Comments on: The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:50:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leo Biddle Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:50:02 +0000 You should check out Fauci’s first fraud

Saw that which led me to this fascinating chaps blog

By: Tom P. Tue, 15 Jun 2021 11:13:43 +0000 “Only if” must be ‘unless’ you get rid of all illusions and delusions in your mind, you are stuck in the illusionary matrix.

The matrix exists only in your mind. Trying to escape keeps it going.

By: Tom P. Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:10:09 +0000 The false oneness is one of the grand illusions of the matrix, but all illusions and delusions make up the false matrix.

Only if you get rid of all illusions and delusions in your mind, you are stuck in the illusionary matrix.

All thoughts are illusions. The matrix itself is an illusion.

If you realize this you use thought only to live sanely and intelligently in this reality.

By: RegretLeft Mon, 14 Jun 2021 17:30:35 +0000 Late arriving: learned a great deal from Matrix Revealed. Just now starting AIDS, Inc – published almost 35 years ago, it is remarkably timely. For example, I had not realized (or recalled) that “AIDS” was a kind of trail run of the “you can be sick but have no symptoms” Psy-Op. Absolutely astonishing (as JR notes inChapter 9) that MDs were prescribing an incredibly toxic drug (AZT) for those who merely “tested positive” for “HIV” – no symptoms, no illness – just “HIV positive” – it’s as if people with so-called asymptomatic Covid were getting hooked up to respirators!

It is good to know that JR was not entirely alone on this “beat”. I just found this article on AZT published in 1989 (republished about 2015) – a year or two after AIDS, Inc

By: THX1138 Mon, 14 Jun 2021 11:39:53 +0000 The killer in the bloodstream: the “spike protein” — Health & Wellness —

By: BoogeymanSlayer Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:21:32 +0000 Jon, you have had an awesome impact on my ability to break free from the medical cartel’s nonsense agenda. I have followed you for years and I can think more logically as a result of your tireless efforts to educate us who need and want it. Thank you!

I came across someone in an video today that you probably know or know of.

It is really encouraging to hear good scientists speak out against the craziness imposed upon us by the rich and powerful. It’s gratifying to hear good scientists questioning the existence of viruses and talk about the same things you have taught us.

The Matrix Revealed is packed with interesting, useful, and life-changing information. I highly recommend it.
