Comments on: The Delta Variant, the unvaccinated, the two Americas, and other propaganda fabrications Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:44:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Strong Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:44:24 +0000 From the time that Mayer Amstel Rothschild had his meeting with some of the richest influencers in the world (at that time, a handful), a plan began to retell our history, create their science, infiltrate our education, control our food and water, energy and every little thing that impacted our lives. He found Adam Weishaupt who founded the Illuminati but with him in the background and his fellow influencers to achieve their aim of controlling the world and the number of people they would allow to live on the earth. Everything from that time on was and is a fabrication of the truth. I guess the media control and technology control evolved over time. With all the research I have done one common factor stands out and that is the problem with language generalisation which hides the identities of these evil people who are doing this. We talk about ‘they’ (I do too because I have yet to know who ‘they’ are exactly). We refer to the ‘enemy’ which condemns a whole country, culture, religion or whoever is the enemy flavour of the day. The government, senate, congress, police, politicians and on and on without ever really naming and shaming or even trying to identify who the heck we are talking about. This allows them to hide behind the generalisation and avoid responsibility for their actions. Until we get into the habit for looking for the name behind the generalisation, call them out by naming and shaming them, they will continue to get away with this agenda that is getting to the point of no return.

By: Kathy Strong Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:24:42 +0000 In my research to find out how this thing became a pandemic I found out that when the vaccinations for the Spanish Flu were made available, the first shipment that went out was double checked by a technician and he found live virus contaminants in the shipment. If it was not for that diligent technician intercepting the shipment, a whole lot more people would be dead from that. I am convinced that it was meant to be the beginning of the cull on the human population. ‘They’ learned from that and this time it has been far more effectively run although if you track back carefully taking numbers and dates into account the fraud is so obvious as to be painfully comical. Because very few did this they got away with declaring a pandemic and got their fraudulent EUA passed.

By: Kathy Strong Fri, 06 Aug 2021 00:48:17 +0000 It is strange that nobody has mentioned the letters sent from the Indian Government with the Delta variant was called the Indian variant. They were angry because there was no evidence of a variant that began in India. Although the name was changed to Delta the narrative continues to say it came from India. Have not seen anything about those letters on other sites either.

By: Lynn Osborne Sun, 01 Aug 2021 18:23:17 +0000 I so agree Jenny. It is a cookie cutter education with no thought to the individuality of the child. I watched my Grandson in public school and throughout his years he was always punished by teachers in school. Why…because he questioned everything and thought outside the box, and because he did not conform he was always ostracized by the Powers That Be. They would put his chair away from the class facing nothing but a wall. I am so glad he is through school now, because I couldn’t take much more.

By: Paul K. Wed, 28 Jul 2021 11:00:43 +0000 Lastly, for my own post. The laws of the land are not applied equally to those who are accessory or directly commit murder or kill people those who kill people with whatever weapons. So its okay for some people to die or be medically injured for those responsible (the medical pharma, vaccine or MRNA companies) to get away with it?? Oh they say the deaths and medical injuries are outweighed by the benefits of the vaccine to keep us safe. What insanity.! Remember..The most dangerous people are the psychotic intellects. God bless you all who are awakened!

By: Paul K. Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:39:20 +0000 Very Interesting point! My parents came from Greece from the early 50’s they had to go for screening for security and medical screening. Now in our current times they just let those come into our country with no respect of our laws of the land but their laws in their country in some places like Mexico are more stricter than ours. Oh we must respect their laws but for them not to respect our laws here.?!!?? How pathetic!…what a bunch of hypocrites, liars and traitors ie. our mass media and some of our political representatives!

By: Todd Verzino Tue, 27 Jul 2021 19:13:02 +0000 Yes, and this is happening, albeit slowly, but homeschooling has doubled in the last year, and only increasing. Part of me believes that they are pushing insane indoctrination like CRT, and the whole pandemic masks on kids etc, so that people will start home schooling, due to how inflated the DOE budget has become, then again, I believe that people are just slowly starting to see the insanity of the group think hive mind mentality of the masses…my kids have been home schooled for the last year and a half, one was in 4th grade, the other was just starting, and the younger is way ahead of where his older brother was at this point, with just a couple hours a day of homeschooling, also more time to learn self sufficient living, gardening, etc. It is great and the future looks bright, imho.

By: GMoney Mon, 12 Jul 2021 20:31:51 +0000 🙏]]> Haha, that’s adorable. Everyone knows if you see a country mouse run across your foot, all you need is a sturdy table!!!

No lie, in my 30s, I jumped on my dad’s table and screamed and cried until he ushered this absolutely terrifying and terrified critter back into the wild!!!

You don’t need a shot, just good boots! 😜🙏

By: Marie Green Mon, 12 Jul 2021 13:40:53 +0000 AIDS was secondary to a hepatitis B vaccine in which several died. Those several were mostly gay ppl. Instead of letting it out that the vaccine was deadly they labeled the issue as one about gay ppl. Still no truth except in books about how AIDS was perpetrated through a vaccine!!!

By: raymond surtees Sun, 11 Jul 2021 09:24:55 +0000 well said teresa trouble with these doubters they never or are afraid to do their homework.
