Comments on: My 1987 White House interview on HIV, with Jim Warner, senior policy analyst Sat, 24 Jul 2021 15:12:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Toni Sat, 24 Jul 2021 15:12:57 +0000 Thank you all for the comments to Jon’s article, most helpful additions to it.
I would like to add (this is 7/24/21) that there is a very interesting interview (in preparation for a giant lawsuit) of Dr. David Martin by Reiner Fuelmich published on Odysee. There are a couple of shortened videos, but please watch the full one – over 1 hour; dives deeply into the patents and ends with Martin’s conclusion: no virus exists.

By: ed Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:31:21 +0000 Cancer is acidosis and pretty much everything else is toxemia!

By: CK Sun, 11 Jul 2021 12:45:43 +0000 They are mutually exclusive.

I used to be open to Hooper’s idea but now I think it’s completely wrong. I now agree fully with Jon that HIV (and other infectious viruses) don’t exist. A now inactive site with lots of info about HIV is:

The “Fear of the Invisible” (2008) book by Janine Roberts also discusses this.

By: CK Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:54:32 +0000 RIP- thanks for all of the info. I’ve been reading up on this and I think this is potentially huge. The KEY thing is someone has to independently test more vaccines and verify if they really are 99% Graphene Oxide (GO)! If that happens, then it’s 100% PROOF that EVERYTHING we’ve been told about COVID-19 and the vaccines is a COMPLETE LIE. And it’ll also prove that the governments world wide really are conspiring to depopulate/sterilize us- presumably to “save” the world from Global Warming. Here are some links for those interested in learning more:

This summarizes everything (GO, 5G, NAC, GO in flu shots and the COVID vaccines):

This says that lab analysis of the vaccines shows it’s 98% GO! They also claim they’ve now analyzed 12 samples of the various vaccines and they ALL have high levels of GO:

Here is a English translation of their preliminary report on the vaccine content:

This claims that GO poisoning and NOT the spike protein is the real root cause of the vaccine and COVID deaths. Perhaps the “spike protein” is merely a symptom of GO poisoning!

Here is the Spanish researcher’s website, which I can’t read. Orwell city is simply providing English translations of their content.

And finally here’s a bizarre article about the magnetic effects of the vaccines, which led the researchers to suspect Graphene was the cause. When I first saw this, I dismissed it as fake news:

By: Siouxma Sat, 10 Jul 2021 15:27:35 +0000 Fauci and his cronies are lazy bastards, but they are driven. When the Covid19 Scamdemic began with the same fearmongering language spewing from Fauci’s joyful mouth as he’s done for 40+ years with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS 2003, the Same Playbook is revealed.

1) Lies about a Single Cause/Single Source new (but never isolated) virus from nature that spreads and kills quickly.

2) Lies that there is a test for the new (non-isolated) virus.

3) Lies that mere presence of the new virus from the test equates to infection/illness

4) Lies about a positive test should be counted as a new Case as everyone is either pre-symptomatic, asymptomatic, symptomatic with a wide range of unrelated or related medical problems caused by the new (non-isolated) virus.

Why change the Playbook when it works so well? The right players collude for money, power, control over the lives of everyone. No chance of ever being held accountable as our System of Justice is quite Broken. The Answer: Don’t Cooperate – Don’t make it so dang easy for them. Besides being Lazy Bullies they are also cowards when normal people push back hard.

By: Mike B Sat, 10 Jul 2021 02:32:34 +0000 Question for Jon or whomever else: I’m understanding Mullis’ and others’ contention that HIV has not been proven as a causative factor for AIDS or even isolated, but I do not understand how this theory relates to the Edward Hooper theory (author of The River) which proposes that Oral Polio Vaccine product development testing in the Congo seeded the SIV which became a precursor to HIV which causes AIDS. Are the two theories mutually exclusive? Or are they on the same side? Many thanks to all commenters for good discussion.

By: Rick in Phoenix Sat, 10 Jul 2021 01:00:26 +0000 BIG NEWS hit the alt media early this past week: from Spain… La Puenta Columna– covid = graphene oxide… good video interview of Ricardo Delgado… this is big big big big big… I’ve been informed Jon’s preparing an article for next week…

By: Rick in Phoenix Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:51:55 +0000 Stay the course. Steady as she goes, helmsman. They can’t understand resolve.

By: Greg C. Fri, 09 Jul 2021 23:05:02 +0000 We are living in a real-life version of the movie Idiocracy. Scientists have to sacrifice the thinking part of their mind in order to cram in as much dogma as possible. Then they spend their lives connecting up their beliefs in ways that will attract funding.

By: Alan Fri, 09 Jul 2021 22:41:53 +0000 They control the establishment: the offices, the press, the police, the army, the courts. The prosecution can only begin with the Militia (Second Amendment).
