Comments on: Wuhan Lab, bioweapon, gain of function, but…the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist in the first place Tue, 06 Jul 2021 19:24:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gregory J Hill Tue, 06 Jul 2021 19:24:32 +0000 I saw the same thing regarding overall deaths, the only number that omits the fake hype. No change in overall deaths in the USA, no pandemic.

By: Daniel Fri, 02 Jul 2021 07:32:06 +0000 The virus has actually really been isolated : see Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1,
complete genome.

By: TheQuestion Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:07:06 +0000 Jon, if I may speculate, perhaps the “unusual pneumonia” in Wuhan was tuberculosis originally? I’m no expert on diseases, but if the pollution index is high, and the living conditions are poor, wouldn’t that raise the risk for this sort of illness? (this then being relabeled and rebrandedas the faux illness.) I seem to also recall that TB does absolutely horrendous things to lungs.

Secondly, given that there i no virus, just what is it these injections are meant to do to People? Do they just cause disease in the short term or are they meant to alter People geneticlaly in the long term over time to suit a transhumanist agenda?

Disturbingly some years ago a cartoon of “justice league unlimited” in a 2nd season episode entitled “epilouge” was meant to wrap up the plot for “batman beyond” an even older cartoon, and part of that plotline involved making one of the characters unwittingly Bruce Wayne’s actual son, because the characters dad had, without his knowledge or consent, gone in for a “flu shot” which targeted and reprogrammed his reproductive cells to instead carry Bruce Wayne’s genetic material. The thing of it is, this episode was aired back on July 23rd, 2005.

Similarly the plotline for the video game “Resident Evil 6” (released on October 2nd, 2012) also has some similar things as well in it’s plot, involving a “c-virus” that breaks out in a few places, including in China, etc. But of course check everything I say above yourself.

By: BRUCE CAIN Mon, 07 Jun 2021 16:38:13 +0000 This video has now been viewed nearly 3100 times. Please share widely. YouTube deleted the video in record time: about 5 hours. It is now on BitChute. In this video I cover three main topics:
* The Worldwide Anti-Globalist Protest on May 15th, with links to all protests in the comments.
* How the United States EEOC is allowing employers to force vaccinate their employee’s. This is wrong and the first time that ALL working adults could be forced to get the mRNA “software injection.” I also point out that while Corporate Media is discussing “vaccine hesitency” they are NOT covering the fact that employees are already being forced to get the “jab.”
* How activists are pushing back against “Vaccine Passports” with video of 800 protesters pressuring a City Council to stop the program.

Mandatory Jabs, Passports and the New Era of No Voice, No Choice

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:58:12 +0000 Yes, if people knew the origins & history of vaccines & immunizations, practically no one would subject themselves to them.

All the diseases which the vaccine makers claim to have cured were actually in dramatic decline when the vaccine was introduced, and yet they took the credit for eradicating the disease.

Read Revelation 9:21, and look up the Greek word for “sorceries”…. it’s pharmakeia. Share that with everyone you know.

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:40:16 +0000 Oh, and whoever is not killed or otherwise maimed by the vaccine, is at least left infertile/sterile, thus unable to reproduce and contribute to the alleged overpopulation problem.

(The lame formula he touts in that video is CO2 = P x S x E x C, where CO2 is carbon dioxide emissions, P is people/population, S is the number of services consumed by each person, E is the environmental/ecological impact of each service, and C is the carbon footprint. In other words, depopulation will save the planet.

It’s hogwash, and it’s evil.

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:36:47 +0000 Bill Gates, in a TED Talk on YouTube called “Innovating to Zero” from a few years ago said that the earth’s population is increasing too rapidly, but that it could be reduced by 10-15% using vaccines and reproductive health care (a euphemism for abortion).

His vaccine programs in India and Africa have a history of causing injury and death to many of the (mostly children) who received polio & HPV shots.

He is an admitted eugenicist, and is pushing for everyone on the planet to get the shot. Can this be any clearer?

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:32:42 +0000 Ben Franklin said that those who give up liberty for security deserve neither. (He actually used more words than that.)

I wonder how many people who claim to have had covid just want the attention, and you can’t disprove that they had it.

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:28:55 +0000 RAMifications? Are you KIDding? So many puns, it’s enough to make a person ba-a-atty…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist injecting some humor into an otherwise very serious topic.

Joking aside, the article is excellent, as usual.

By: phredd7 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:17:49 +0000 Agreed – hypochondriacs, germophobes, agoraphobes, unwitting Muslims (mask = hijab), and wannabe surgeons (who wear masks).
