Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Yes, I keep writing about imagination Sun, 04 Jul 2021 10:55:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 04 Jul 2021 10:55:00 +0000 The Road to Freedom

You can’t stop us
On the road to freedom
For freedom is not a gift
To be granted by
Government will
With regal inkwell
And feathered quill,
It is a state of mind
That frees us
From the ties that bind,
It is a state of heart and soul
Beyond the algorithms
of silicon tyranny
With its Google y eyes,
Where we are
Free from
Petty earthly desires,
For it is love
That fuels freedom’s passion
Igniting imaginations fire,
Bring on your
Harsh needles of compliance
For they will be
Of no use against me
And tho you may attack
And colonize our
Flesh and bone tomb
You will never
Enter the soul’s true sanctuary,
You shall not find me,
By hearth and home
For I am on the road to freedom,
Cover me with
Your masks of cruel Urizen
They can never bind
Freedom’s breath
And its winged flight
Beyond life’s
Bittersweet horizon,
For into the dawn
Of truth and beauty it flies
Beyond your petty
Lockdowns and lies,
The road to freedom
Is open to all
And invites us
To escape
This mortal pall,
Where obedient mobs
Rant and rave
For inverted justice
Over liberty’s grave
The cruel ordinances of state,
For some dark Prometheus
Has stolen the fire of freedom
And in the distance
I hear the jackboots
Of oppression approaching
And the shattering glass
Of a new Kristallnacht
As we now live
In Freedom’s tyrannical sequel
Buried by six feet of dreams
Separate but equal,
Yet the beauty
Outside my door
Beckons me
With the poetry
Of trees and wildflowers
And the playful
Scampering of squirrels,
Truth and beauty
Are never free
For one must first
Have the eyes to see,
Claim your freedom
And in your martyrdom
Never let it go,
For with your blood
Freedom will grow anew,
Do not be ashamed
Of your tears
For you have
The courage to suffer,
To live free or die
As no other,
For let us never
Give up the fight
Even as our tears fall
On Freedom’s twilight
And may the torch
Of Lady Liberty
Never be completely extinguished
Across this fair land
For It is in our hearts
That we must
Make our gallant last stand!

By: hyden Sat, 03 Jul 2021 23:11:04 +0000 Humans are creative and destructive. Destruction and creation go hand in hand compliment each other.

example for a painter artist to create he/she needs to destroy wood into pulp to make paper, or to get the different colours these need to be destroyed broken down to get the right pigments, blacksmiths need to destroy rock to smelt the metal out of it. EVERYTHING THAT IS CREATIVE COME FROM DESTRUCTION. IT ALL COMES DOWN TO HOW PYSCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONINGS ON HOW WE utilize these energies.

By: Larry C Sat, 03 Jul 2021 19:27:52 +0000 Hmmm…maybe I was wrong about the economic policies of the Cadaver-in-Chief.

By: maria Sat, 03 Jul 2021 18:16:56 +0000 Did you know freedom exists
in a school book
Did you know madmen are
running our prisons
within a jail, within a gaol
within a white free protestant
We’re perched headlong
on the edge of boredom
We’re reaching for death
on the end of a candle
We’re trying for something
that’s already found us

RIP Jim Morrison July 3, 1971

By: Lisa Franklin Sat, 03 Jul 2021 17:57:53 +0000 Interesting that the word Corporation comes from the latin corporus meaning make into a body. It’s also where we get the word corpse from corpus-body. So what do corporations do? They corporate you into the body or they kill you.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sat, 03 Jul 2021 16:30:44 +0000 “You are some kind of mystery suspended between two eternities. And in that moment, when the mind looks out at the world and asked the question, ‘What is it?’ In that moment art can be created.” – Terrence McKenna
