Comments on: The unanimous News conforms Fri, 23 Apr 2021 04:49:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: saeger Fri, 23 Apr 2021 04:49:21 +0000 hey Sean, on flip, had been without a cell over a year, as company beginning with a v tanked my phone and million other people when they ‘discontinued’ 3g, which they didn’t have to, because it’s base tech, same with browsers thing been going on, but back to point, was without and just using landline, looked for flip that wasn’t junk, looked at lot of reviews, was a hassle, one seemed least problem and finally bought was kyocera dura. and I put tape over camera, and removable opaque scotch tape all over the screen, because cams behind screen, imo. so blurs. lol. have to try stop the monkeys as we can. had two weeks now, ok so far. bought at a v store so if problem could return within couple weeks. thought to share if you happen back by thread.
And yep agree again on paper, reading at night way to go to sleep.

By: Sean Wed, 21 Apr 2021 23:08:13 +0000 Michael, Is kinda like that old saying, Gods not finished with me yet. But basically the knowledge from this article reveals what is going on, and also what can be done about it. Like where to throw the monkey wrenchs where it counts.

By: Sean Wed, 21 Apr 2021 23:04:28 +0000 Hey Saeger, totally agree about the fcc. Its obvious from studying this test that they have total control of the airwaves, and they promote people to become listeners of broken rules and to snitch them off. So Im not excited one bit about any of that. I can however hear whats going on and learning the waves gives an understanding where the Red zones are ect. And I also like to buy real books again vs electronic and I use near no apps on android, instead go directly on internet. But its flip phone time, gps in car time, and mp3 player time.

By: Saeger Mon, 19 Apr 2021 06:07:43 +0000 hi Sean, few thoughts to mention, agendists sort of pushed alternative or prepper focus the last decade so people focused on that instead of stopping the agendists, one being ham radio etc, which, now stuff has gone to this point, saw a year or two ago so-called fcc, or some govt in calif and I think elsewhere were restricting them now. To me, agencies such as fcc it’s been a false system setup, to dictate only agendists media can use our air-waves, claiming ‘regulate’ etc, which isn’t right, because territory and air belongs to all of us. Anyway, not to set aside your interest just side note. Your post good to think on, question frenqencies etc. The web seems harder to search now, though still some things, and of course chat with others around us where we live, friends etc, share and learn, dig info that way, on ULF and ELF, and other things mentioned.
I think people over rely on cel fones, or expectations, myself always keep stuff written on paper, also addresses, and like direct communicating person to person rather than fones, is better privacy.

Interesting post, appreciated.

By: eceres Mon, 19 Apr 2021 05:22:57 +0000 Jon inspires, uses his life energy so well,

and what if we all did.

thanks for inspire,

lives upward, best example of what

april – aries can be and share

By: stephen langley Sat, 17 Apr 2021 21:59:48 +0000 His death is merely another random coincidence no doubt according to the news industry’s penchant for ignoring reality, i.e. cause and effect. Anyone who allows themselves to be programmed by it not only unquestioningly accepts the lies, they also internalize the inability to make connections / synthesize information. According to the “news” everything is just random chaos. This is the polar opposite of investigative journalism that seeks to make accurate and truthful sense of what, where, when, how, who and why.

By: Benjamin Martin Sat, 17 Apr 2021 21:54:16 +0000 Another timely article, Jon, so succinctly put. It may well be that such a zeitgeist as that which we have entered nullifies the possibility of any ‘outward’ clarification, and that an essential truth will always nullify itself.

Still, I cannot understand why nobody in Congress, for starters, has confronted Fauci on the basis of absolutely incontrovertible evidence that he is plainly a highly accomplished liar; moreover, one who is prepared to lie to the public on a grand scale if he deems it necessary to do so. His claim in March last year that masks don’t work was, by his own admission, an effortlessly delivered lie. And so how might he expect to win the trust of the public when they have been afforded such a demonstration? He was, after all, perfectly convincing in the first instance. Even Orwellian doublethink cannot counter this type of charge.

A similar kind of perspective is involved when considering Bill Gates’s infamous Ted Talk about administering vaccines to reduce populations. One group said he meant to use it as a bio weapon, while the other claimed that he meant it to be used as a means of reducing the risk of infant mortality, meaning that families will not fear requiring ‘backup’ etc. Yet the glaring problem is simply that Gates himself never qualified what he meant, and a) given the ample degree of potential for such a remark to be misinterpreted either way, and b) that he surely would not want to be interpreted as implying the former if his intentions were decent, we might only conclude that his intentions were indeed very sinister.

Yet somehow such obvious and damning modes of enquiry – such as with regard to Fauci and Gates – get constantly overlooked.

By: stephen langley Sat, 17 Apr 2021 21:41:08 +0000 Wow confirmation and validation of one of my personal defenses against media lies ! One must counter the babble spewing from “the idiot box”… talking back really is effective in countering lies whether tv or from some idiot parroting the box. …happy to hear others do same… as well as always bearing in mind Mark Twain’s maxim about the newspapers, the only media of his day: “If you don’t read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed.”

By: L Garou Sat, 17 Apr 2021 13:24:46 +0000 The phony baloney U.S. of Everything is Rigged, Illegal (or pending).
Exemplified by a M$M fifth column of presstitutes and their corporate pimps.

By: Eluard Sat, 17 Apr 2021 02:33:43 +0000 People use it to ward off fear. And silence. And fear of silence. They’ve used it so long now they feel guilty about it and so it’s fear plus guilt.

But it’s okay. The silence is your friend. It’s waiting for you with open arms. That’s the thing people forget. That they’ve been brainwashed into forgetting.

I wish they would let go.
