Comments on: More on the coronavirus that doesn’t exist; and the Pink Demon Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:01:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cristian Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:01:04 +0000 Copernicus was a deceiver, he prove nothing.

By: CapMatifou Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:38:05 +0000 “Since the 70’s, the CCP has killed 400,000 babies in the womb…they have no regard for life.”

Check that number again, 400k they must score in ca. a single month.

By: anon Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:28:17 +0000 Why do you quote falsehoods from Wikipedia at us?

You fully well know that just because one chunk of RNA ends with the same pattern with which another begins, that doesn’t mean they belong to a longer chain.

No complete (in one piece) viral genome was ever found, and no synthesized genome based on those hypothetical “complete” RNA chains was ever shown to infect anything.

Here’s a good lecture with some pictures that explain even to a complete moron why fitting pieces together is not proof that they belong together:
Dr Andrew Kaufman – Live Lecture discussing the ‘science’ behind Covid

By: anon Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:18:54 +0000 “china china china”
Omg, it’s called New WORLD Order, not New China Order.
(((They))) aren’t based in a single country or ethnic group.

By: Rubicon Mon, 31 May 2021 00:55:48 +0000 Jon notes: I want to emphasize the underlying propaganda message. It’s very important to understand that message:

“As more and more people are unable and unwilling to employ logic and rationality, those qualities diminish in importance, and you should abandon them because…they don’t serve you. They aren’t useful.”

There’s much historical precedence behind this quote.

We know that WHEN Hegemonic States begin to crumble, every sort of human behavior in that state starts to protrude in various manners. We have observed in US society, an astonishing rate of none critical-thinkers, a near total absence of interest in important issues such as in politics, the economy, and the near reversal of social norms here.

What’s ironic is the underlying P, pulverizing the US with total nonsense, all the while admitting to us how American society is beginning to die.

By: Hladini Thu, 27 May 2021 21:12:44 +0000 So what about radiologists, pulmologists etc? Early on last year, they had never seen such symptoms on the lung scans of those with supposed Covid19. Couldn’t there have been some sort of outbreak affecting a small portion of elderly with underlying illness?

I have no medical or scientific background btw, I’m just someone with a critical mind.

By: john-oranje Mon, 24 May 2021 07:46:58 +0000 OK So, keeping the terminology, it is
correct to say that pathogenic and/or contagious viruses
do not exist but that which we still
call viruses do exist and perform a
certain function.

By: Alan Mon, 24 May 2021 02:51:41 +0000 The fat cash price of 250k euro *was* unclaimed, so now it got raised to 1.5 million euro. Of course it is still sitting out there unclaimed, as of today.

And I sing in satire for it.

By: Sumer-Babylon Mon, 24 May 2021 01:35:23 +0000 No If they did carried out control experiments that would prove it’s all b.s. so they would bury it.
Lanka destroyed measles virus via control experiment so same could be done for covid.

“We have carried out these control experiments as part of the “measles virus process”. The results prove that the conditions that Enders established in 1954, starvation and poisoning of cells, lead to cell death without “infection” having taken place.”

By: Marilyn Shepherd Sun, 23 May 2021 21:45:48 +0000 The so called sars2 was a theoretic genome posted on social media that Dr Drosten assumed without evidence was a new corona virus and then he invented a test without any.
