Comments on: Data Sets, Fraud, and the Future Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:03:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shazaad Bacchus Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:03:19 +0000 I have to disagree with you when you say “at this point, only really brain dead or people paid to type say viruses don’t exist”. You, by your post, are presuming that what is called a virus is a disease-causing pathogen; but, this has never been proven to my knowledge. The major people/scholars who are saying that viruses don’t exist, are merely questioning the interpretation of what is called a virus. Dr. T C Fry decades ago called them cell debris, and today there would be others who would echo that statement – for want of a better word. I know 2 authors who wrote a book on diseases, almost 800 pages in length, and they also propose that “viruses’ as disease causing pathogens remains unproven. One is an electrical engineer (outside the medical brainwashing) and the other, a professional accountant (outside the medical brainwashing also) and I doubt these 2 who wrote the book that took 10 years to research and write are “brain dead” people. The latter part of your post is very promising and optimistic and I hope Canada will be able to bring these crooks – political and medical – to justice one day for all the unnecessary suffering they have caused to Canadians.

By: Shazaad Bacchus Sat, 12 Jun 2021 17:20:56 +0000 Correct. Just more ‘theater” and nonsense to keep people believing that there is actually a very dangerous virus out there creating a pandemic and all the abuse they dish out to us, is all justified. I have flaunted all of Covid’s rules since day 1; still waiting for a slight sniffle…knock on wood!

By: Paul Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:53:42 +0000 LOL!

By: Pegleeb Mon, 07 Jun 2021 20:53:16 +0000 I agree. Why are they pushing for mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports, but refused viable meds that cure? Too many discrepancies with this “pandemic”. I have thought all along it is a engineered bacteria designed to afflict the elderly and ill, but not the young and healthy. Why don’t the vaccines keep you from getting COVID19 again. Why aren’t they saying if you had COVID19, you have antibodies making you immune? If young people aren’t at risk, why do they need the vaccine? The answer lies with the Bill Gates NWO cabal. Depopulation and world dominion.

By: michael burns Mon, 07 Jun 2021 16:52:48 +0000 ‘Transcends’, ‘selfawareness’…don’t be ridiculous. Your watching far too much television.

The beeping noise will continue to drive you mad if you don’t put on your seat belt.
But that doesn’t make it sentient or aware, it’s an alarm, as an algorithm is an alarm, it has a built in bias in the software, put there by the author, it just code running threw an operation, that’s all.

It is not thinking!

But to transcend, one needs to be conscious, sentient…when one asks a computer a question it is answering according to it operational parameter and bias. It is not sentient, it is program written to respond as if it is aware. That awareness you think you are perceiving is an operational bias

But it is not aware! Its a fucking adding machine making complex calculations.

“[…]human simpletons[…]”….speak for yourself you condescending dumbass.

By: michael burns Mon, 07 Jun 2021 16:35:04 +0000 Experts!…he spoke to Dr. Luc Montagnier on the connection between HIV and AIDS.

Luc Montagnier was the co-discoverer of HIV, and lead scientist in the lab, and when asked by Kary Mullis who was writing a paper on it at the time what the connection was between AIDS and HIV — which he himself was puzzled with and could not answer, and what HIV was, Luc Montagnier couldn’t answer the question when asked directly by Kary Mullis.

It was Luc Montagnier who initially outed the information on French television that the SARS-cov-2 virus appeared constructed in a lab.

Cleavage points in genome showed that DNA had been inserted and replaced what was unknown and originally had been there…

Dr. Luc Montagnier has recanted over what he once believed in epidemiology, vaccination and homeopathy.

A Nobel scientist of the highest order — one of science high priests he attacked the French government and the paradigm, and a massive media attack prevailed to discredit the old gentleman by his peers. it was a dog pile as pointy heads stuck fingers in the dyke.

He believed that COVID was produced in a lab and may have been an attempt to create a vaccine for AIDS.
But as we now know, AIDS is simply an extremely exhausted immunity and overuse of anti-biotics.

“According to Montagnier, the “presence of elements of HIV and germ of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.”

It took till May 11, 2021 for ‘Finicky’ Fauci to state that the virus, originated in a Wuhan lab.

What appears to me to be a limited hangout as the powers that be try to hang on to the COVID narrative as it disintegrates and the lockdown what not, are apparently ‘exploitation of manufactured crisis’ and even the question of a virus existing at all in nature is highly questioned and starts to take front page headlines. As the questions pour in like a deluge.

When a Nobel Prize winning scientist jumps ship…
the rats always are the first off a sinking ship.

MARCELLUS: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
HORATIO: Heaven will direct it.

By: trishwriter Mon, 07 Jun 2021 12:34:08 +0000 I saw an interview with Kary Mullis in which he said he tried to find a reference that said HIV causes AIDS and was unable to do so, despite asking some “experts,” who should have been able to give him that reference.

By: lamberth Mon, 07 Jun 2021 01:57:46 +0000 Didn’t Henry Ford say something like ‘if people truly understood the banking system, there would be revolution tomorrow’?

If people understood that, then they would also understand what this “pandemic” is all about.

By: lamberth Mon, 07 Jun 2021 01:20:15 +0000 Great article Jon, thanks.
And you didn’t even mention how all this data can be hacked. Hacked of course by the very same entities that warn you of it beforehand.

Then again, it could be argued that all this ‘Big Data’ modelling and AI data mining 𝗶𝘀 one giant hack, right from the get-go.
Intentional and designed that way.

Welcome to “The Cloud”.
Where ‘we’ (meaning ‘them’) have access to not just your data, but your entire Enterprise system that exists in our very own Data Centres. No need to hack anything, it’s all right there presented on a gold platter.
Not just access to the data, but the kill-switch that can turn off any component of any system with the click of a mouse button or press of a key on the keyboard.

How did this situation arise?
Because we (meaning us) let it happen, by blindly following the hype and propaganda spewed at us by the BigTech giants. All of whom answer to the same money-men that funded them into existence.

And BigParma is on that same payroll.
The Military/Industrial Complex as a whole is on that same payroll.

And – ultimately – all to serve the same agenda.
Total technocratic control on a global scale.

By: GEORGIOS ALEXANDROPOULOS Sun, 06 Jun 2021 22:39:28 +0000 I agree ,and here is the sequence of virus
