Comments on: Graphene face masks dangerous; and we’re living in a graphene world Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:51:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Isabel Mendoza Abril Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:51:27 +0000 Please, do some research on the birds that are found deads last weeks or months all around USA.

Scientifics are not understanding the reason but they are not looking in ambient circunstances: 4G and 5G.

Experts in birds know that birds are extremely sensitive to radiation. Graphene is extremely sensitive to radiation.

The birds are being the first ones. Later it will be our turn!!!

The same is happening with the neurological disease that neurologists cannot figure out where cames from.

The province where all these people is being affected by the strange phenomenon is exactly the same province where 5G is being installed first in Canada!!!

Could anyone tell there (I am writing from Spain) to Jon Rappoport or whoever may do some research to contrast and publish it or telling the affected scientifics/neurologists in each case???

By: David Icke Thu, 15 Jul 2021 05:00:35 +0000 “Graphene meets RNA technology, for cancer vaccines” — re-posted by David Icke

By: Cristie Thu, 15 Jul 2021 01:44:11 +0000 CTV News: Health Canada authorizes sale of face masks containing graphene following recall.

By: BDBinc Wed, 14 Jul 2021 21:53:10 +0000 I did read that link (and Jon’s links) about cancer vaccines using GO and I am still researching it. I still haven’t found enough proof and verification of the claim the ( ” covid19″) injections are composed of 99% Graphene Oxide. I believe that ( even in PEG/ hdrogel )would have caused more almost instantaneous deaths .

I agree with the below statement:

“Further analysis (with more samples & other techniques, e.g. XPS, EDS, NMR, FTIR or Raman spectroscopy) is urgently required”

“(6/13) According to the ThermoFischer Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains:
– 6 ng/µl RNA
– 747 ng/µl of a substance different from RNA but with a similar absorption peak”

By: ak in vt Wed, 14 Jul 2021 21:09:01 +0000 There is a gathering in Montpelier at the State House on July 24th from 12pm to 2pm. You will be able to meet many like-minded people there, we hope.

As far as I know we will be going there with at least three people and we have spread the word to many others, some of who are interested.

This is part of the July 24th World Freedom Rally (non-political, and even “covid” vaxxed are welcome and encouraged to come).

Also, look up :

We wish you well.

Regards in Christ

AK in VT

By: Siouxma Wed, 14 Jul 2021 17:11:45 +0000 I know what the Elite Deviants want to do: Destroy Humanity by whatever means necessary. Bio-Tech is the most efficient and profitable. My point is that Fearmongering in place of actual proof seems to be as effective and the cheapest means to get people to voluntarily self-destruct without a shred of real evidence. I know people who have taken the Jab knowing the risks just so they won’t be thwarted from going on an airplane or cruise. Mind blowing.

By: john-oranje Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:47:26 +0000 miker;

Try repeatedly entering the url.

By: Abigel Tue, 13 Jul 2021 21:01:22 +0000 Basically yes.

They are a kind of human antennas, receiving and transmitting frequencies.

The problem is that people know so little about it, a hidden knowledge.

Maybe start with this:

“Frequency Change: A Deeper Look at COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon”

I am also new to understand this, but it looks our DNA emits frequencies, a code, a guide affecting others around us.
It’s a perfect explanation of children-illnesses when the culprit, the virus never was isolated and proven to being the cause. A perfect answer why the germ-THEORY is false. A perfect explanation why they wanted 2 meter (or Satanist 6 feet) distance.
I put every free time in the last 1.5 years to understand what is happening. While I am sure that covid is a hoax and no novel virus at all, I don’t believe to anyone who are pushing the virus, spike protein tale. Simply because there is no proof. They never ever could isolate (not lying with words but truly isolate) any viruses, never ever could fulfil the postulates of Koch or River.
But we all see that something is happening, weird illness, rare, as most of the cases are simply relabeled flu and cold but some are not. Some are like blood-poisoning, weird pneumonias, weird loss of senses, weird organ failures. There must be an explanation and poisoning with GO or else, similar is perfect.

It’s not a virus. They are poisoning us, maybe even with more, different stuff.

By: Abigel Tue, 13 Jul 2021 20:49:21 +0000 They are evil. Now I understand how reptiles and similar alien legend could have a root. While I don’t believe them, our elite is consist of pure psychos.

Read after pizza-gate. Read after their favorite drug – extracted from blood.

If it looks unbelievable – there are several proof.

They are evil, have no limits. I thing most of the people are in a condition of denying as it is unbelievable to them that this level of evil could exist and they are waiting for the “pandemic” to resolve with time. It won’t. We are lead by Satanist, sick to the score and terribly wealthy psychos.

We must get rid off them – forever.

By: Abigel Tue, 13 Jul 2021 20:35:10 +0000 We should understand better, what is happening.

While I agree with you – again – I have my own experience. Recently I came home from a holiday with plane. Half of the travelers were very likely vaccinated. There are several reports from people about “shedding” something, human antennas or else. They also used a suspicious spay (as disinfectant) before take off.

I ended up with a terrible migraine – which is weird as I almost never have migraines. There are many reports about migraines being close to vaccinated (can be false, being close to frequencies?).

But the point that after 1.5 days of migraine it disappeared after a 1000mg vit C boosted with Zink, Selenium and Equinacia (herb).

It could be a coincidence but I would consider that these things might really work somehow.

Anyway – as we are mainly guessing – consider this part, too.
