Comments on: O Canada, you’ve got medical Nazis; their stench is rising into the sky Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:53:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Franklin Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:53:08 +0000 You know who should have been at Nuremberg. The bloody pope. Pope Pius the something — Cardinal Pacelli — He had I AM A NAZI stamped across his forehead. The papacy (Jesuits) were behind Hitler and Mussolini. Not many people even seem to realise Adolf was Catholic.

By: Mary OConnor Tue, 15 Jun 2021 22:13:03 +0000 Watch the medical people who are speaking out in Canada

By: Anya Mon, 14 Jun 2021 03:06:42 +0000 O Canada…
True slavish submission in all thy sons command.
With sinking hearts, we see thee fall, the true north weak and chained…
O Canada, we stand in masks for thee…

O Brother! What a bunch of sheepish Canucks!

By: Catherine Sun, 13 Jun 2021 13:16:55 +0000 Every government, every governmental agency, every public “health” organization – local, national, global – is actively attempting to deceive. They have turned against citizens in an effort to “Reset” the world against our will and without our permission. Every global “leader” seems to be in league to make this happen under the guise of their “Climate Change Green New Deal Build Back Better” propaganda campaign. Their end goal seems to be some bizarre – Tech Surveillance World in which citizens of every nation are reduced to a global servant class (or test subject) who is tracked and traced in their digital “utopia.” History shows there are two options for how this ends: Political Violence or Trials for Crimes Against Humanity. I, prefer the latter, and that list of defendants is long:

By: lamberth Sat, 12 Jun 2021 23:04:43 +0000 Curmudgeon, appreciate your comment.

Fascism can also be described as corporate/banking interests dictating government policy, or even replacing government, whole or in part.

The actual take-over of the government via a coup d’état is what can be compared to what happened in Russia in 1917/18. This – IMO – is the stage we’re at now, look what happened in the US only a few months ago. Farcical does not even begin to describe it.

Regarding the first paragraph, in that sense, we have been in a fascistic system since WWII. That’s when all these international institutions were created, institutions that first and foremost represent corporate (banking) interests. These institutions then dictate policy to governments world-wide. Not for the interest of the people, but corporate interests.

The bankers did not want AH’s National Socialist Party (NSP, it wasn’t called the Nazi Party) system to succeed because he printed his own money, outside of the global banking cartel. He pulled Germany out of the abyss post WW1 by doing this and turned it into a prosperous nation.

This to the global Zionist (Bolshevik) bankers was unacceptable and a direct threat to their hegemony. First the demonization started, then outright provocation.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Except that we’re not being told this side of the narrative. And much more could be said about it.

As an aside.
AH was the darling of the international media for a while, even featuring on the front cover of TIME magazine, multiple times.
IMO, this was done to lull him into a false sense of security, while behind the scenes things were set in motion to destroy him and Germany. Remember how the same was done with Libya’s Ghadaffi, much more recently.

This Modus Operandi by the bankers should sound familiar, as just recently the same playbook was put in motion to destroy certain other nations and their leaders that had similar ideas to AH.

History repeats.

By: Shazaad Bacchus Sat, 12 Jun 2021 20:34:19 +0000 It is only ‘human” to feel fear, I do feel it sometimes, but I agree with you: “Each of us has power over our fear. We have power”. The latter is where I focus my energies, by God, it has kept me sane in this new mad, zombified world.

By: Sean Sat, 12 Jun 2021 17:00:24 +0000 I also seen a car with on it. And met 2 guys that came out of it. One was a reporter.

By: Dar Sat, 12 Jun 2021 14:40:53 +0000 My Dr. who is not under any Hospital System and is an integrative Dr. has just changed his practice to not take any insurance/medicare etc. He is cash only. He was being pressured because he spent too much time with his patients. IOWs the Insurance Companies were basically telling him what to do. So…I will pay cash when I have to go.

By: BDBinc Sat, 12 Jun 2021 01:45:54 +0000 Yip Jim every nation’s corporation( govt) has an organization designed to control Drs through the legal system that provide “licensing/registration”.
And the indoctrination ie medical school where human beings become “case/symptom lists” in order to prescribe drugs like a Big pharma pez dispenser will beat out of you any concern, kindness and compassion (if you are not mindful)and leave you as a glob of obedient apathy.
Nazi material. It is wonderful to hear from the drs that are not only ” first doing no harm” in the matter of the GMO trial and hoax but are making their voices heard in order to try to end this medical tyranny and fraud .

By: Aliss Terpstra Sat, 12 Jun 2021 01:14:22 +0000 Recently, a young mom of 2 in Manitoba died from Covid because no doctor in Manitoba or Ontario was willing to defy their regulatory body, Health Canada and the Minister of Health and prescribe ivermectin for her to save her life. (We also cannot get HCQ prescribed.) She couldn’t get an ICU bed in Manitoba or Ontario either – all filled. The provincial and federal governments just sentenced her and others like her to death and then province blamed the feds for not funding enough hospital beds and health care personnel. Also, we cannot get therapeutic dose vitamin D3 above 1000 IU. If we order it from the US it gets seized as an illegal substance by customs.
