Comments on: Vaccine hustlers can’t keep their story straight; evangelicals, black people, Trumpers; who’s “hesitating?” Tue, 04 May 2021 15:22:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake Tue, 04 May 2021 15:22:22 +0000 Zoey, wake up already. Trump is not on your side, he is part of the problem. You and many others have been duped by Trump. Many have had the wherewithal to come to terms with this reality. You should too.

By: Jimmy Mon, 03 May 2021 23:14:00 +0000 Wrong. Trump actually lost 700 million dollars of his wealth while being president. If you’re going to pop-off at the lip, at least know what you’re talking about.

By: Jimmy Mon, 03 May 2021 23:04:25 +0000 Always the victim, Victor. Pathetic. I laughed out loud at your “(extremely) left-wing activist. Are you part of the domestic terrorist group, blm?

By: Zoey Mon, 03 May 2021 05:09:26 +0000 Spot on Kathleen:)

By: Zoey Mon, 03 May 2021 05:05:36 +0000 I think there’s a method to Trump’s madness. Trump/military are in vicious war against demonic, unscrupulous savages who have endless power, wealth & access to military grade weapons.
Keep in mind, Trump knew election would be stolen. He knew he’d be leaving office temporarily until military completed assessment of DNI report confirming foreign/domestic election interference. Trump had to do whatever he could before leaving office to counter Deep State’s plan to lockdown world for 5+ years until vaccine was produced, which would have been far more devastating than expediting a vaccine. The expedited vaccine is authorized temporarily for emergency use, which prevents government from mandating it. At least now people have a choice whether to get vax or not. In addition, it’s allowing people to see that Biden admin/Deep State scum had no intention of giving people back their freedom after getting vaccine. Also, Trump made public announcment about the remedy he was given to cure his own Covid, sending message that this is NOT a deadly virus. Again, this is a WAR – Casualties are inevitable.
We also have to remember that Deep State is ruthless, vile & plays incredibly dirty & won’t hesitate to poison water supplies or blow-up tens of thousands of people if Trump/military don’t comply with certain demands. Although some of Trump’s words may seem reckless, I believe they’re are part of a military operation that will ensure demise of the Deep State, because let’s face it, if Deep State wins there will be no America.

By: Andy Sun, 02 May 2021 03:56:05 +0000 Hi Alan. I think the Mask of the Beast and the ‘Vaccine’ are still just preludes/warm-ups/preparations for when the actual ‘Mark’ necessary for continuing to participate in our Beast system actually comes on the scene. What better way to begin the great separation of wheat and chaff? They’re excellent (shit-) tests and means of initiation to gauge the level of allegiance. I don’t think anyone can deny the genius behind it all. The more I contemplate it, the more I think the ‘Vaccine’ is yet only another symbol of initiation and test of allegiance, and likely contains nothing but harmless normal saline. They’re ingenious ways of testing allegiance without actually really doing anything other than manipulating psyches en masse. Without doubt they are gigantic psyops, and probably rank as the biggest I’ve seen in my life thus far. Simple preparations for the actual ‘Mark’ without which you won’t be able to continue to participate in what is, and always has been, the Beast system.

By: Sm Sat, 01 May 2021 12:01:50 +0000 Yes madmag ,the critically thinking video is excellent with five experts and two of them are part of the “disinformation dozen “. The related videos below it are all good also.

By: Alan Sat, 01 May 2021 09:31:49 +0000 One argument I often hear from Trump idolators:

“But the vaccine wasn’t mandatory”.

BS. If Trump paid for the vaccines out of his own pocket, I would have nothing to say against him. But he squandered public funds, i.e. taxpayer money, billions, on it. He made /paying/ for it mandatory.

By: Alan Sat, 01 May 2021 09:24:54 +0000 What God told me about COVID:

– The vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, without which one would not be allowed to buy or sell. (Rev 13:17) This is now happening in Hong Kong, Israel, and many other places I’m sure.

– Any believing in COVID virus or general virology theory or even germ theory, is considered idolatry, and will be judged as such. Same for any level of agreeing to or supporting any kind of COVID regulations or policies (lockdowns, mask orders, mandatory testing/vaccines/”quarantine”=house arrest, any spending of public funds on vaccines or tests or anything of the sort). The only acceptable stance is complete resistance and condemnation of any such policies.

And, membership in any church or religion will not pardon one from idolatry, nor from accepting the Mark. (Mat 7:21-23)

By: Alan Sat, 01 May 2021 09:10:36 +0000 Well, the April 16 article was not trying to hide your point, and even included a direct link to the April 13 article.
