Comments on: The Astronaut Debrief: consciousness in the year 2080 Wed, 28 Jul 2021 05:32:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melin Silk Wed, 28 Jul 2021 05:32:43 +0000 That’s why I have such a hard time to remember what I did during the night when I was not in this universe.

By: Natalie Wed, 21 Jul 2021 18:03:50 +0000 CGI tranny NPCs on screen, apparently power lines are not what they seems nor are the airplanes… who knows what the reality is.

By: Siouxma Fri, 16 Jul 2021 02:06:35 +0000 CGI Outer Space meets CGI Inner Space … make it anything you want it to be… C19/HIV Cooties don’t exist nor is Mars 98 million miles away with a dune buggy speeding about. So sick of all the Lies.

By: Alan Thu, 15 Jul 2021 23:47:36 +0000 Although I have yet to read Fenollosa’s work, being a Chinese (Hong Kong) person who knows a bit of archaic Chinese, and speaking one of the more historical dialects (Cantonese) rather than the ahistorical Mandarin, I could kind of catch what he was trying to say.

And the globalists (through communism) do work towards obliterating the Chinese language and culture: replacing the traditional pictograms with ahistorical “simplified” abominations in the mainland, and trying to replace the historical dialects with Mandarin, in which archaic texts, especially poetry, do not read (sound) right.

By: Dr. drW. Thu, 15 Jul 2021 23:16:25 +0000 […]

Study the Orgone, it could extend or possibly save your life.

Orgone accumulator is essentially a Capacitor – Gathers latent Electrical energy from local ‘environment’ and then gently ‘recharges’ the body. No batteries, no solar panel, nothing to plug into a wall socket, no acupuncture needles, no connection to Any external power source other than Earth and Sun! Be wary of “Dry Needling.” They – most of them any way, do not know or understand what they are doing. Nor what is inherent in the 3,000 + years old base of information -mostly from Orient – China,Korea,Japan and other nearby nations.

One significant Addition to that body of knowledge:
Dr. George Goodheart, DC – Founder of Applied Kinesiology
(Melzack-Wall Gate Theory (of Pain))


By: joe grimes Thu, 15 Jul 2021 22:38:00 +0000 enlightenment, the greatest gift.

By: Roundball Shaman Thu, 15 Jul 2021 22:24:48 +0000 “December 2, 2080, closed room in Houston.”

Let’s see. Year 2080. That’s a full fifty years after ‘The Great Reset!’ fully took hold on the World and the human race had finally fully surrendered all the good things about being a human.

And Houston? It’s been fully submerged under the massive Gulf of Mexico ever since the Pole Shift of 2045. Much of the land masses were now under water.

What used to be called America is now called Wokesterdom Globalist Heaven – Areas One and Two. Area One is what remains of the land mass west of the Mississippi River which now has widened to become a vast inland sea that fully divides the continent from the Gulf all the way to what used to be Chicago (now fully submerged). Area Two is everything east of there.

The Wokesters who inhabit what used to be America all spend their days sitting on their rears while looking at a small screen imbedded into their hand with blank and glazed looks on their faces. In fact, they look this way all the time now. There is no other way to look because there is no other way to act and there is nothing to feel.

Globalist Tech gods do all the thinking and feeling and directing of the lives of the Wokesters. And the Woke seem so pleased with this arrangement.

Life before all this was… unpredictable. Unpredictable is… BAD. They used to have this thing called ‘Freedom’ and that was also BAD. People were thinking thoughts that they shouldn’t. And thoughts lead to feelings. And feelings lead to actions. And that’s all BAD.
Might end up with BAD ACTIONS. Can’t risk that.

Everyone was so much happier now… a happiness born from emptiness and numbness and the vacancy of one’s need to think and create and have Imaginati… opps! Can’t utter that word! That’s one of the many words and ideas that were long banished from society and from the reconstituted human mental operating software that was constantly being updated to fit the needs of The Controllers.

Life now was simple… and controlled. No one had any wants, because no one had any dreams or desires. People were… well… that’s about it. They just… ‘were’. They ‘existed’ as empty contortions of what once was a vibrant, living, dreaming, creating, spontaneous human being in the image of The Divine.

The Year was 2080. And the Paradise that so many had worked so hard to achieve sixty years earlier was finally fully formed. And everyone celebrated with blank looks on their faces while staring endlessly at their hand.

And one more thing had happened. The UFOs stopped visiting Earth. They just couldn’t bear to look at it any more.

By: Greg C. Thu, 15 Jul 2021 19:33:45 +0000 Not really possible with a standard piano. Each string length/thickness is designed for a certain pitch range, and the internal frame is also designed to support the different lengths. Soundboard also is designed that way. A grand piano redesigned to have a one octave range would only have a slight curve at the back.

But I wonder if listening to such an instrument would gradually change the way you hear music? Someone would have to write the music or improvise it.

By: Raven Thu, 15 Jul 2021 18:30:14 +0000 This is so lovely, and very timely too. Right now there are thousands of people already communicating telepathically with ET beings. Yes. I’m thinking Jon might be one of them because what he is describing here are telepathic “thought packets.” When you communicate telepathically, you receive an etheric “box” filled with concepts, shapes, colors, emotions, ideas, conclusions and you have to decode it, very much like opening a gift box filled with many things. It’s incredibly interesting and exciting. Takes a little time and practice because our brains are trained from infancy to work verbally/linearly instead of on a multidimensional level, but when you allow a thought packet to settle into your consciousness, the magic unfolds. Humanity is awakening and this is a large part of how and why that is now happening across the planet.

Telepathy is one of the many deactivated skills stored in our mislabeled “Junk DNA.” We all have the ability of telepathy, we just have to move past our limiting programming and ask for a energetically benevolent ET to speak to you and they will if they see you are willing and able to speak telepathically as a free will choice. It’s similar to animal and earth spirit communication but it is not “mind reading;” we are sovereign beings and no one can intrude on our thoughts; all telepathic communication is done freely and willingly… and you don’t have to be in someone’s presence, telepathy is a quantum experience.

Oh the places you’ll go…

By: Brian Cox Thu, 15 Jul 2021 16:18:03 +0000 I think the “awakening” so to speak of the cells constructing our nervous system has always been active we just haven’t tuned in to the information, or are not focusing consciously in that “direction”. This was a very refreshing experience for me to read, this examination of consciousness I feel is what we need as a species. Life is so wonderfully rich.

Thanks for the email.
