Comments on: Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality Fri, 02 Jul 2021 14:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: JD Fri, 02 Jul 2021 14:33:00 +0000 The creation is not greater than the Creator so nothing can be imagined by the painter that didn’t come from the creator.

The problem is the Painter has a fallen relationship with the Creator and the result is his own perspective is void of the original intent of the creator.

How did these people enter the painting?, by their own free will.

As it was in the beginning when the serpent asked “hath God said”?

It doesn’t matter what the painter says, there is truth and it lies squarely in the hands of the creator.

He could have pointed them back to the creator but instead pretended he was God and lured them out of the painting.

By: Sm Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:23:33 +0000 Communism only lasts 80 years or so. I Won’t live to see it (freedom) return to the west. But it was nice while it lasted.

Freedom lovers MUST learn the MASONIC enemy that confronts them and takes ther GOD GIVEN liberty.

Ps – don’t count on the “oath-keepers ” and that fraud, “Stewart Rhodes “. He showed his colors in April 2020. And for his statements Chuck Baldwin resigned.

By: george Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:13:07 +0000 Heatwave and droughts. Bill gates can buy land cheaper.
They bought cheap real estate following peaceful protests.

By: hyden Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:32:49 +0000 Eventually at some point in time this will happen…..
A: Spread out in brain-research facilities all over the world. And their
goal is to make androids. People who react to signals and feel happy.

Q: Brave New World.

A: I’d call it Cowardly New World. Pavlov is their number-one saint. A
colleague of mine once told me a joke about that. A dog attacked Pavlov
and killed him. The dog got angry. He didn’t like listening to that bell
that told him food was coming. The dog wanted to find his own food, and
he finally exploded and killed his master. I can tell you this. If they
succeed in making a Brave New World, it’ll never last. The population
will rebel and destroy every society in the world. They’ll level every
government and every army….you’ve heard of pleasure centers in the
years ago that interview was for Jon.

By: Thankful Thu, 01 Jul 2021 01:13:12 +0000 We all have our prisons, we even fashion the key…..

But, to leave the barred gate, escapes me……

Until the Love of Jesus

Set me free…………………Blessings………..

By: hyden Wed, 30 Jun 2021 22:24:01 +0000 we all just slaves either to social conditionings then genetics.

By: hyden Wed, 30 Jun 2021 22:23:02 +0000 Yip and jack shit we can do about it, except just go along with the ride.
Individual power hahaha we do not have any. Why cant i turn myself into superhero, defy all laws of nature and fly to these places and destroy them. But i can’t, we are all fucked in this place, none of us have any power or else none of this would happen in the first place.

By: Roundball Shaman Wed, 30 Jun 2021 21:32:25 +0000 “People have walked into the painting and taken up residence there.”

Every person paints their own life painting every day. Some folks like what they paint and stay in there. Others hate their painting but they mistakenly believe that someone ELSE painted it and forced them into it. So they curse their painting but never venture out of it. Others don’t like their painting but choose to get some new canvas and brushes and colors and paint something else. And if they don’t like the new one, they keep trying.

The most successful people in life are those who understand who the artist is and who is responsible for the painting they are living in. The saddest people in the World are those who never understand that they are genius artists who could paint anything they ever wanted but never even begin because they refuse to accept their genius and artistry power.

And the most successful people of all would never think of living inside someone else’s painting. No disrespect to the other artists, but why would a genius give up his/her own genius to be a side character in someone else’s picture?

By: Kat Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:37:13 +0000 Brilliant Jon, thank You!

By: Eluard Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:03:11 +0000 I remember this piece Mr. Rappoport, you published this last year. Maybe before that too. But I know why you revive it. Because people can’t get enough of other people’s paintings (universes). They see something halfway decent and want to move in and live “the good life.”

It’s interesting that Charlie had to “con” them to come out of the painting. He had to con them into Freedom. Is that what Jesus was doing with the miracles, the loaves and fishes, etc.? We want an easy freedom, we want someone else to do the work and we’ll just “move in.”

This is my favorite part, when the museum makes a deal and … “the people were granted lifetime platinum memberships and some vouchers and coupons for the museum store and restaurant.” Can you imagine them going back and walking around the museum, having lunch in the cafe and exiting? What a wistful longing they must feel as they descend the steps and get their Ubers home.

Nostalgia for a lost paradise. But didn’t Jon mention, in that piece a few days ago (the guy who escapes the “movie”) that nostalgia is built into it–the dream, the matrix? Thanks much for making us CONSIDER things, Jon.
