Comments on: Graphene meets RNA technology, for cancer vaccines Mon, 19 Jul 2021 01:30:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: O2M0D1U5 Mon, 19 Jul 2021 01:30:34 +0000 I’m only recently reading into the connections between COVID/the vax, graphene, mRNA and what the hell it is making everyone sick and weak. A few hours ago I stumbled on tritiated water. Radioactive water indistinguishable from safe water. Replaces the H in H2O with a T. Tritium instead of hydrogen. Discovered one of the main vendors for tritium, BioTek is Chinese owned yet has it’s HQ in California. Hmmm….

By: Julir Sat, 17 Jul 2021 08:03:04 +0000 The FDA is trying to put controls on NAC supplements according to this article.

By: Rick in Phoenix Fri, 16 Jul 2021 22:09:32 +0000 Now we see news that the Surgeon General is concerned about “health misinformation”– in effect– the truth about these insane graphene oxide injections falsely called covid vaccinations… He’s doing the media circuit with his stupid little blue book denegrating the unvaxxed.

I skimmed Vivek Murthy’s report and it doesn’t say anything of substance until Page. 16 where he says.. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, health misinformation has sowed confusion, reduced trust in public and hindered efforts to get Americans vaccinated.” Up to that page 16, I can read his report as an indictment AGAINST the vax propaganda, actually. But then on Page 16 is the reveal.. where he points to WHICH information he’s referring to as MISinformation… it’s that information which HINDERS efforts to vax Americans. The fact that he issued this report and says ” As efforts to reach people who are unvaccinated stall,”… indicates that we in the alt-news community are SUCCEEDING in stopping thier biowar attack with graphene oxide injections. Yay! Now is the time to ridicule this insane Surgeon General… and triple our efforts to expose the so-called vaccination as a trick that’s killing and maiming people by the tens of thousands. Here we see Surgeon General Murthy star in a new movie “The Nutty Surgeon General”…

By: Rick in Phoenix Fri, 16 Jul 2021 17:38:13 +0000 Interesting remark about apartments… quote “should not have allowed anyone to build apartments without yard to grow food”…

Maybe there’s something to that. Cities should have been “corridors” with “canals” and “soil-patches” for settlement of each family… in old Quebec, they had seignurial system that did just that… illustration map…

There has always been plenty of land and water for a seignurial system and there still is- as in “flyover country”… so the entire idea of a city with vertical cubbyholes serviced with wifi, pipes and elevators might indeed have been inspired by insectoid humanoids from the beginning. Cities are thus human-traps: Proof lies in the last year’s shutdowns and home-incarceration connected only by zoom. Power can be shut down anytime they want, including water delivery and sewage. Only two natural gas lines serve Phoenix and had to be shut-down a few years ago “temporarily” (a test?). Only 3 or 4 power “grids” exist to serve the entire U.S. (as I learned in y2K).

We’re currently only alive by the temporary good graces of the NWO… we’ve been living in a trap the whole time and have not known it.

By: Sm Fri, 16 Jul 2021 03:37:53 +0000 The complete deployment of starlink satellites is expected in Sept 2021. The second wave … be aware!!!

By: Saeger Thu, 15 Jul 2021 23:58:07 +0000 Why is a supposed goverment dept. pushing a meme in conjunction with, what is it exactly, it’s not even specific. There’s no such thing as zombies, not by anything natural, so why propaganda mixing wierd angle and also religion using the word apocolypse. Also, why push ‘prepare’, instead of a message such as psychos and bioweapons should be stopped. Something that matters, instead of weird whatever that is. People should see page you noted, and search tavistock and bernays, propaganda. Propaganda isn’t benign, it’s concocted to steer people.

By: eceres Thu, 15 Jul 2021 23:39:52 +0000 Rick, hadn’t thought to consider glycine with nac, appreciated. Of other note, fda edging to take away nac, which they tried taking away vitamins in the 90’s, were stopped only because some of us back then made effort, which if we hadn’t the last twenty years people would have had to get a ‘prescription’ for vitamins. That’s a fact. But that was long ago, now there are more people, and who are ignorant, therefore more people have to try to make effort. Though, on one hand have to oppose incursions such as that, I think is a diversion to make people focus on one thing, when situations are coming at us from every direction, people need to focus on many things now. So-called scientists claiming ‘bananna plague so have to make gmo’ but my opinion they want to take out b6. Same way now you see labels of ‘sweeter’ pinapple when it was already sweet, increased sugar overrides any benefit. Monopoly corporations do what they want, dole mostly the only pinapple now.

Every person should have been a farmer, should not have allowed anyone to build apartments without yard to grow food. People say property freedom but if you populate a territory and each person doesn’t grow food, it’s going to be a problem. Land that grows food is limited, can’t grow food just anywhere, not enough to feed mass people.

Anyway agree on zinc, use here and there, though not too much because though it’s not very magnetic it can be slightly reactive, and people consumed a lot of metal, think of iron. Now this graphene is nano, and looking at articles and comments last few days, get the sense it’s not new but been put in things already. Yikes. Seems they’ve been breaking us down for pharma profit by disease. Thanks for notes, now people can go back and read your posts again, will think about five g more, and that’s a good link article, read it, beside info is example of mentally tying things together.

By: Rick in Phoenix Thu, 15 Jul 2021 19:44:25 +0000 Rick says- I wrote above: “But Graphanea is pushing free graphene to covid researchers… Rick asks… so what the heck would they expect covid19 researches want with free graphene?” Well, I found my answer just now… so hopefully Jon approves this update. It’s wild. I found the answer in an article by L. SuprIva [Super-Eve?]at

How can nanomaterials help in the fight against COVID-19?

By Lakshmi Supriya, PhD.Jun 3

Graphene-based field-effect transistors have been used to analyze COVID-19 viral loads in samples….Studies have shown highly sensitive and fast detection of (SARS-CoV-2) without any sample pretreatment…. Graphene oxide has also been used as an antiviral agent….used in face masks to inactivate viruses and allow mask reuse. [!!!???] [They’re promoting the POISON as a CURE!!-Rick]

Another useful carbon nanomaterial is carbon nanotubes. They have several useful properties like high surface area, good biocompatibility, and easy chemical functionalization. They have been tested in virus detection, virus inactivation, use in face masks, [!!!???] … However, these materials can interact with DNA in animals [!!!], so their use in vivo is still questionable.


By: Rick in Phoenix Thu, 15 Jul 2021 01:39:09 +0000 Question for Jon: “Do you think it is a coincidence that Wuhan —where the pangolin and bat soup came from as distraction elements— is the first city in the world with the 5G technology trial at the end of November 2019 and that all previous flu vaccination probably with graphene oxide started from there? ”


By: Rick in Phoenix Thu, 15 Jul 2021 01:27:36 +0000 NAC works best with amino acid supplement L-glycine… and apparently we have some up to date nGrOx antidotes from translating LaPuentaColumna… zinc. I like zinc lozenges.

It has become interesting to me today that we can cancel the world-wide-reset-covid-con with some nutrition supplements.. along with “just say no to the vax”. The massive effort has an Achilles Heel after all… which is great… because I have the feeling we’ve solved this Rubik’s Cube of a Con… and all we have to do is spread it now. Psychopathic megalomaniac wanna be world leaders are actually pretty stupid… now all we have to do is expose them and– my favorite part– ridicule and make fools out of them. That’s a punishment worse than anything else.

Here’s my fave article today… covering the details on their stupid assine world-control attempt. There’s still work to do but basically we’ve exposed them.
