Comments on: Forgotten moments from the history of vaccines; yes, history matters Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:50:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shazaad Bacchus Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:50:56 +0000 Ha ha…quite insightful and interesting.

By: Shazaad Bacchus Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:38:29 +0000 Great post. You are correct!

By: Jim S Smith Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:17:44 +0000 Squalene is what your body produces as a needed substance for the neural and muscular tissues.

The problem with it being in these “vaccines” is:

IF the “vaccines” are supposed to titrate the body’s immune system to respond by attacking what it finds to be “foreign substances” (as provided by the “vaccines”) – then would that not also include ANY other substances that are present near the injection site – that are thought to originate from outside of the body? After all, Squalene is not associated with being found IN the bloodstream!


If Squalene is present as part of the components in a “vaccine”, then it is also VERY likely to be “marked” as a “foreign substance” – and therefore – also attacked by the body’s immune system. – These “defensive response” will also carry on to ALL other occurrences of Squalene in the body, to include that which was produced and is used by the body!

– This is what results in AUTO-IMMUNE RESPONSES that can NOT be “turned off”! ! ! You can NOT make the body “forget” that a certain substance is or is not a foreign substance once it has developed the antibodies for it!

This is a huge disaster that should have never been allowed to continue as “medicine”. However, the global game-plan is to eliminate as much of the human population as possible.

– Repeated “Vaccination” is one such effective method towards that population-reduction goal!

By: Jim S Smith Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:07:49 +0000 The maxim of NBC (Can be seen in their little “museum”):
– “Shaping American culture since 1926”

The full title of Edward L. Bernays book, BTW:
“PROPAGANDA, The Public Mind in the Making”

By: Jim S Smith Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:04:58 +0000 Keep’em coming, Jon!

I regularly share links to your articles on my Telegram group(s).


Seems your site settings don’t like my Telegram URL – even when entered into the box marked “Website” of the submission form!


Great stuff as always.

By: Jim S Smith Thu, 10 Jun 2021 23:53:03 +0000 Pregnant women get injected (some of them into the womb) with “vaccines” too.

A baby born in a “delivery room” is barely FIVE MINUTES OLD when it is injected with the Hepatitis B “vaccine”! – Uh, if Hepatitis B is regarded as a “sexually-transmitted disease”, then WHY inject five-minute-old babies with it in the first place? Since WHEN do newborn babies get sexually active to get an STD? ? ?


If memory serves me well, a baby’s innate immune system does not become developed enough for any “vaccine” to act upon until about the age of three years, then would it not be considered an absolute waste of effort to “vaccinate” ANY child under the age of three anyway? ? ?

This is also why “nursing” a baby in its first few years, is also what helps a baby develop a strong and robust immune system later! Yet, too many parents want to stick their babies onto artificial “baby formula” for their feeding, and that “baby formula” DOES NOT help build their innate immune systems as the original colostrum from “mother’s milk” would have!

The WHOLE sickening scam behind “modern pediatric health” must needs be blown wide open! – Not only are WE not anyone’s Guinea Pigs, but our children are DEFINITELY NOT to be used as Guinea Pigs either!


Too many saps, idiots, and morons who bear children – refuse to actually learn how to take better care of their children.

That’s why our species is soon facing extinction: Just what the Malthusian globalists have wanted!

By: Jim S Smith Thu, 10 Jun 2021 23:39:35 +0000 I simply abhor the constant refrain: “Vaccines are today’s greatest medical marvels.

It ranks right up there with Fluoridation of the public drinking water supplies.

It’s all devious. It’s all evil. It’s all very deceptive. But most of all, it’s all VERY PROFITABLE for the purveyors!

Science has been emasculated, side-lined, and even MURDERED – over and over again, all for the sake of profits!

By: Lauran Thu, 10 Jun 2021 20:53:21 +0000 Jon, ……I recall my mother refusing to allow her 2 girls to take the last booster shot for the polio vaccine; because she had read that there was a problem with the booster. My mother was not an educated woman, but she was an avid reader; and she understood the dangers. We had the 2 mandatory shots at the public school we attended; but I was always grateful to her for her afterthought. Many children came down with polio after that; and the unused portion was then sent to Africa to be given to the people there….. I am sure with the permission of Bill Gates’father then, who was a die-hard eugenicist. MY girlfriend’s father was a doctor, and he just set her in the sun everyday in their backyard until the virus was gone; and did not allow her to take the shots, at all. Now there is talk about giving the vaccine for Covid every year???….God help us all……I will not take it, and here in Oklahoma…many people have refused…..thank you for all you publish!

By: Sue Thu, 10 Jun 2021 20:27:32 +0000 I consider the argument “it’s not a vaccine” to be a “potayto vs potahto” issue.

It may be the latest and most perfected injectible bioweapon, but it’s not the first.

All vaccines are made with known poisons, and have destroyed millions of lives before this mRNA one.

By: Sue Thu, 10 Jun 2021 19:13:45 +0000 I agree. There is a much bigger picture which most people aren’t yet aware of.

Fear and self-centeredness have driven out common sense and compassion from the beginning.
