Comments on: The non-existent virus; and the implications Fri, 07 May 2021 22:18:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Hudon Fri, 07 May 2021 22:18:48 +0000 This is where a hunter gatherer gardener like me will be free from their tyrannical rule.

By: Richard Hudon Fri, 07 May 2021 22:15:12 +0000 They are not working on a “virus”.
They are working on the reproduction of spike proteins, synthetic lab ones, that they can control.
The mRNA chemical machine is what they are developing in order to try to modify our DNA and fundamentally change our nature.
It’s been in the works since before the genetically modified dolly the sheep.

By: Roger That Fri, 07 May 2021 21:27:43 +0000 I have a relative that had the same symptoms, smell and taste gone, burning in the chest, bad nasal problems. Some doctors in Russia allowed autopsy on several deceased covid patients. They had blood clots in multiple parts of the body, all of them. The disease has a gene sequence not found in nature. I still would not be vaxxed.

By: Tom Clark Thu, 29 Apr 2021 03:43:10 +0000 Women in India on twitter…

By: Tom Clark Thu, 29 Apr 2021 03:31:36 +0000 “Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology.”
Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry, Munchen.

Every year, just prior to the impending “flu season,” the CDC and their acquiescent media pawns terrorize the American public with false claims regarding annual flu deaths. The CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people die every year from the flu. Such scare tactics are calculated to increase flu vaccine sales. However, according to the CDC’s own official records documented in National Vital Statistics Reports, only a few hundred people die from influenza (flu) on an average year. And many of these deaths occur in people with preexisting conditions, weakened immune systems, and the elderly. Annual Flu Deaths: The Big Lie By Neil Z. Miller

For more than 25 years, thinking people have been reevaluating the HIV=AIDS hypothesis. The number of biomedical scientists saying that the cause of AIDS is still unknown has been growing fast since the initial HIV discovery announcement in April 1984. Either scientists do not see evidence for a lethal virus called HIV — saying that it has never really been isolated — or they assert that the virus is harmless. In any case, it is helpful to remember that, in science, correlation is not causation.

Fauci is doing for Covid, what he did for HIV/AIDS

By: trishwriter Thu, 29 Apr 2021 01:22:55 +0000 I listened to Pam Popper until a few weeks ago, when she “proved” that SARS-COV2 existed, except she didn’t prove it. I lost a lot of respect for her after watching that video.

By: Larry Z Wed, 28 Apr 2021 10:34:24 +0000 Doesn’t the fact that there is no virus – yet given what we are witnessing and experiencing in the world with the covid tyranny – make one feel as if one is living through some kind of dream-horror life, is this even real?

I want to focus on something particular, the whole Pfizer vaccine thing in Israel. Us dissidents need to give it more attention. Given that Israel has the highest vaccination rate by far (lab rat nation), and it is claiming it has been a big success and the country is off lockdown etc.

We know they are faking it (because no virus), they have to, too much at stake. The question is how? Obviously less testing (just like the testing in Israel picked up big time in December and January, and we all know why), but they are still testing a lot of people in Israel (aprox. 4 per thousand in late April), making it one of the highest numbers per thousand in the world, still. Along with the UAE. My source is the massive covid-19 stats database at Our World in Data (J Hopkins university).

Something else is accounting for the drop in positive corona numbers in Israel, aside from the drop in testing numbers. There was of course the change in WHO testing protocol guidelines the day Biden was inaugurated. Confirmatory PCR and/or running lower cycles on PCR. This of course would also cause corona positive numbers to drop. I have tried though to get confirmation of this change in testing protocols from Israeli sources (I am in Israel), but of course the media and the Health Ministry are part of the problem, no transparency. I have found nothing. Anybody else have better luck than me? I mean it may well be publicly admitted to, and I just missed it. I don’t know. I am just talking Israel here. We need to keep digging…

Need to add, there has been an uptick in cardiac ailments, cardiac arrests in Israel, the last few months, higher than baseline levels. I read about this in the Hebrew language press. One clinic director blames anything – including the stress of the lockdowns – for this state of affairs, but the vaccines. Even as heart inflammation is a known side-effect of the Pfizer vac. Anyhow if he did publicly suspect the vaccines, he would probably be fired.

There are of course multiple cover-ups here, and I especially fear the long-term effects, yet to come through. What for example, to young women who fall pregnant or were pregnant, when they got the vaccine? What will be the health or otherwise of their babies?

So much more…

By: Alan Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:35:35 +0000 “You have been lied to – by your doctors.”

By: Alan Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:24:53 +0000 This Japanese video (TV program?) suggested that, even tiny amounts of metals in the body, such as dental amalgam, can hugely increase one’s susceptibility to EMF damage. I’m sure the metals in vaccines can have that effect as well. You just don’t need anything elaborate; the EMF is the poison.


By: Alan Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:17:12 +0000 All of the “bio-weapon” and “gain of function” blah blah blah is baloney. It’s all empty, fantasy theory on paper. They have never presented any purified sample of any bio-weapon, nor demonstrated that any micro-organism or virus can cause disease via the normal paths of infection (inhale, ingest, touch).

If you inject, however, random (foreign) biochemical substance (such as nucleic acids) into the blood, that causes haywire, because there is no natural way for such to get there otherwise.

Virologists and bio-weapon researchers lie their way to their pay, and frame their claims to their fame.
