Comments on: Part two, the Virus speaks; the nature of reality Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:31:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: irena Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:31:34 +0000 interesting idea
could you explain this more?
for foreigners, please?

the bablyon part, specifically


By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 19:01:14 +0000 That, btw… being the most inappropriate music video I’ve ever seen.

From an album named Iraena’s Ashes.

By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 18:56:08 +0000 Jeez. Sorry…

I didn’t think you’d take it so personally.

By: elena Fri, 18 Jun 2021 13:21:07 +0000 that’s worth everything
what does this have to do with anything

i mean – your sentiments
surely it’s vital in itself…

but wouldn’t please leave alone the author
he cares of your love towards the truth maybe

By: elena Fri, 18 Jun 2021 13:15:35 +0000 only that objective world leaves by itself maybe and would have really nothing to do with us and our subjective world: it’s all based on our capabilities to access it somehow… So we would care less about that objectivity you point out as a purpose.
our nervous system shows our human machinery systems and if we’ll get over it a bit – then the mechanism of creativity turned in us and plays the game by means of the usage of our nervous system and whatever else we have in us…
we are not perceiving reality same way, but the way the personal level of each of our personal creativity allows us to make a game of. so no sir the auto
9perception via) nervous system grants us a chance to start as a prime machine in readings of the world pictures (of that presumed objectivity) but does not take you on that sweet road of choices in which, depending on you level of creativity, you might be able to be a part of creation pulling some ingredients of reality out of yourself.
that control of free will of yours is nonsense: none is able to control your free will, what they are controlling in us is a will but the free one. so – free will is not subjected to no controls, ever.
So, no Sir those of yours statements are just wrong interpretations of ‘our reality’ deals.

By: elena Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:28:15 +0000 no it’s Uhgregor Divemindovicz unless you misspelled
Irena actually is AngryHortyculturist Pothqlip mister point

By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:10:05 +0000 This is actually something I’ve had a very difficult time trying to explain regarding the “veiling”…and I’m sure you’ve noticed the rather tangible meaning of that, in this particular world.

Anyway, as a random hint. What if “freemasonry” is all about trying to cover up for lilith?

I mean, you don’t see them being particularly transparent regarding female membership, representation and such.

But from what I’ve seen there is a secret order of witches, I guess. And even the moron freemason “men” have not figured it out.

Nice distractions.

At least, from my bleak interpretation of the state of affairs.

By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:06:14 +0000 Oh, so you do not associate qlippoth with lucifer’s rejection of the legions of lilith, with them representing the tree of death?

Coz that’s what I experienced.

By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 05:50:26 +0000 Wow, sorry about my typing errors. The grape wine is quite effective.

Cosmic relief:

By: Angry Horticulturist Fri, 18 Jun 2021 05:48:48 +0000 Well I’m just one of Yama’s messengers, so to say.

Gill Bates is not getting off the hook. Just saying what heard the grape wine.

Obviously they don’t have my heart. Nor my soul. I mean, I would not give those things any time at all.

I mean, I have more respect for even the lowliest hobos. As indeed, they are more worthy merely virtue of NOT degenerating so much.

Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice.

Which is also why I tend to want to punch televisions. Like when I walk past a television, I can even feel the taint trying to get into my psyche.

Who said anything about letting them win? I bet they are steered, like an ironic mirror.
