Comments on: The Extraterrestrial and the important Earth person Sun, 13 Jun 2021 17:57:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 17:57:49 +0000 SINGLE-FOCUS GROUPED:

What I find so intriguing with the above posted video-song & one main reason I shared it, is because of the group-Work exemplified. All participants working earnestly, to produce harmony.

Strings plucked, strummed, and/or bowed. Brass & Wind. Percussion. Voice.

The drummer’s tiny bells are saucer-shaped, like little UFOs. Perhaps for The Fish!

Squire, a Pisces, entitled his 1st solo album, Fish Out Of Water.

Of note: When the varied bassists play the 4 notes, one per string, they are using a technique called “harmonics.”

Normally, if one depresses a string to fret it, then releases it, this always produces under-/overtones. This is fine & gives the note a “round-richness” which we are ordinarily accustomed to.

But with harmonics, a sharper/cleaner/crisper focus is produced. It’s just an interesting technique & sound.

The lightest momentary touch, upon a tensed string, simultaneously plucked, to sound. As Jon writes so crisply, let us take Inspiration & find also that light touch, that draws the Ear & captivates so.

The corpus-song in which this arrangement is built around, is the song, The Fish.

However, embedded within are portions of Squire’s Fish Out Of Water songs: Lucky Seven & Safe (Canon Song), as well as YES songs: Tempus Fugit &
[wait for it…]
…On The Silent Wings Of Freedom.


Miguel did a spot-on arrangement.

A Wonderful Ode, to a pioneer musician.



It’s amazing what humans can do, when working together.

“For the treasures of the universe
Are lying at your feet…”
~ CS

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 12:35:20 +0000 SILLY & NOT-SO-SILLY

Jon’s recent Nazi-themed Piece has haunted me since its reading. I somehow, cannot wash away its fervor from within me.

Nor should I.

Sillily, I have not showered since (much to the protestations of my wife), nor do I wish at this time to rinse away the Clarion steeping from me.



I must have been about 4 years old. I was not even in kindergarten yet. I was watching TV.

A scene appeared of a cachectic man, seated upon the ground, back against a wall, emaciated, weakened, threadbare.

He was waving his single arm “away” at the cameraman, in a anemic protest, not to image him, in his present state.

I began to violently weep uncontrollably. My abdomen was contracting convulsively.

I didn’t understand why. I was a mere child.

As I write this, the memory is as clear as a painted azure sky.

In retrospect, it must have been a documentary of the Holocaust.

I’m not Jewish, but I view Judaism as the cradle of Christianity.

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 11:57:20 +0000 David Bowie, whose musical career was on the upswing found himself addicted to cocaine. He also felt enormous pressures from within the business side of the music industry. So he left America & rented an apartment in the Western-controlled sector of Berlin.

He remarked that his favorite task during this time of rest & renewal, was doing the laundry & watching the faces of the people about their ordinary tasks.

Looking out the window of his flat one day, he spied & felt the oppressiveness of The Wall.

In that Moment, he also made witness to a simple gesture of love.

This Inspired him to write the song Heroes.

It was not initially listened to.

“We can be heroes,
Whatcha say…”

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 11:25:17 +0000 FIRE-BIRDS & HEROES

The Music I offered (Our) Fish above opens with a portion of The Firebird Suite by composer Igor Stravinsky. Written in 1910 for the Paris ballet.

The ballet centers on the journey of its hero, Prince Ivan.
While hunting in the forest, he strays into the magical realm of the evil Koschei the Immortal, whose immortality is preserved by keeping his soul in a magic egg hidden in a casket.
When Koschei sends his minions after Ivan, he summons the Firebird.

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 11:11:30 +0000 To Stir…
The Heart-of-Man.

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 11:01:08 +0000 SHINNING & SPINNING THUS

I know I’m terribly biased.
My Gambit is thus,
I think Jon is America’s most important contemporaneous Writer.
Quilled-pen & Inked-well.
A shinning/spinning Diamond.

May more hearken.
This is my prayer.

Shine On!


I’ve been given my plastic “ground crew” pen.

(“silent”…”No, no”…)


“The Pen is mightier than the Sword”

~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton
(English Author 1839)

Communication & Advocacy
Of an Independent Press,
is a more effective tool
than direct violence.

By: Paul Sun, 13 Jun 2021 08:47:43 +0000 Fish,

Thanx for videos.
As for pyramidal configurations, read:

Coevolution (Alec Newald)

Penetration (Ingo Swann)

By: Pisces Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:53:10 +0000 Thanks for sharing these writings and the links, Paul. I always enjoy exploring music that’s different from what I normally listen to.

By: Pisces Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:51:15 +0000 *Gonna* start speaking in tongues? Don’t worry about it. I do it all the time, and I am juuust fine… I’m not the type who’s afraid to dive into “unsafe-to-talk-about” topics like UFO’s etc.

Anyway, since you asked me… Yes, I like paintings. I myself do not paint, but I have always been fascinated by the paintings, especially the ones that ‘accurately’ depict nature. You’d have to drag me away from a painting if I had spotted an art gallery that caught my eye while I’m drooling staring at it! That’s how much I love them.


It just so happens that I liked most of the hobbies you mentioned, but needless to say that none of them belongs to only one “sign”.

By: Fins mcgee Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:31:09 +0000 Where is the June 11 show link? I am not seeing it on this site.
