Comments on: Meet the Medical CIA Sun, 23 May 2021 22:18:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: JanetJames Sun, 23 May 2021 22:18:22 +0000 Yesterday on You Tube I saw a good doc put out last year called “HIV = AIDS Fauci’s First Fraud” or something close to that. It was stunning – as much as anything can still be I guess. Pretty well done; lots of clips and scientists and journalists. Folks should look for it; read the more info box first. It’s really worth it.
They’ve learned; HIV/AIDS = SarsCov2/Convid on steriods. The parallels are incredible, just they figured out how to apply it to everyone, and have it in the air…the whole shebang.

By: Art Tue, 27 Apr 2021 01:40:33 +0000 The whole show here on earth is run by Satan to a large degree. If not, why did he say to Jesus “I’ll give you the authority over all those [earthly] kingdoms if you worship me?” Satan’s kingdoms are everywhere. Especially in all the strategically important places/systems which exercise much control/authority over a large number of people (governments, judicial systems, medical/pharmaceutical industries, mainstream media, formal education, etc.). The only system that cannot be ruled by Satan is the church that Jesus has been building. And he says that even the gates of hell will not prevail against it. It is the true church where Christ is the head. BUT there are many denominations/congregations where the devil has much influence as well. So our reality is very complicated. Therefore we must put on the armor of God and fight until He takes us home.

By: OzzieThinker Mon, 26 Apr 2021 04:50:11 +0000 Another great article, Jon

And, of course, I have also pointed out that the industrialists created “immunization” philosophic “reasoning” to obscure the very blatant fact that their pollution was the cause of many of the giant plagues from the eighteen hundreds onward.

I tackle things this way in my latest article which gives you a discrete plug

“It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the only other “worldwide” epidemic in living memory was HIV and that, our illustrious Medias inform us now, turned out to be a dud. Mostly identical contingency planners for Coronavirus are in position to pull strings. Jon Rappoport’s AIDS Inc. argues the earlier “great commercial opportunity” was a medical heist run by people who (largely) didn’t give a damn about healthcare or the authenticity of the plague concerns. They did care about money. How much it was going to cost to grease palms and rig market fear. How much they were going to reap from the enterprise. Jon’s book is jam packed full of detailed information but, for me, the most critical above critical specific path he follows provides reasons for why AIDS came into being. Truth on the matter would petrify the average gargoyle insomuch as it demonstrates “powers” possess neither conscience nor scruples. It is imperative to emphasise that HIV never did cause AIDS (just as Coronavirus possibly does not cause any deaths that show up as “positive”). AIDS was the resulting side effect of an anti-HIV drug called AZT. Vitally, those behind the introduction of AZT would have not been even slightly surprised by its toxic attack of any body.”


By: julien romanovsky Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:45:40 +0000 Anne Frank Diary a proven hoax

Bill Gates of hell (a crypto j.) funds the CDC lavishly

What does that say about Jon(athan) crypto j.Rappoport?

JR is feeding his sheep with his contropo controlled opposition.

Bill Gates of hell is pumping a lot of money in the msm
it would not surpñrise me that a few shekels are flushed
to Jon(athan) Rappoport



By: julien romanovsky Sun, 25 Apr 2021 20:32:34 +0000 COVID 1948

A great deal of the original AF diary is written with a ballpoint, funny, in that time there were no ballpoints yet…..

So even your best foot is a bad foot, Paul.

Many of the ceo´s and science chief officers of the vaxx companies of Big Pharma are j.´s btw.

@ Jon You write OK , I am just a-once-in-a-year-or-so visitor here, but you must be a tribemember if you have not covered this issue. It certainly is your Achilles heel in that case.

Having lived for 25+ years in the centre of Amsterdam in the grachtengordel (canal belt) I know when I started to question the veracity of the AF diary some 11 years ago and got quite vocal about it I found it as expected that an open talmud/tanya nerve was touched with all the uncomfortable consequences that it had, anyway I am still breathing, many of the synagogue members who tried to – to put it mildly- spoil my day are schon Jenseits.

The covid circus is a fraud orchestrated by the satanic j.bankers and their personell.

The real sting lies in the test and the vaxx and the Great Corset lockdowns & mask etc. of j. Klaus Schwab
apprentice of j. Heinz Kissinger both longtime prominent members of the massmurdering RotSchild cabal the groovy Bohemian Bilderberg diabolic baby devouring & adrenochrome aperitivo drinking gang.

Last but not least I don´t buy the news that the slc sweet little country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean (SINCE 1948) is being slaughtered by the j. vaxx men…

For a nano second I thought maybe Andre Bourla a Sefardi j. from Tessaloniki (Greece) Pfizer ceo, was taking revenge for the carcinogenic ringworm treatment that Sefardi j. children got by the Ashkenazi doctors (tens of thousands of these kids died)

But Milikovsky aka NetanyaWhodid911 & his Likud ass lickers would not have allowed that.

The slc aka Talmudistan aka RotSchildstein aka AnneFrankenstein must remain a white (fake) j. area.

These vaxx report-antis who feel now discriminated against did they ever side with the (real DNA Hebrews of 2000+ years ago) Beta Israel Ethiopians who have no life there or the Palestinians?

An extra reason why the slc guinee pig story is fake news:

The slc has no 5 G 60 ghz roll out…..


By: Gabreal Jones Sun, 25 Apr 2021 16:18:50 +0000 Check out:


By: Tim Esup Sun, 25 Apr 2021 01:12:55 +0000 Everyone should read this article, the comments, and watch the embedded videos.

By: Andy Sat, 24 Apr 2021 20:08:38 +0000 Michael: I also believe that the Big C shows beyond all doubt that they are “All in.” Of all the hoaxes/delusions/illusions foisted on mankind by the barbarians, I believe it is the biggest yet. I believe it is the wake up call of all wake up calls. If it doesn’t create the biggest schism in the soul of everybody and anybody, I don’t know what will. The fact that ‘They’ are indeed ‘All in’ is a silver lining, a blessing that I was reminded of after reading an article I found on a website linked by the ‘State of the Nation’ website. I neglected to note the website/article, but to paraphrase, it said that when those in government office and corporate leadership realise that they have much more to fear from the people they (are supposed to) serve than from the Deep State handlers who control them, everything changes in a day and a night. The fact ‘They’ are indeed ‘All in’ is our silver lining. Thanks for reminding us.

By: BDBinc Sat, 24 Apr 2021 01:11:38 +0000 How do you sequence something you don’t have?
I can answer that. When you don’t have it( a “sars cov2 virus” )you get a computer to generate a 30,000 string of rna out of a dna sample and call it ” sars cov2″.
You get a sample of dna from a random human and add bovine dna here’s exactly what you do when you don’t have a real ” sars cov2 virus” but want to pretend you do.
The cia’s media will not tell you the NIH have registered 100,000 ” sars cov2″ mutants, as each time the different labs computer generate rna sequences the results are slightly different. As they are not isolating anything and a ” sars cov2 virus” is not there to start with.
Its a virtual virus.
And more and more people do not believe they have lost it people do not want the injection. The covid19 psyop has lost momentum so they are back to pedaling (fear and )the guilt inducing man made climate nonsense.

By: Tesla Ozone for Optimal Health Fri, 23 Apr 2021 20:02:51 +0000 What DID happen in Wuhan? Too much electomagnetic poisoning from 5G mini cell towers? It was China’s first “smart city”. No, we’re told that’s bonkers. It was a virus.
