Comments on: As I warned: RNA gold rush; new genetic products in the pipeline Tue, 01 Jun 2021 00:28:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anna Tue, 01 Jun 2021 00:28:13 +0000 Tim_2A — I sense you miss the satirical point of Bill’s comment, which, if I’m not mistaken, is precisely: 1) how serious the current situation is, 2) how our distracting culture of denial doesn’t want to face truth, and 3) what a stunning journalist and citizen JR is, for naming, articulating, speaking truth to personal power.

By: DL Thu, 27 May 2021 21:27:40 +0000 ]]> Which encourages more fear and belief that viruses are contagious, encourages more to put faith in their poisons as you rightly called it, and all the while not noticing people are being kept sick $$$$$$

Will check out your video 😊

By: Jeff Green Thu, 27 May 2021 08:37:07 +0000 Viruses (enzymes) have specific RNA because cells intelligently encode them. They are designed by cells for only one purpose—to dissolve. They do this at the behest of RNA guidance. Exosomes, like many agents in the body, are theoretically just as specific, but their primary role is to transport cellular fluids for life and communicate cellular danger between cells. Exosomes can forego their normal processes and help viral dissolution if there are an insufficient amount of viruses in a particular area, but that is not their primary role, nor are they replicated by cells in large numbers as viruses are.

Therefore, while viruses and exosomes are similar, they are not the same. However, they both have specific roles in cellular activities, including viral activity. This difference must be noted. Exosomes can not both transport life and dissolve toxins. The fluids in them would be destroyed and their job as transporters of life would be completely compromised.

The exosome theory is poorly thought out. I have mentioned this before, and have written about it: I spoke with Kaufman last year about his exosome theory over the phone and he could not disagree with the assertions I just wrote about. It is vital for him to deeply rethink this theory. I put little weight into the exosome theory. It is highly misleading people.

Lastly, viruses are not poisons insofar as them being toxins, however, we may still continue to refer to them as viruses for one primary reason: viruses dilute large amounts of toxins, and viruses themselves are a type of ‘chemical’ constituent of cells; they are enzymatic solvents, no different than solvents for breaking down food or alcohol, etc. Their proper name, and one I always use, is that they are enzymes.

In the end, viruses and exosomes are separate agents with different roles in the body. Exosomes transport life and communicate dangers between cells, and also help viral activity if needed in a particular area lacking enough viral replication. The job of a virus is only to dissolve matter which it does with the guidance of antibody white blood cells, and other like cells, through RNA communication keys—nothing more.

Visit my website by clicking on my name.


By: rebellious earthling Wed, 26 May 2021 14:44:59 +0000 I made a video about the Wuhan Lab Lie that’s been circulated since the very beginning. Many “conspiracy theorists” either deliberately or unwittingly repeated this lie. And now the MSM are using it for the sole purpose of keeping the lie alive that “the virus is real and it exists” which encourages endless debates.

“Wuhan Lab Virus ORIGIN LIE Exposed + Demonization of Bats & Stray Dogs” –

By: rebellious earthling Wed, 26 May 2021 14:34:19 +0000 Animal experiments are only done to fast-track dangerous pharma drugs and vaccines out onto the market. The bonus is the fun and power the sadistic vivisectionists get out of torturing innocent creatures. It’s the most unreliable way of determining “safety,” on par with tossing a coin, when in fact all pharma drugs and vaccines are poison.

By: rebellious earthling Wed, 26 May 2021 14:29:58 +0000 Why aren’t you concerned with putting food in a microwave oven? Or food in general that contains blood, flesh and secretions of animals loaded with vaccines, hormones, steroids and antibiotics?

By: rebellious earthling Wed, 26 May 2021 14:24:23 +0000 DL — That’s it in a nutshell — viruses exist inside our own bodies as part of the immune system, can only exist outside a host body in a petri dish, and can only be transferred via vaccine.

They aren’t ghosts that float through the air and jump up our noses like fleas.

By: eceres Wed, 26 May 2021 02:42:03 +0000 Well I am thinking putting money as a goal is nuts in every way. It’s not what’s important, except I suppose its weapons to use. It’s backwards.

– Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money ~ Cree Indian proverb

Then again I guess both are important, if don’t have or use weapons, can’t expect to be able to have food, but if don’t have natural food, no energy to make or use weapons to grow the food. Seems they only focus on the poisons and weapons and twisting people’s dna. Nutcases with money. or because of money. Me thinks we need to take their labs away.

By: Benton Wed, 26 May 2021 02:13:06 +0000 – Have to note the word -vaccinology. The people behind things make me think, who makes the words. That one using the same trick as tek knowledg ee. Put the word knowledge with ‘tech’ The words made seem so we are saying what they want us to say, vac in knowledg ee. Many seem that way, propaganda, and also many don’t make sense either, when making a point there are many oxymoron, so your point ends up weak because it’s a wrongly made word. Here’s one, incorrect. It’s supposed to mean wrong but if something is in correct, it wouldn’t be wrong. it seems our brains have been messed with a long time.

By: Mac Wed, 26 May 2021 01:55:27 +0000 The rna thing, genetics may seem as if natural because of word genetics, but on some of it, not so much. Several decades the psycho agenda ‘scientists researchers’ etc have been making stuff to make people mutate, ‘sythetic life’, can search craig venter human genome and synthetic life forms. Though, as with gates soros etc they use one guy’s name so people only focus on one person when probably many involved. Then also the ones with the nano chips so its as if computer operated synthetic genetic stuff that isn’t human genetics, made to be inside people. Then also ‘crispr’ as in the article. Who are all the ones pushing ‘crispr’ on web. Hmm. It’s decades of agenda, robots, movies ‘transformers etc. Also not to leave out bacteria bioweapons, there’s that also.

The thing in article that to me is note on advertising trick is insight on how they have been angling to at same time put in our faces, cover over the real agenda by selling this or that as ‘treatment, so they continue agendas and people don’t think to stop them. Don’t know how people can be so casual. Jon’s not casual though, pursuer and share of truth, example how honors his life every day, am inspired from it.
