Comments on: Data Banks and Collective Delusions Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:59:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry T Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:59:17 +0000 I agree, a bit muddled. A rose by any other name is still a rose. Perhaps the Power Structure, Deep State, the Elite, etc,. Those that hide in the shadows and pull all the strings have a weakness, truth.

By: Arby Sun, 13 Jun 2021 09:07:01 +0000 The ‘collectivist’ angle was a bit muddled. I might have gone with something else, like ‘gang’. I realize that the label isn’t necessarily the thing, but, if the label comes from a certain bias, then explaining ‘the thing’ might be fumbled.

By: Jim S Smith Tue, 08 Jun 2021 16:31:57 +0000 “Critical Thinking” and logic, then, are then means of delivery of that truth.

Jon possesses BOTH in spades and clubs!

By: Jim S Smith Tue, 08 Jun 2021 16:30:04 +0000 A very notable historic example of the “convert-or-die” mentality: Look into WHY the establishment “Catholics” revere Charlemagne.

The whole idea of converting all of Europe into the “Holy Roman Empire” was done by horrendous acts of war and destruction, including kidnapping, torture, and outright mass-murder of the peoples – to coerce them to convert from their native Nature-based spiritual beliefs – over to the alien “religion”.

The devout Heathens (really has become something of another “religion” these days) forever scorn King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway (995 – 1000 CE) as a “blood-traitor” to the “Old Norse Ways” – for his heavy-handedness in forcing his people to convert to the “new religion”, and abandon the spiritual beliefs of their forefathers.

The Old Testament of the “Holy Bible” has plenty of historic examples where “God’s children” were supposedly TOLD to invade other lands, and wipe out the existing population – to make it their own “holy land”.

Many, many great wars were fought ostensibly in “the name of (their) God”.


MOST of the so-called “conservatives” are really not so different from the so-called “liberals”, in that – they still support some form of authoritarianism and “government authority” over the lives of the people. This is even supported in some of the later rewrites of the “Holy Bible”, to notably include the infamous Book, “Romans” – whereby the often-cliched theme is: “Obedience to government, is obedience to God“!

After looking back to what I used to find and research on, I can honestly conclude, based on my own findings, is that virtually ALL established, “cohesive” religions – are based on the perception that “the people need to be controlled”, and the “authorities of the church” are supposedly “God’s appointed rulers”. – This has also been a notorious excuse for rampant abuses of the People by the early monarchs, purportedly because they have “the divine right to rule”.

By: Barry T Tue, 08 Jun 2021 15:42:26 +0000 The Collectives dismissal of Jon as a wordsmith is mere folly. Truth is Jon’s weapon, and he wields it like the sword of a proverbial gladiator. It’s refreshing to learn there are people who still care about our planet and what’s at stake. It’s reminds us that without love in the dream, it will never come true. Keep the faith.

By: john-oranje Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:18:29 +0000 Well said. If you question the narrative to a true
believer in the ‘pandemic’ or the ‘virus’ or the
vaccines, they will likely refer you to

This site is the gospel of the true ‘scientism’ as
it deals with all things medical.

By: Tim_2A Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:15:09 +0000 Bravo, Michael!

I agree 100% with your way of greeting ‘G’ and their disgusting way of destroying everyone and everything that was once truly “normal.”

(What the hell’s a “greysexual?”
An ‘alien’ lover?)

I’ve been using for a few years. No tracking, no predictive searches, no collection of personal information. Works for me.

By: john-oranje Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:06:58 +0000 You can use this website and drag and drop files to be translated.

By: Tim_2A Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:52:28 +0000 Another damned typo: “…near them ‘anymore,'” I mean.

I’m glad I went back and re-read my comment.

A few more words:

See the ‘elected’
Behave like they’re royalty.
THEY want loyalty??

The ‘entitled’ scum
Say, “No bearing of firearms.”

Tyrants are so smug.
Their arrogance, laughable.
Unrepentant, all.

They’re accountable,
Their positions are NOT safe.
We’ve built them gallows.

Free-swinging hinges.
Hand-knotted neckties, fitted.
A simple process.

The handle is pulled.
A watching crowd’s murmurs, lulled.
The despot, anulled.

WE are judging THEM.
The TRAITORS, the transgressors.
Committing treason.

Their ‘reality?’
It’s tarnished, poor quality.
Unpolished, ugly.

By: Truth Prevails Tue, 08 Jun 2021 04:54:00 +0000 Not just the TV, almost everything is an illusion in our modern world… The zionist establishment are a bunch of severely demented individuals, but there is genius behind the madness. The rothchilds family has been controlling the earth for over two centuries, and finally implementing their mass depopulation agenda.

From space travel, satellites to anti missile systems, viruses and even “dictators”, everything is a lie… It’s all illusions and lies, even the wars and the “reporting” on it. The establishment controls all of the propaganda networks, 100% of it. Every “leader” of almost every country on earth is a zionist puppet, or zionist himself. From Iran to Russia and Palestine, all of them. Look and read into things, it’s insane how absolutely everything is controlled. All based on deception, North Korea is a CIA/Mossad puppet state, and yet they have the world believing some “dictator” has the world hostage with crazy nukes. Illusions run very deep.

Unfortunately for the eugenics, the germ theory fraud is what is bringing them down. They have a huge network of controlled oppositions globally, but those clowns cannot say viruses don’t exist, and a lot of them are being outed by the average layman. The world is waking up not only to the germ theory fraud, but the entire illusion. Not just really obvious ones like Alex Jones, but deep cover’s like Michael Flynn and Tucker Carlson. Desantis is a hardcore zionist puppet, people are starting to notice.

The fact that the enemy and their propagandist tools cannot say that viruses don’t exist, makes it much easier for humanity to distinguish who’s on humanity’s side and who’s with the eugenics. Start with localism, rebuilt locally than state wide and finally federal.

Just so you understand how deep the illusions run, the Iron Dome anti missile system in Israel that supposedly intercepts missiles from “hamas”, is a giant fugazi. They have their sirens blaring when “incoming” missiles are approaching, people run and find shelter in little safe rooms. People hear a couple of loud bangs, sirens stop, people come out and voila! The Iron Dome strikes again, everyone is safe…

Some Israeli’s were skeptical and asked for proof in real time to see how it operates, government replied it was classified and could never show it in operations… They were quickly silenced and never heard from again. Everyone in Israel believes the Iron Dome is real. The lies never end, not just with “science”, but with almost everything. Can you imagine their reactions when they actually find out, all those years of them running into their safe rooms when the sirens rang, that there was absolutely nothing happening and it was all a hoax, every single time…

Keep up the good work Jon! It might not look like it right now, but humanity is starting to win this war against the eugenics.
