careful to state a question concisely and precisely, I get crickets.

I take pride in myself for not honking my horn at the local mobile test site I did a month ago and then shouting “covid is a hoax!”… but then maybe I’m afraid someone will spray paint my car. The motley and variously dressed (no uniforms) group of tester-people of various ages at the testing tables at this particular testing site was pretty disturbing. There’s a reason why we want to see medical personnel, even pharmacists, dressed in uniforms: It says “I’m a professional”.

When these mobile covid testing crews DO dress professionally, they look MORE disturbing– like they’re rehearsing for a scene in one of the 200 movies Jon cited about contagious disease attacking a population.

As opposed to the “it’s all good” quip that some people have taken to using, I think I’ll turn it around and start saying “it’s all bad” when I can.

By: DSKlausler Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:26:24 +0000 Correct.
