Comments on: Interviewing the dead Albert Einstein about free will Sun, 27 Jun 2021 20:34:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Desmond McReynolds Sun, 27 Jun 2021 20:34:00 +0000 Spirit is will and intelligence. God is pure spirit. Man is limited will and intelligence, man is made in the image of God. We speak of a spirited horse, a restless horse, a horse that is raring to go, a willful horse.

By: No_NWO Fri, 25 Jun 2021 11:20:40 +0000 The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells about the dance floor of energy and matter. Matter and energy (resp. electromagnetic radiation) are two physically interacting expressions of Spirit, or of “I am what I am”. Why should there be any order of higher and lower between these three. Makes no sense.

But then: What’s Spirit? Is it force, volition, will? Only words. Spirit isn’t to be explained but gives to explain. If at least an allegory, it might be music.

By: Desmond McReynolds Wed, 23 Jun 2021 19:47:25 +0000 Einstein is a bit Over-rated — He is also known as the Father of the Atom Bomb

Tue, Jun 22 at 8:22 PM

Dear Mr. Jon,

Einstein is a product of his day and age. Just as Copernicus and Galileo were products of their day and age. Just as Jon Rappoport is a product of his day and age.

Three thousand years of Judaism in the desert could never have produced an Einstein but 2,000 years of Western Civilization — (Greek Roman and Jew) — produced many different Einsteins and specialists that no other civilization could ever have produced because it took some 2,000 years for Western Civilization to mature enough to create an industrial revolution, such that the world had never ever seen before.

Maybe the world has existed for billions of years in the making. But only in the last few thousand years has man emerged with his near god-like vision of unlimited power and control. What has emerged is Pantheism, the religion that says man is god or god-becoming after he has conquered all the mysteries of the universe.

The Western Civilization of Europe, of which the whole world has become an extension, consists of three totally different conflicting identities — Greek Roman and Jew — Greek philosophy and logic, Roman Law and Jurisprudence and Jewish Messianism and prophecy — these three identities, combined as one identity in our Western Civilization, have galvanized history. Modern man has a three-in-one mentality, a mentality born of the consciousness of three different conflicting civilizations and the consciousness of those three different civilizations.

A lawyer may tend more to the Roman mentality of law and order, whereas a thinker, a philosopher, may tend more to the Greek identity and the Jew in all of us is, more or less, from all our different Judaic religions with their mysticisms and promise of a greater future messianic paradise on earth or wherever, so the Jewish is the most powerful influence of the three.

After all, the Greek and Roman civilizations came and went whereas the Jew persists for thousands and thousands of years, as relevant in ancient times as in modern times. For it is the Jew in Christianity, as much as anything else, that is the irritant and drive and spur of modern history.

Now we see emerging the Jew in the Marxist religion — a religion based on economics and class warfare (white guilt for black oppression is the modern version of class warfare) — emerging and denying the thousands and thousands of years of the Ten Commandments and asserting instead the Ten Points of the Communist Manifesto and the emergence of the values of the psychopath to replace the Ten Commandments.

The ancient Greek and the Roman identities of Europe died because they lacked the optimistic Jewish vision of a promised land flowing with milk and honey which was why those two civilizations — the Greek and the Roman — were like flowers that grew and bloomed and flourished and then died leaving hardly any trace except what great philosophers like Tomas Aquinas could salvage and incorporate into Christian Western Civilization and tradition. The Jewish messianic vision of a heaven, a paradise, a Promised Land, at some future date, is what keeps Western Civilization alive and vibrant and dynamic.

There are many false messiahs like Hitler and Stalin and Mao and in our Western World all promising the Kingdom of Heaven on earth at some future date but all these false messiahs leave behind them are rivers of blood.

Martin Luther is a good example: Instead of unifying Europe he managed to divide Europe, setting one against another, contributing to the rivers of blood and mayhem. St. Francis, on the other hand, also came upon a corrupt church and a corrupt Europe but by his leadership and example he transformed that Europe as never before.

A Jew alone could not split the atom. A Roman alone could not split the atom and a Greek alone could not split the atom, but modern man, that is a combination of three identities in one, is able to split the atom, to discover the earth is not flat after all, to fly to the moon, to discover electricity, invent an internal combustion engine and a steam engine and even a bicycle — that is the miracle of modern man such that his vanity leads him to believe he is as great as if not greater than God Himself.

In the Biblical myth, Lucifer had a similar idea, that he was greater than God, that no sooner had God created Lucifer, the highest intelligence ever, the Angel of Light, than Lucifer committed the sin of pride, thinking that maybe he was as great as if not greater then God Himself. And for his sin of pride he, Lucifer, instantly changed into Satan, the Prince of Darkness, in a flash, so that he found himself outside the orbit of God (which is heaven) and outside the orbit of God is hell, where Lucifer has been ever since. God did not banish Lucifer to hell. Lucifer choose hell with his sin of pride.

