Comments on: COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe Mon, 17 May 2021 07:43:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Honest liberty Mon, 17 May 2021 07:43:20 +0000 Then you will suffer the consequences of your weakness.
And you deserve no quarter

By: THX1138 Mon, 17 May 2021 06:22:43 +0000 Turfseer:

Your music, it has too many notes.

Just kidding, can’t remember where that comes from.

Did someone actually steal the Boston Cream Pie?

By: philip f faustman Mon, 17 May 2021 01:03:09 +0000 It’s the flu rebranded. Control and depopulation is the endgame. The Elites and the Government are the ENEMY!

By: Arnie Carr Mon, 17 May 2021 00:36:01 +0000 because they have put fear into people with the false narrative about how deadly the virus is and most people do not research but they locked me home for 3 months so i dug into this topic and found the BS.

By: Arnie Carr Mon, 17 May 2021 00:32:56 +0000 3000 deaths in 4 months that is scary, a case where the cure is worse than the disease!

By: Arnie Carr Mon, 17 May 2021 00:31:08 +0000 a lot of my so called life long friends have called me racist (I am in a bi-racial marriage and have bi-racial children) anti vax anti mask trump supporter I do not believe in this experimental jab for obvious reason. I mask up for work because I like to eat and I contact close to 100 people a day in different cities, if work insists I get the jab I will consider my options then.

By: Darlene Harrington Sat, 15 May 2021 15:48:08 +0000 They have changed the words. Meaning the same.

By: Rabbitnexus Sat, 15 May 2021 12:54:07 +0000 Keep researching. You’ll end up having mind blown when you find the written plans for this from 2010. Then even more so when you realise they’ve been preparing this for over 20 years. Every detail is in a report from The Rockefeller Foundation called “Lockstep”. Every little detail! The responses to it, weird as they are having all been debunked as effective and worse harmful long before 2019. Even setting up the Chinese as scapegoats gets a mention.

By: Rabbitnexus Sat, 15 May 2021 12:50:08 +0000 Yet our lying King Rat in Canberra keeps telling us nobody has died in the whole world from this shit. There are a lot of people opposed though. Here in WA there was an announcement by some government skank to a large gathering that the vaccines were now arriving…the assembled gathering booed and jeered the news. They really went into damage control and tried to assert it is just a minority but it isn’t. They’ve managed about 5% so far despite how hard they’re pushing it. Something is wrong with that figure if even a large minority wanted it.

By: Rabbitnexus Sat, 15 May 2021 12:44:20 +0000 Bio-weapons do not have to be extremely deadly, they can be crafted to do many things. All bio-weapons have been corona-viruses since the seventies by the way. If it exists, this one was definitely crafted in a CRISPR lab. I don’t for a moment believe it was Wuhan though. They may have been responsible for some aspect of it, but some strong correlating facts suggest very strongly it came from Fort Dietrich. I think the instance of the mysterious ‘vaping deaths’ in early to mid 2019, called popcorn lung, are the earliest cases. On thinking about this I checked and found no more mention of this mystery after about a week prior to the CDC shutting down Fort Dietrich for “consistent failure to contain pandemic inducing corona-viruses. That last article I found on the vaping deaths happened to mention, for the first time, that the deaths seemed to be in clusters…meaning it wasn’t anything to do with vapes, but most probably a virus. Then the story got dropped. Then the US Army’s most infamous bioweapons lab shut. Low and behold, who do you think was training next door to the Maryland lab? Only the US army team for the Wuhan games. I believe this is the missing links to it’s start and explains the unusual stridency with which Washington has sought to blame China. It is also of note that a half dozen US troops at those games fell ill with a “severe respiratory illness” and were put into local medical facilities. Then the next day the story changed to them having malaria. Which of course would mean treatment with quinine. Quinine and zinc is a miraculously effective cure for ALL corona-viruses. Discovered in 2005 from SARS research. We were never told but if you limit dates to prior 2019, you’ll find studies, peer reviewed reports and even human trials were carried out. we’ve never been told I think because, it cures ALL corona-viruses and that means ALL bio-weapons too. The Australian mining industry was told to stock quinine and zinc and azaithromycin for the serious cases at the start of 2020 at the same time as they began a campaign worldwide to debunk and deny the truth for everyone else. I got a good supply from India in early February, just before it was removed from sale. I figured if it worked, they’d soon do exactly that. Another week and I’d have missed out, because they did indeed remove it from our reach. A Chinese report about COVID tipped me off about it. I ignore the media and only follow the science personally. Not the spoon fed story they call science but the actual scientific method. This hasn’t been seen since it all began. Science is officially dead, or lying bound and gagged in some forgotten dungeon I guess.

Science has as its first bedrock principle that any hypothesis is open to challenge and all data relied on must be freely accessible too. Censorship and dogma are the opposite of science and when they are applied, you know this is not science. Science like truth only thrives on challenges. Only lies and dogma need censorship and dictates about what may be believed or said. Hence the Global Warming BS falls into the same category of dogma and lies.
