Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: What it means Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:15:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sink Pisser Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:15:04 +0000 Back to the “matrix” bullshit how about a simple explanation of what your pushing so hard you lose all credibility. I am the first to applaud your investigative work and abilities but the problem comes from your other side. Meaning why push the matrix so hard? Why not write a simple explanation of the word as meant by you. I have never used the word or encountered its usage in 55 years. I of course am refering to real life or real world day to day.
I think its quite a normal question that you seem to avoid maybe to caught up in selling books or possibly think I am the problem with stupid questions. Is the book in any libraries?
Do you like libraries? I somehow doubt it considering the hard heavy sale done here.
Some of the red flag observations is the hard heavy sale. The single life thing that you latched onto and cannot move past.
The distance you keep and the similarities to trump. You tend to insult all that question or fail to grasp your views. No empathy and no friendly disageements.

By: Larry C Sun, 25 Apr 2021 19:24:12 +0000 Speechless…

By: Larry C Sun, 25 Apr 2021 04:14:56 +0000 SURAMIN: VERY EFFECTIVE… AND BANNED.

By: Larry C Sun, 25 Apr 2021 04:06:52 +0000 THE PRISON OF YOUR MIND.

By: Lewis Papier Sat, 24 Apr 2021 21:14:56 +0000 People. We all need to donate to help Professor Miller sue his colleagues at NYU. He’s suing his colleagues after they went after him after he dared to challenge the mainstream medical narrative about masking in his Propaganda course. Here is the GoFundme page: Here is Professor Miller being interviewed on the Corbett report:

By: kozandaishi Sat, 24 Apr 2021 16:50:10 +0000 COVID-19 Tribunal Exposing Willful Misconduct

By: Paul Sat, 24 Apr 2021 12:03:02 +0000 “It’s as if
a painter is working on a mural,
and the global population
is looking at that mural
and seeing it as Reality.”


Heather McDonald will be featured on FOX’s Life Liberty Levin, this Sunday.

Her forte is on police matters & cancel culture.

McDonald is like Jon, thorough researcher, disentangled of “the numbers,” with expert analysis.

Removing the cobwebs, of media distortion.

Enjoy your weekend.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sat, 24 Apr 2021 11:04:15 +0000 Wildflower Dreams

Today I awoke in a sundial dream
Surrounded by sea of wildflower,
Radiant miracles laughing in the sun
Bathing me in a sublime Gaian shower
Soothing my tortured soul,
While far away
The streets of blood did flow
Between the flaming tenements and barrios,
While beyond the city screams
And the garish lights of modernity
I heard the Angel’s sigh
As they opened the doorway out of history
Through which I passed
Into the blessed wildness
Savoring the passion of the mystery
Beyond the slashing hands of time
Where eternity intersects infinity,
I Followed a clear mountain stream
Attempting it’s daring escape to the ocean,
Seeing things that no words
Could ever describe
Beauty so sublime, so coy,
I was stunned
Which even my most eloquent grunts
Cannot begin to capture,
Though wannabe poets may try
Grasping at words
While their impressed lovers cry
Their tears of misplaced admiration,
Have you seen the tapestry of wildflower
That adorns the high mountain meadows?
To feel their vibrant beauty
As the sun rises over
The ridges blue
And I imbibe their delightful fragrance
Drinking in their refreshing dew,
Infusing the essence of my being
With awe and wonder
As they speak to me
In a language
That needs no translation,
What a miracle
That after the formation of
This living cosmos,
Orchard of Nebulae,
Vineyard of galaxies
After all the gilded eons
We can share this moment together
A rare treat indeed,
Each precious moment
A wrinkle in eternity
For it is in the agony
And the ecstasy of the present
That our souls blossom forth
And on this fine day
One lone wildflower
With her lady bug companions
Spoke to me
Thanking me
For the appreciation of her beauty,
Mesmerized was I
By her radiant color
The symmetry
The fragrance
The pure enchantment of it all,
To have such a secret tryst
Was about the finest thing
That ever happened to me,
Was it just a second
Or an Eternity at play?
I know not but
I carry that flower
In my heart to this day
And tho this day will surely end
I can sing the blues
And be in love
With the world again!
