Comments on: COVID Vaccine revelation sinks like a stone; disappears Sat, 05 Jun 2021 00:43:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick in Phoenix Sat, 05 Jun 2021 00:43:12 +0000 Dr.W Additionally, getting a legal case such as this before any US Judge will probably be a monumental challenge

Rick: US judges and the so-called Judicial Branch of Government has rotted. We’re going to have to move beyond “the judicial system” into the area of Natural Law… THAT is where we’ll be able to see ‘real action’. We may be able to turn Natural Law scopes on the US “judges” to see those wasted minds in prison themselves. There are always higher authorities…. that is… if you believe in God. I do. And God works in very interesting and mysterious ways… that I’m documenting. Call me a madman if you will but I do believe I’m “hearing” God joke around with me here and there. He-it-she-whatever… the God entity is there.

By: Rick in Phoenix Sat, 05 Jun 2021 00:37:05 +0000 Apparently, the famous Spanish Flu of 1909 I think– involved deaths from jabs- not a flu, according to some reports I’ve been looking at. Thank God for the internet.

By: John Fri, 28 May 2021 17:54:57 +0000 I think the economy is collapsing and Operation Covid is the best cover for these criminals. Like back in the 1930s and 1940s, they are culling the global herd- that might be their plan. But best laid plans can go awry. We are many-they are few. They fight for money; we fight for our lives, so dont put any bets on this fight! I am not sure how many Americans can think right now with this MSM fear mongering, but the world awaits Americans to lead the charge.

By: Eli35 Fri, 28 May 2021 08:55:31 +0000 Jon’s articles are the best antidote to the fear porn.

To help their case along for an “effective” vaccine, CDC is now telling vaccinated people to stop getting tested.

AND the CDC has stopped counting breakthrough cases.

By: Alan Thu, 27 May 2021 23:15:38 +0000 Fleming is, of course, controlled opposition. Each and every microscopic image of any purported “virus” has got no documented proof of the characterization of the indicated particles, so they prove nothing. The Wuhan lab bio-weapon theory and “gain of function” blah blah blah is sexy fear porn contributing to the main narrative (scam).

By: ak in vt Thu, 27 May 2021 20:04:15 +0000 Thank you Jon

I will be contacting my local state reps and displaying this info everywhere I can.

Bums, is all I can say.

Kind regards

AK in VT

By: Rick in Phoenix Thu, 27 May 2021 19:18:49 +0000 I think it’s more likely that the Wuhan Lab is a Star Trek Writer’s Guild where they develop story lines like this one from New Generation…


Intron Virus

Too much tinkering in the lab can lead to the accidental genesis of a new disease, as Dr. Beverly Crusher finds out in The Next Generation. Desperately trying to activate the gene that is supposed to cure an alien flu in a crewmate, she realizes too late that the artificial T-cells she uses reanimate every last one of his dormant genes. That includes introns — crucial to gene expression. While symptoms start off like the flu (don’t they always), DNA will then “de-evolve” into nonhuman codes. Unfortunately, this glob of degenerative genes soon crawls out of its petri dish. When it becomes airborne, the crew turns into everything from a jellyfish to an iguana to an enormous acid-spewing cockroach, which just has to be Worf.


By: THX1138 Thu, 27 May 2021 13:34:09 +0000 Psychopaths cannot feel embarrassment.

By: Dr. W! Thu, 27 May 2021 11:02:19 +0000 To those among you who truly care about humans, I implore you to carefully summarize and, via email, phone and direct conversations spread the messages Jon has made in these blogs. (I suggest you do not bother with Facebook, etc. for this purpose.)

Also, having watched the Richard Fleming interview I strongly reccommend that others who have the background needed to understand the terms as well as those who are willing to spend time looking up words and those things which they do not understand well – do watch that interview. It is linked above in the comment from Richard Clark. Although it is packed with many bits of useful information, many questions yet remain. Fleming shows many things, including a purported microscopic view of this SARS-CoV2 virus. On that note, I remain on Jon’s side of this question and here’s why: just like Jon has written, as soon as some lab does isolate and prove this virus exists, they are likely to make a world wide announcement. They wiil seek the acclaim and further funding that such a discovery would likely bring to them. The microscope images shown in Fleming’s presentation could easily be taken from SARS (1), or MERS or any number of other corona viruses. Dr. Fleming is very alluring and speaks of a kind of personal integrity which I would very much like to trust. He is however both an MD and a JD, ie. a lawyer. I am Not a medical doctor

By: Tom Thu, 27 May 2021 05:30:26 +0000 It’s similarly hopeless here too (Malaysia). Stupidest country in the world with ignorant citizens who refuse to read and learn anything. That’s what it is.
