Comments on: COVID: Three men who own corporate America Thu, 05 Aug 2021 02:37:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Koshy Alex Thu, 05 Aug 2021 02:37:40 +0000 Monopoly – Follow The Money

By: Steve Stars Sun, 11 Jul 2021 14:24:57 +0000 Thanks Jon, for exposing BlackRock,

Here’s a little ditty that has been circulating on the web. I can’t absolutely validate all the direct connections, but I would wager they are about 90% accurate:

The cookie crumbles

And so the cookie starts to crumble…
Daylight killers…
The masks begin to fall off!

“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline,
which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against
the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and
which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes
the vaccine!

“GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black
Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation
Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA!
“Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which
(accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the
German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who
(coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock,” which (coincidentally)
controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment

“‘Black Rock’ is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT,
owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which
– remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first
sponsor of the ‘WHO’!

“Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected


By: Judy Fri, 02 Jul 2021 00:40:53 +0000 This is for Opie Poik.

By: Judy Fri, 02 Jul 2021 00:39:22 +0000 Thank you for all these valuable links.

By: Judy Fri, 02 Jul 2021 00:37:30 +0000 They have to go to the grave first.

By: Rob Mon, 28 Jun 2021 02:01:12 +0000 Trusting in man will bring eternal destruction:

By: Bert Powers Thu, 24 Jun 2021 13:24:35 +0000 Another great article.

By: Brian Thu, 24 Jun 2021 02:48:03 +0000 Every time I talk about the Corona virus, and I say anything about money being involved it turns off the listener. I find that our society in general does not like to follow the money trails, could it be years if not decades of indoctrination to believe this, that money does not play a large role in crimes? All of this came to a head when the WTC went down and the Pentagon was hit by some object on 9/11. Or perhaps people don’t see a crime and therefore believe everything they’re told like good useful idiots, even though the State has been lying and stealing from them ever since their birth.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:44:37 +0000 Yep!

– “A sick client is a repeat client, and guaranteed profits. While a healthy one, will never darken your door.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:38:32 +0000 Big Government is “captured” by Big Corporate (as well as Big Trusts, Big Foundations, etc).

When I said:

The “SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT” was crafted and lobbied by the Rockefeller interests!

I was NOT mincing words!

“Big Government” policies and legislation is mostly crafted by lawyers and attorneys FOR of EMPLOYED BY the “Big Businesses”! – This is a KNOWN FACT! ! !

All those lobbyists and other “persuaders” who have practically the red carpet rolled out for them at virtually EVERY statehouse, the White House, and even the other regulatory agencies – are some of the best-paid in the business, paid for BY the “Big Business”!

It’s more “Big Government” is the “symptom”!

Let’s get our facts straight, shall we?

Look at ALL of the huge campaign donations/contributions to each and every “favored” candidate come election time. The largest benefactors will eventually get their wished fulfilled as pay-back from the successful candidates getting “elected”!

How can ANYONE ignore this? ? ?

Our “governments” are nothing more than the “front doors” of a corporate system of control!
