Comments on: It’s the poets who destroy the old order of mechanical consciousness Thu, 08 Jul 2021 23:51:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin Martin Thu, 08 Jul 2021 23:51:39 +0000 Beautifully wrought, Jon. Which, in the words of Montaigne, would translate simply to beautifully thought. And indeed, things as they now stand can be more clearly understood on a purely aesthetic level, which is to say, one in relation to Art.

Unravel the rich tapestry of Art from a society and you are very quickly confronted with ugliness, which strikes at the lowest common denominator, the wretchedness, of our condition. A life without beauty. And then it remains to be seen what capacity a society possesses to grind along the ugly trail of a life devoid of beauty.

It is entirely possible that people are willing to sign themselves over to a process of universal suicide rather than commit to the Promethean ideal of man which is just far too demanding and confronting a task for most, and in turn, threatens to show them up for their lack of courage, lack of intelligence, perseverance, and callous lack of imagination.

By: Brad Thu, 08 Jul 2021 00:36:39 +0000 I used to like inventing new words with their meaning only suggested. I should have kept a list as now I can only remember a few of them….my favourite was ‘sugmented.’

By: Mate Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:55:53 +0000 “…’Oh no, I do not gloat over my own person, I do not get all hot wrestling with my soul in a darkened room; I have no desires, save the desire to express myself–in defiance of all the world’s muteness’…”

-From the novel ‘Invitation to a Beheading’ (1935) by Vladimir Nabokov.

I keep telling people I’m not liberal, I’m liber-ATED. Know the difference. The philosophy of the enemy, foisted upon weak minds, is an empty, crude plastic fakery. There is no higher responsibility for the liberated soul than to express.

And let that expression take the form of poetry, painting, music, sculpture, or what have you. The only criteria? As Kubrick (the greatest American filmmaker) famously asked: “Is it truthful? Is it interesting?” And I’ve been realizing that he was asking this of the *artist*. Is it truthful and interesting to YOU, the artist? Don’t worry so much about the audience. Kubrick’s movies were often dismissed and disdained initially, but appreciated much moreso upon repeated viewings.

Please accept the deepest gratitude for this essay. I know I will return to it many times.

By: john-oranje Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:27:47 +0000 Sorry Dr. W.

By: john-oranje Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:26:20 +0000 Dr. WI; Those two classes in computer science can’t
have been much good. Eight bits make a byte not six.

But agree that life and reality cannot be reduced to
computer logic however complex it may get.
The mad scientists with ‘particle’ accelerators are
on a futile quest to nothing of any value to man or

By: john-oranje Wed, 07 Jul 2021 12:35:41 +0000 I love this quote from Jon’s blog. It reveals the true nature of organized authoritarian religion, the methods of which inspire all totalitarian regimes.

“Religion is frozen poetry. The poets began by writing outside the boundaries of the tribe, and the priests appointed themselves the sacking editors.

“They hammered and cut and polished the wild free poems into tablets and catechisms and manuals of stern disapproval. They gathered up workers to build the temples where the new laws would be preached and taught. They established the penalties for defection. They staked an exclusive claim to revelation.

“They established the false and synthetic universal centrality of myth disguised as revelation, and they sold it, and they enforced it, and they prepared a list of enemies who were threatening the Law of Laws.

“And all that raw material, which they stole? It came from the poets. It came from the free and boundless creation of artists.”

By: Paul Wed, 07 Jul 2021 12:08:00 +0000 ADMITTING

Years ago, people, when looking upon the unlanded straight line of the horizon, imagined a waterfall at its “falling” edge.

This ideation, curtailed distant venture.

The Vikings slapped on their horned helmets, jumped blind into their ships, & said “F-this, we’re gonna take a look-see.”

Glyphs, hammered into rock, along the northeastern coast of the North American continent, bear long-witness to their contact & earlier claims of courage-d voyage.

Far, far ere, the Church-inspired sailings of Columbus.

Finding gold & BECOMING gold, does differ.

By: ReluctantWarrior Wed, 07 Jul 2021 11:00:30 +0000 What do you think the ghost bards of civilization are trying to tell us? They are telling us to set sail on the chaotic sea of the imagination, let down your nets and bring back some nugget of the great mystery that can nourish the spirit and advance the cause of human civilization. Lash yourself to the mast of your vessel and sail beyond the sirens of modernity. Great treasures await us.

By: ReluctantWarrior Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:27:22 +0000 I saw a sunrise for the first time this morning. I saw the stolen fire of Prometheus melting Urizen’s nets of convention. The poetry of the sky dispels all the lies.

By: Paul Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:27:15 +0000 Correction fluid, to the little nerd, who has taken up un-sought residence, within “my” “spell-check,” OR rather, “word-replacement.”

“Said underpinning, is more supportive, THAN birthing.”

“It’s all RELATIVE…”
~ Sayeth Al
