Comments on: Governor Newsom’s secret conversation in his underground restaurant, where he entertained fantasies of becoming the next JFK—but now he’s on the recall ballot and his boyish grin is collapsing Tue, 04 May 2021 02:53:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amer Tue, 04 May 2021 02:53:30 +0000 My thoughts as well.. I grew up hearing California is calling you. Thinking.. i can’t wait to go there, fame, fortune.. now looking back.. it reminds me if the scene from pinocchio where they are lured to the fair.. and even after the kids know it’s not what it seemed. They still can’t wait to be lured back.. California was a beautiful dream.. but much like the movies.. a majority of it seems it was lots of smoke and mirrors.. special effects… and what not.. and i think back and am grateful i couldn’t make it there when i wanted to go.. because had i.. who knows what horror i nay have found there, i wanted to be an actress. I think every day about those children that were takem advantage of.. molested, raped.. but for the Grace of God, go i.. while i did deal with some things in my own life in the realm of equality to their pain.. i can’t imagine the horrific encounters they experienced and hushed for so long too. God said.. for the little children.. and it was so. It’s so sad though.. for all the innocents on every side of the trajectory..

By: North Woods Sat, 01 May 2021 13:14:26 +0000 As Charlie Daniels said in “Grapes of Wrath” – “California you’re a Faker, California you’re a Lie, cause the Rich keep getting Richer while the hungry Children cry. One of the days you gonna Pay-e-ay for your Mistakes”…

By: Paul Fri, 30 Apr 2021 11:25:56 +0000 Shaman,

Exquisitely written!
I can see it all,
in your words.

You might consider writing lyrics for a song. Hang on to it until you find musician(s).

No sad song, mind you, just a pointed message.

A Clarion Call, if you wish.

Thank you.

By: Larry Z Fri, 30 Apr 2021 06:21:55 +0000 California was once the place everybody wanted to be at, and I mean from everywhere in the world; if you grew up outside of the States like I did, and are old enough, you will know what I mean.

British band Supertramp summed it up way back when,’all the girls in California, I’m hoping it’s gonna come true’.

Now California has taken so many hits, I hear it’s starting to resemble some post-apocalypse Mad Max freak show. Newsom is a caricature of the fake know-nothing smarmy politician who got where he was because of money and connections. And he behaves accordingly.

By: Gregory Racer Fri, 30 Apr 2021 05:57:08 +0000 Bitchin Whitler.

By: Tim_2A Fri, 30 Apr 2021 03:48:01 +0000 Ugh. Poor Bruce. There’s a true example of just ONE of the many NWO programs come to its fruition, with its attendant multiple glitches.

If s/he was on a box of Wheaties today, would you eat ‘whatever’ GMO gunk was in the box?


By: eceres Fri, 30 Apr 2021 03:27:28 +0000 – when think of line in article though, what I see is thirty thousand, wearing masks, watching others do nothing. as if the g. bush ‘go shopping’ false ‘solution’ to false nine eleven sunk in, lack of reality.

could argue the trans are doing something to make the world what they want, as others watch baseball. Though, example trans also distracted by nonsense sports, but just making point. Either way need more reaction to mask dictators. Agree on politicians, or maybe its polit i shuns.

The newsom thing, imo, others calif govrmnt are same, so what difference really, they could put down mask mandates etc regardless of newsom but don’t. In any event, though see dif vision in part of article, still a little lol the comparison. So for me will just keep sharing the site, Jon’s unique writing, energy inspires creating. ~

best line to me, ‘ the Future is what’s important. A new world. To get there, we have to destroy the old one. ‘ – My new world would be. no dictators, a horse in every yard, for transport without gas, and helps plow the wheat. and where everyone has to be a warrior, male female kids everyone, responsible for future. and guard against mask dictators, and other invaders, and poisoning the land.

Then again isn’t that how we lived before supposed ‘govrmnt’ ? Wonder if flouride in water or maybe the mass plastic affects memory, so people forget.

By: Donella Fri, 30 Apr 2021 01:19:08 +0000 They call it paradise
I don’t know why
You call someplace paradise
Kiss it goodbye

Eagles~ The Last Resort

By: Roundball Shaman Thu, 29 Apr 2021 21:02:29 +0000 California was once a place that people from all over used to come to for generations for a fresh start in life and chance to feel free. The lush Valleys. The wide-open Deserts. The stunning Coastlines. The sun and the fun. The Beach Boys. The laid-back lifestyle. The fragrant orange groves and grape vines offering a little sniff of Heaven.

Now, California is the opposite of everything it was once seen to be. People may still be coming, but not those who seek a fresh start in life or a chance to feel and be free. The sun may be there when the smog and ‘low-clouds-and-fog’ aren’t clogging the skies, but the fun is long gone. The Beach Boys are still around and trying to sing old songs about a place that no longer exists in real life and barely remains as a dim memory once held as a treasure in our minds.

The laid-back lifestyle has been replaced by crushing Rules & Regulations both being legislated from Sac-Town or just being force-fed on everyone by horribly deluded Wokesters who seem hellbent into turning the Former Golden State into an Earthly 21st Century version of Dante’s Most Lower World.

California was America’s Safety Valve. The one place left for new beginnings. The one place left to relieve the pressures that were building back where people came from and were trying to escape from. Now, that National Safety Valve is gone and the Tarnished State is now a big contributor to the pressure cooker that is contemporary America. There is no more safety valve. There is no more place to be or feel free. The pot is boiling over and all that glitters from LA and Bay Area skyscrapers is not gold.

The World lost a whole lot more than just a lush and bountiful State drawn on a map that was called California. The World lost an Attitude. The World lost it’s place to dream. The California Dream was turned into a Nightmare. Golden State Dreaming has become a Fool’s Gold State of scheming and screaming.

By: Larry C Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:36:14 +0000 “We’re losing. I was watching a baseball game in Texas the other night. They had 38,000 people in the stands. What have we got? A college track meet with two transgender groups of 12 people holding signs and cheering.”

Fuckin’ politicians…????