Now modern man is playing around with the same idea that maybe man is the highest known intelligence in the universe so therefore man is god or god-becoming after he has conquered all the mysteries of the universe, conquered time and space and and conquered all the diseases and maybe even conquered death itself, so as to assert his deity, his godhood, his divinity. Man will not rest until he has challenged God Himself in his very heavens!

In another day and age man sought to climb the highest mountain or plumb the deepest ocean but now man seeks to , conquer time and space, to conquer all the diseases, to conquer death itself, to discover immortality, and to challenge God Himself in His very heavens.

Desmond McReynolds
22 June 2021

By: Duke Walters Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:20:38 +0000 I agree. I wrote the below as a comment to a previous Jon’s blog but it also fits as a comment to this post.

Modern science is primarily fake. It has been like that for many years now. Science is used as an enterprise to control humanity. It is one of the most effective tools in the globalist tool box.

Just about everything we have been taught it is scientific, with very few exceptions, is false. Science is a cult. Comes up with all kinds of speculation and they become scientific theories, or fact. With no reasonable way to be validated through empirical verification. So, in reality, most things we have been taught in science are speculative, thoughts, and ideas. Then they come up with all kinds of beautiful mathematics to supposedly “prove” their existence. The mathematics is beautiful in its own right, and it is a great mental exercise, but the mathematics does not necessarily describe the real world. Most, if not all, of those concepts are unlikely to be verified empirically. Ever.

Chances are that there were no dinosaurs. Or such a thing as evolution of species transforming into other species. That has never been seen in the real world. There are no electrons circling protons like solar systems, and most of the atomic particles in the “particle zoo”, as it is called unofficially by particle physicists, have inferred existence through mathematical formulations. Similarly, there are likely to be no black holes, or dark energy, or dark matter, or black holes event horizons where worm holes form, etc. etc. Those are mathematical exercises of the mind. Same goes for String Theory, where the universe is made up of multiple dimensions and multiple universes. If there are, in fact, multiple dimensions, there are likely to be extremely different and unrelated to the concepts in String Theory.

The same applies to Biology, Virology, Immunology, etc. Most of these so called sciences are based on near 100% speculation, ignoring important aspects of the real world and every day experience. Science has a way of selling their theories through propaganda, but they sweep under the rug all those components that are not convenient to the theory. And they should not be called scientific theories to being with. They are all primarily speculative and based mostly on opinions and what is called scientific consensus. Which means, if enough scientists who most of them are self-proclaimed experts say so, it becomes so. No questions asked. Need not be true in the real world.

It goes on and on. There is no end to how fake modern science is.

By: ReluctantWarrior Wed, 23 Jun 2021 13:53:01 +0000 Very well said! Really inspirational. What science doesn’t tell us (or want us to know perhaps) is that the Universe is really us. It is a human universe because our brains through our senses cohere or orchestrate the particles and waves of the universe. We create our universe and we, therefore, have the power to imagine the best. To create our dream with creativity and imagination. What other alien races or life forms may experience is unique to their biophysical structure. I suspect that the wold an ant experiences is very different than that of a Dolphin.

By: Greg C. Wed, 23 Jun 2021 12:55:13 +0000 Science has been gaslighting us for almost a century with impossible stories. The Big Bang tells us Once Upon a Time, there was no time or space. Then suddenly, something “Big” happened and voila, “something” started expanding rapidly into “nothing.” These events were initiated before there was time – get it? How can something happen in timelessness? How can non-space exist “outside” space – you know, that place where there is no place? Contradiction after contradiction.

Now Science tells us that ordinary people breathing kill other people, and people eating and using electricity will kill us all someday. Both of these postulates are by there very nature unverifiable and unfalsifiable. Show me once person who we can definitely say was killed by a person not wearing a mask. One.

The mask fable and the climate fable are similar to that atomic fable – invisible particles determine our fate, and the only thing to do is manipulate and control those particles. Nothing else exists. Not only is that a declaration, but it is the scientific imperative. Suppress, ignore, obey.

By: nb Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:04:38 +0000 By the way, this is a similar problem to Lucretius’ ‘swerve’. What causes a particle to deviate from the path it would take according to the known laws?

By: nb Wed, 23 Jun 2021 10:55:10 +0000 If I move my hand from one point to another I like to imagine I have done it through the exercise of free will.

However if the particles in my hand, and all the known components making up that move, such as the involvement of nerves, are obeying the forces as we know them, then that move was always going to happen – ever since the big bang. Just a complicated billard table full of balls forever interacting according to the known forces.

If we add in free will, there is some capacity outside of the known forces. What?

I believe in free will. Thus I believe there is a realm that I simply do not understand, except through the manifestation of free will. We have clues, perhaps, such as entanglement, change in behaviour through observation, and so on, but clues. Tiny clues. Maybe red herrings.

This is the greatest mystery of all.

By: Paul Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:30:30 +0000 Brilliant writing,…
and imagination

I agree twice.

By: Paul Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:27:09 +0000 “…but there is
a limit
on what
the instruments
can detect.”

…Not Yours.
