Comments on: Dispatches from the War: the pharmaceutical/medical troops occupy planet Earth Thu, 24 Jun 2021 12:53:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: ReluctantWarrior Thu, 24 Jun 2021 12:53:52 +0000 The current medical paradigm must be changed. The good news is that we, as individuals, can change it. The single most revolutionary thing we can do is to take our own healthcare back into our own hands. If one is healthy then the new paradigm is to create and maintain radiant health and practice prevention through healthy nutrition and life style. If one is not healthy then one needs to follow a program like Dean Ornish’s ‘Undo It’ and literally re-capture your health. Having a holistic practitioner who may or may not be an MD is a good safeguard. This practitioner would be knowledgeable in the field of indigenous medical practice and the ancient art of medicine as practiced in Ayurveda or TCM. These practitioners do not separate body, mind and spirit. They are integrative in their approach. Stay away from all pharmaceuticals and change them out for neutraceuticals. Nature has a medicine for everything. Do not take any over the counter medicines either especially Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen unless under the most painful circumstances. I had a knee that was bothering me and I began taking a high grade form of Turmeric. Unfortunately it took about 4 days for it to kick in so I had to take a little Advil in the interim. What happened though was eventually the Turmeric worked and the inflammation in my knee went away. It has not returned. The turmeric seemed to quell that area of inflammation for good. Advil is only a stop gap solution. We must become our own doctors!

By: george Thu, 24 Jun 2021 11:44:49 +0000 Oath #3: $ is your god

By: Jimmy Wed, 23 Jun 2021 23:14:12 +0000 And the deaths from these prescriptions? I imagine the numbers have risen well above 106,000 since 2000.

By: miker Wed, 23 Jun 2021 21:52:09 +0000 Thanks Jon! They are ‘war criminals’…faithless, heartless, mindless war-criminals…

By: Roundball Shaman Wed, 23 Jun 2021 20:58:40 +0000 Which of these two oaths more accurately describes today’s Medical Industrial Complex:

Oath #1: “Do no harm.”

Oath #2: “Do NOTHING BUT HARM” (but NEVER ADMIT that’s what you’re doing)

By: Kendon Wed, 23 Jun 2021 20:42:20 +0000 A predator sleeks through the tall grass for cover just before he strikes.

Hezbollah terrorist , and Hamas hide behind civilians.
The WEF hid behind the guise of humanitarian globalization.Most no more than those who claim to be of our brother Judah but are not just like
the IMF that also hides behind the idea it is not a private fleecing organization.
The enemies in Congress hide behind the constitution, and invoke prayer while steadfast at removing both.

They all hide from the horrific mistakes made, of dangles, and the offer they should have refused,that guarantees both secrecy, and compliance.

The World Economic Forums plan for communistic globalization with complete control over the masses through Technocracy as already implemented in China with their Anti Christ communist leadership slave labor partners .

They have activated all their assets for all to see. Exposed just before they strike. Your enslavement, and the “ final solution “ written on the Georgia Guide Stones in multiple languages is the goal.

All anyone of WE THE PEOPLE sheeple needs to do is to rise up and notice the wolf that is exposed in full attack mode to save ourselves. Awakening of the sheeple was the job of patriots.
WE THE SHEEPLE awakened by their shepherds.
To all the patriot shepherds in our time ,I salute you .
God Bless You , and Godspeed!

By: Sue Wed, 23 Jun 2021 19:09:31 +0000 And doctors are punished for resisting the mass poisoning, with fines and loss of license to practice.

There is a doctor on trial in California right now for writing medical exemptions to vaccination.

By: Lisa Franklin Wed, 23 Jun 2021 19:03:05 +0000 I live in the UK. I have felt for a long time like the odd one out because I don’t take prescription drugs.

What I found was if you need medical help they won’t give you certain drugs. Other drugs are ousted on you more or less. Apparently doctors are paid well to prescribe asthma drugs. I got them easily even though I’ve never had asthma in my life. So did my son. He came home loaded with inhalers.He doesn’t have asthma either although being a hypochondriac he got convinced he had it. I managed to make him realise he didn’t have asthma thankfully. What does that tell you?

By: Pisces Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:53:44 +0000 No wonder why they heavily suppress and censor cheap and natural treatments and cures from the public view as much as they possibly can, right? Just to keep making astronomical profits by destroying people’s health as their business model. Not only that, pharmaceutical industries around the world are financially capable of faking any studies that’ll get their synthetic drugs approved and certified for public use. Big pharma, big governments and big corporations etc. support each other to make huge profits while destroying everyone else around them, and they continue to gain more power over the whole world. So it’s crucial for people to know about there are safe and natural treatments and cures available to them that work when it comes to healing the body instead of just masking a problem with synthetic drugs that create even more problems for the disease they are “supposed” to fix. But the drugs are not designed to cure a disease.

By: john herman Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:47:27 +0000 Jon,

Don’t know if you’ve heard of the book, “Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime by Peter Gotzsche, written in 2013? Just received it and it contains a wealth of information and references and confirms the ‘evilness’ of Big Medicine/Pharma. It details what many have suspected for decades….a real eye-opener for unknowing “RX and OTC drug takers.”
