Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: Cult of the Reality Builders Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:28:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sm Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:28:09 +0000 Having said the above, I will say this without hesitation, THE DEVIL EXISTS IN THE MINDS OF MAN “””””ONLY””””””. that is where they will be destroyed!!!

By: Sm Mon, 28 Jun 2021 18:09:08 +0000 Rose, they have stolen truth from us. As in biblical history. I just posted the truth in Revelations. I assume john will allow it.

By: Sm Mon, 28 Jun 2021 17:22:15 +0000 The power outside of the matrix is the truth stated in bible as Revelations was given to John. John shortly before it came to be with our creator’s judgement against Judaism, in the, “DESTRUCTION of JERUSALEM ” in 70ad.

The Breast that John spoke of, was Nero or Neron. The people of Rome in his day even referred to him as “the beast”. If one looks up the name Neron in roman numerals you will find the number “666”. Jesus said in Matthew, “this generation shall NOT pass before these things come to be”, and it all happened over the of 7.5yrs, just as Daniel, Jeremiah, Jesus and others predicted. If you read rev. 17:7-11, it was referring to the city of Rome (7 hills). The 7 kings are to the rulers of Rome. Nero” was the 8th, but of the 7. 1st century historians all agree on the 70ad DESTRUCTION of JERUSALEM. See Josephus, Tacitus and others. This was was common knowledge in the churches for over 1800 years. And then the cult gained control of the printing press in 1913 and started changing biblical history through Darby and the Scofield bible, printed be the “Oxford press”..

I’m not a religious man, but because I’m a honest man that refuses to compromise, my creator came to me with power that I could not have dreamed existed. You see I was married to the cult for 43 years and worked with them for 20years. I didn’t know it until 5 years ago when his power and my burden , he placed in my heart.

I speak the truth.

By: rose Sat, 26 Jun 2021 16:38:33 +0000 There is now a concerted effort by controlled opposition to prop up vaccine experts who supposedly are concerned about safety but all the while prop up false narratives that continue to advance the need for the new technology mRNA drugs

The Defender and Del Bigtree have a regular practice of featuring lead big pharm research scientists, as if these people are anything but there to protect the core lies around the vaccine industry

Now the inventor of mRNA technology is all over the media and people are swooning because he states the current vaccines are unsafe BUT NEXT GENERATION vaccines are probably better candidates and he is worried that people won’t trust the CDC & big Pharm anymore

And, people think this guy is their friend

Its unreal

I think the core message is STOP looking to any part of that system for real truth. The only use is to watch it to understand where they will need next
