Comments on: Freedom vs. The Machine; geneticists and their weapons Fri, 02 Jul 2021 02:46:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sonia H. Fri, 02 Jul 2021 02:46:57 +0000 Not just those 3 vitamins, though, Haniel. Supplementation with Iodine/Iodide and Vitamin D are critical.

About scurvy, lots of people have scurvy but they don’t know it. For one example, gum disease/bleeding gums/receding gums is scurvy of the jaw, but the dental industry doesn’t want you trying to alleviate the condition with Vitamin C. Look it up.

By: Sonia H. Fri, 02 Jul 2021 02:39:20 +0000 Why are they wasting their creativity inventing and manufacturing these special shots. Most of us already are a bunch of androids. They already had us in the palms of their hands, before they launched the stupid Corona business.

By: elena Mon, 28 Jun 2021 18:52:27 +0000 Wow,
thanks much for this generous reply – it is greatly informative and well insightful.

Thank you again!

I’ll check Bhutan – that’s for sure, but Russia and/or Belarus have been great headache considerations for me (especially Russia) – I dream to live in Russia or, at least, die there.
Ok, I am Donbass area (Ukrain) borned, chilhooded in central Ukraine and hated it with all my heart. That’s why I finished in country of dream with best constitution in the world, huge amount of freedom and opportunities called deception. All this turned out to be an aggressive lie so now I learned a real name of the crap: Corrupted corporate states of america is the real name to start with and don’t ask me about the end line…
What place in Russia id “leavable’ and you like? Please advice! I love Russians but think the Russia is involved in global cabal business though I have deep respect to President and love him even more.

What do you think?
thanks a lot.
Your English is great

By: Greg Sat, 26 Jun 2021 00:40:01 +0000 We can make choices in life. But we are given the options to choose from.

By: Curmudgeon Fri, 25 Jun 2021 23:43:01 +0000 Thanks for the link

By: Arby Fri, 25 Jun 2021 19:18:47 +0000 I know that we’ve inherited imperfection from our first human parents. Obviously, we inherit stuff from our parents and their parents. But remember, no one – human, imperfect and limited – has all the answers. Well, Maybe the professional scam artists within the Rockefeller medical establishment have ALL the answers. (Not)

By: Arby Fri, 25 Jun 2021 19:15:25 +0000 They long ago abandoned established science and IT was wonky! That’s at the root of the current civil war in the medical establishment, with the shysters, and the ruined doctors siding with them, on one side, and principled (if not completely correct) doctors on the other side.

Give Dawn Lester’s and David Parker’s book, “What Really Makes You Ill – Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong.” I’m plowing through it right now (and even ordered two more copies to give away). For example, They now want to produce vaccines for AIDS and cancer. One, there’s no AIDS virus. Two, Cancers have nothing to do with viruses. They are a result of mutated cells that grow faster than normal cells and those mutations come about via toxins, not genes or viruses.

See my own blog post looking at the for-profit Rockefeller health care system and it’s ongoing scams. I used material from Jon for the post:

“Thanks A Lot Covid!” /

“Corruption Trumps Technology” /

By: Arby Fri, 25 Jun 2021 19:01:30 +0000 A historian who everyone today has forgotten, seemingly, is Howard Zinn, who wrote “A People’s History Of The United States.” He was slipping toward the end of the large volume, calling Bernie Sanders a socialist, but other than that, the book is awesome and has some very good lessons in it about freedom. James Corbett recently did a show titled “A Brief History Of Hopium.” ‘Hopium’ riffs off of ‘opium’. They are both drugs and they are both not good for you. Corbett is not saying that hope and change are automatically bad things, but that fake hope and change peddled by professional scam artists are bad and a people’s uncritical acceptance of what shysters tell them is bad.

People were just as hooked on hopium in Thomas Paine’s day is they are now. Talk about freedom. There’s the very articulate Thomas Paine promising the people freedom if they take his advice, while supporting the bank of North America that his buddy Robert Morris was responsible for creating. Zinn:

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“Paine himself came out of “the lower orders” of England… But his great concern seems to have been to speak for a middle group. “There is an extent of riches, as well as extreme poverty, which, by harrowing the circles of a man’s acquaintance, lessens his opportunities of general knowledge.” “Once the Revolution was under way, Paine more and more made it clear that he was not for the crowd action of lower-class people – like those militia who in 1779 attacked the house of James Wilson. Wilson was a Revolutionary leader who opposed price controls and wanted a more conservative government than was given by the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. Pain became an associate of one of the wealthiest men in Pennsylvania, Robert Morris, and a supporter of Morris’s creation, the Bank of North America.” Later, during the controversy over adopting the Constitution, Paine would once again represent urban artisans, who favored strong central government. He seemed to believe that such a government could serve some great common interest. In this sense, he lent himself perfectly to the myth of the Revolution – that it was on behalf of a united people.” – from pages 62-70 of “A People’s History Of The United States” by Howard Zinn
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Corbett’s point is that the people need to roll up their sleeves and work for, not politicians or political parties, all false saviors, but for themselves, building the world that they want.

As for philosophy, I’m not into philosophies. That’s like ‘sciences’ isn’t it? Whereas, science is supposed to be ongoing and never settled, they say. I say that we don’t need to know absolutely how everything works. Running the universe is God’s job.

I was very drawn to philosophy in my earlier years, but could never get through a book. The philosopher, or philosopher’s biographer, would be humming along nicely, and in an agreeably stimulating fashion, and then start cranking out unbelievable crap. I’m all for thinking and exchanging ideas, where no one has to be correct or know it all. That’s normal. But this or that philosophy – a finished product that purports to be the ‘science’ of life – just doesn’t draw me.

Maybe that’s because I already have a philosophy. It’s called Christianity. And yes, I have lots of problems with and questions about the Christian Bible. And I’ve learned things from Bible critics. But overall, I’m not searching for the answer. I’m not unwilling, however, to talk with those who have their own answers. I’m just not going to drop my philosophy and embrace their’s because someone insists that I do.

By: Arby Fri, 25 Jun 2021 18:42:49 +0000 I’ll pass on the hopium.

By: Arby Fri, 25 Jun 2021 18:03:19 +0000 “Veteran journalist Celia Farber describes one such experiment… Just another day at the office for the funders and researchers. They’re working with billions of dollars and a vision of the future. Nothing must stand in their way.”

And then we come to this: “Bill C-6 Passed.” It’s on its way to becoming law. Rosemary Frei reports:

“Thanks Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the other members of the House of Commons for passing Bill C-6! So great that Canada is one of the very few countries poised to criminalize counseling kids to take their time before becoming permanent medical patients. Happy Pride!”

The destroyers, who play God and imagine that they will ‘create’ from the bits – societies, families, individuals – a new world in which those who should rule, will, while the rest of us can go eat ourselves, literally. (They are talking about meat-growing kits where we can input a part of ourselves into the machinery, which then cranks out a slab of meat.)
