Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: Cult of the Reality Builders Mon, 03 May 2021 21:54:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Saeger Mon, 03 May 2021 21:54:16 +0000 – the reality builders

– so they can stand and operate outside their pictures

If everyone could see this one thing, how differently would people think.
Appreciated Jon.

By: Saeger Sun, 02 May 2021 05:05:00 +0000 The reality builders, energy theives. The cons have been at it long time. False reality feeds the cons, and their black hole void, if don’t stop the void, overtakes everything.

paragraph worth repeat –
Wherever you see false pictures of reality -in the areas of science, politics, energy, medicine, media, money, covert intelligence, the military, religion, multinational corporations—you also see the need for individuals to gain power, so they can stand and operate outside these pictures.

– such exact visual. Made note to repeat that way. It’s double fake out, because they are not ‘in’ the box they push on us, from every direction.

For sure they count on selfish, so we don’t make friends to cycle energy with. They make the fake groups, fake ‘action’ websites, petitions, etc, so people keep dumping energy in the void, their hole, instead of put energy in what’s real, where we live. I try to focus on the words solid energy, and share, as mental base to go from. Just my take.

By: Doug Sat, 01 May 2021 18:47:08 +0000 Quite certain that the final chapter of this dirty old world has arrived. The worlds become empty and recreating a world of promise and hope has reached its pathetic end.

Prophecy fulfilled! Raise your head and rejoice Jon, maybe your thoughts will be more valuable in the near future. We’re so dummied down that it’s unlikely that most will even see it . It gets lonely in Gomorrah when everyone’s a stranger and a threat..

By: Rick in Phoenix Sat, 01 May 2021 15:29:31 +0000 Rick says– I think this article corresponds to what I think above covid but only to a degree because the article does not explain how the radiation-sensitive-coagulation-inducing-bacteria gets into the bloodstream in the first place. To understand that, we have to go back to SOTN articles about “binary weapons” that explain how it’s the interaction of 5G “and” radiation-sensitive-coagulation-inducing-bacteria RaSCiB…that creates the problem… and that the RaSciB in actually what is being injected with the so-called vaccination…. and this would explain the original need for the non-vax-vax… to be “super-cold”— it was protected a lifeform– a bacteria… a radiation-sensitive-coagulation-inducing-bacteria, RaSCiB.

Russia has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) for a Covid-19 corpse. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather a bacterium that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by coagulation in the blood.=large =largeCovid-19 disease has been found to cause blood clotting, which causes blood clotting in humans and causes blood clotting in the veins, which makes it difficult for a person to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.
