Comments on: The Pandemic on Television Fri, 30 Apr 2021 03:45:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: CynthiEmm Fri, 30 Apr 2021 03:45:39 +0000 Awesome playlist! thanks for sharing that.

By: Fredrick Wed, 28 Apr 2021 18:46:39 +0000 With his knowledgeable contacts, organize a strategy, devote every column to that strategy, and to the new information that becomes available. Compile a list of questions and send to the top medical officials in their regions responsible for this questionable covid response. For instance: why are they not obtaining full Informed Consent? The “vaccines” are experimental, ongoing trials. Moderna, Identifier: NCT04470427, estimated study completion date is not till October 27, 2022. This is human experimentation. By not obtaining full and explicit Informed Consent from recipients, this contravenes the Nuremberg Code (1947).

By: za ka lu Wed, 28 Apr 2021 18:29:02 +0000 news is business–
government is business—
science is business—
statism is business—

By: L Garou Wed, 28 Apr 2021 12:57:12 +0000 Psycho-Techno mesmerism, with a big dash of pharmacopoeia..

By: Mac Wed, 28 Apr 2021 06:02:09 +0000 advertising tactics 101.
or propaganda tactics 301.

create ‘excitement’
make the thing you’re trying to push seem ‘desired’
make people think it’s ‘popular’
make it seem hard to get
use media figures as ‘example to follow’ -sort of same as training dogs.

Looks as if they hit the points with the concert, or is it con cert.

feel free to copy list. took time to know. applies to everything. harder to sell us when you know the drill.

By: Saeger Wed, 28 Apr 2021 02:59:13 +0000 Him and dan rathers. jennings got cancer not long after. and rather got shifted around a while after that also. Makes me think of subject, what would happen if everybody or even half us rmade effort on stuff at one time. the people controllers count on being able to tank us one or another here or there, whether protesting, or bogus system, for instance at least a third of people have had some sort of bad lawyers or bogus judges etc, problem is everyone not having problem same time to then make action or effort.

Or really at base, think maybe is failure to acknowlege bad problems around us and – pre empt things, by stopping situtations first, before gets to us. Mistake most people didn’t teach kidz, anticipation, action. Basic life stuff, natural law. More and more I think we shouldn’t have left the jungle.

Anyway, here’s a thing, been on bit of food thing so here’s a flavor, get some pinapple, strawberries, orange, chop, mash, shake in bottle or something with little water then add some full fat yogurt and shake. good stuff.

By: Eluard Wed, 28 Apr 2021 00:35:21 +0000 I feel the same Barbara, the human spirit will overcome this monstrous desecration. I feel heartened by Jon and his readers and the many others like Dr. Kaufman and Reiner Fuellmich who are reflecting the irrepresible light of the Truth. Thank you for your sentiments.

By: May Hem Tue, 27 Apr 2021 23:03:04 +0000 A concert to re-unite the world! I can hardly wait!!!

“Britain’s Prince Harry and his wife Meghan will co-chair a fundraising concert urging more vaccinations that will air on May 8, event organizers have announced, as Queen Elizabeth II returned to royal duties following the funeral of her husband Philip.

President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris will also appear at Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World, where performers will include Jennifer Lopez, Eddie Vedder, J Balvin and HER. The French President and Canadian Prime Minister will also appear at the event.”

Well thank goodness: “The (very small) audience will comprise fully vaccinated frontline and essential workers.”

the campaign is pushing businesses to “donate dollars for doses”, and for G7 governments to share excess vaccines. It also urges pharmaceutical companies “including Moderna to make vaccines available at not-for-profit prices”.

Generous and fair-minded Harry and Meghan have said: “We can’t leave anybody behind. We will all benefit, we will all be safer when everyone everywhere has equal access to the vaccine.

“We must pursue equitable vaccine distribution, and in that, restore faith in our common humanity. This mission couldn’t be more critical.”

I wonder how much Harry and Mefhan are being paid for this promo?

By: JB Tue, 27 Apr 2021 22:23:43 +0000 Jessica may have been killed. I think she did some expose on the NFL and gambling or something.

By: Eluard Tue, 27 Apr 2021 20:34:44 +0000 Fredrick,

What do you suggest the man do? For many months he’s been peeling layer after layer, often the same layers again and again, so people can see the Con happening in front of and to them.

To make a real collective change it would have to seep into the minds of many of the sheeple still watching and believing the very news he speaks of here. That’s why he keeps hammering at the PCR, at No Isolation, at the fraud of the CDC. I think that’s pretty darn meaningful and constructive. Sure, he’s done a lot of de-constructing too, but there are also many tools he’s been offering along the way. That’s on Us to spot and utilize them.

He’s one man, with a good platform and some loyal readers–the problem for Jon is, his work is often too deep for most and when it’s very simple–as lately exposing the lie of virus isolation–no one but us seems to absorb and believe it.

So what should Jon do, Fred? (Or any of us, individually?) You do know he’s a healthy octogenarian, don’t you? Storming the Bastille might not be the order of the day at this point.
