Finally, for safety, do not use herbal medications if you are taking any conventional medicine. Choose one or the other.
]]>Good safe healing medicine is available – herbal tinctures, homeopathic remedies, honey dressings, botanic salves, vitamins and minerals and more – but none of these will ever be recommended by a conventional US doctor. Why? Because they are not trained on them except in other countries like Germany. Why? Because, as the saying goes, there’s no money in healthy people.
I’ve found that authentic holistic treatment is nearly impossible to come by; it’s usually conventional treatment with a sprinkling of supposedly healthy concoctions thrown in so as not to blow the cover.
A good idea (usually) is to get a diagnosis from your doctor, then read up on treatments both conventional and DIY. Educate yourself with books and by asking questions and yes the internet. It takes time.
But there is more good medicine growing in your own back yard – so long as you don’t use pesticides or herbicides – than at any conventional pharmacy in the land. Good books on plant identification are inexpensive and readily available.
Start by reading Stephen Harrod Buhner’s chapter on the healing uses of honey in his excellent book, Herbal Antibiotics. He’s also written Herbal Antivirals. For an understanding of authentic homeopathic remedies get veterinarian Don Hamilton’s Small Doses for Small Animals. More good books are out there.
Purchase and keep these books for reference. won’t be sorry.
That was long ago, when journalists competed for an audience by being most relevant, most truthful, most trustworthy.
Today, journalism is a “social service” delivered by anyone with the “correct credentials” who do not “deviate from The Narrative.” Look at the many, many ex-CIA, ex-Pentagon, ex-Pharmafia, ex-alphabet-soup-agency “commentators” on your TV, and every single one tells you HOW to think, and, more importantly, they tell you WHAT TO THINK ABOUT. Thinking about anything else, is FAKE NEWS and CONSPIRACY and WHITE SUPREMACIST FASCISM.
So, yeah, you “once read”, but now, even reading is seen as divisive and fascist and racist…
I won’t even link to the excrementatious gobbledegook where the Good Professor warns the children about “the rabbit hole” they will encounter is they “browse books”.
]]>They had blood work done and told me my cholesterol was high and gave me Lipitor 10 mg per day. I was also sent for a stress test which came out fine. They totally ignored my pain. I went to a Neurologist and a Rheumatologist and both gave me maintenance drugs but no one could tell me why my whole body ached.
Within a week of starting the Lipitor I got severe migraines. I had had them before because I had a deviated septum and my nose got completely blocked. Went to an ENT for that and he routed me out and I was fine. Amazingly no pain or anything and got 10 days off work because he didn’t want me exposed to anything. I was fine. So the headaches got worse and the pain did not go away. I also learned I had scoliosis and went to PT for that.
That May I decided to retire and move south with my husband. Within a few months the body pain went away. I believe it was caused by stress from the worst boss I had ever had in my life. She was horrible. Another female boss told me I should bring her up on charges because she saw what was going on. I didn’t have the strength left to do it. After moving I found an internist who was in network and started seeing her.
Within 5 years I gained close to 70 lbs, went from 10 mg of Lipitor to 80 and my cholesterol continued to rise. Also ended up in the ER from the migraines that were so painful they made me vomit. She gave me a maintenance drug for that and another for hypothyroidism.
Before all this I was a healthy physically active person.
Around 2010 my daughter found out she and some of her kids had celiac. Her gastro gave me a list of the genes to check when I had my bloodwork done. When I went back to my dr for my 6 month checkup I asked her to add them to the list. She gave me the poo poo and told me no. I got into it with her and she finally agreed.
Before I even had the bloodwork done I stopped eating the gluten.
I had a red raw burning itchy yeasty smelling rash that started within months of taking the Lipitor. It went away within 3 days of going GF. At that point I no longer believed her and stopped the Lipitor. Lo and behold my headaches then went away. When I went back for my next checkup I told her and she said “I never would have guessed it was the Lipitor.” I have never gone back. I have not seen a dr for a checkup in 10 years. I will be 70 this year and am very healthy and feel great except for the back pain.
But I can live with that. I believe part of the problem was the fact that I had really good medical ins and it was a gift that kept on giving. Also, after all the reading I have done on cholesterol I firmly believe that it is a manufactured problem promoted by big Pharma. I’m sure it is a problem for some people but not as many as they say. Not long ago I had a neighbor whose mother was on 11 maintenance drugs. That will never be me.
]]>The media can direct millions of peoples’ attention anywhere they please, so cop killings are a good distraction and division tool for the powers-that-be!