Comments on: Ayn Rand: a creative vision hated and adored by millions Thu, 22 Jul 2021 12:31:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Thu, 22 Jul 2021 12:31:07 +0000 Fantastic article stating the one simple truth that explains to true creators/thinkers/adults, the often incomprehensible and unfathomable actions of the world’s parasites/zombies/juveniles/narcissists.

Thank you, Jon! A reminder and empowerment against the doubts that a lone ranger sometimes struggles with surrounded by and swimming in a sea of unconscious gullible co-beings who try to drag one into the “group” or otherwise consider one insane.

By: Nancy Sutton Thu, 22 Jul 2021 05:05:55 +0000 Intereting that she phrases it “I and We”…. “I and Us” or ‘Me and We” might be more telling… or not : )

By: Ted W. Wed, 21 Jul 2021 23:45:53 +0000 Yeah, I think Ayn was a bit singularly-minded about what power means. It doesn’t necessarily flow from something nominally termed “the State.” One can very easily imagine some future reality in which the scales tip and what were once termed corporations dominate every dimension of one’s life.

Besides, exaltation of the individual can be just as co-opted as exaltation of the collective. Power works with what it has.

By: Sonia H. Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:44:54 +0000 You have made some excellent points.

By: Sonia H. Wed, 21 Jul 2021 16:46:16 +0000 Rand, and just about everyone else, doesn’t grasp that this is a fallen world. A fallen world is one where the most uplifting individual productive actions are going to affect someone else in a negative way. And that on the other hand horrible things do indeed produce happy results for some people, some of the time, i.e., disasters end up creating paying jobs in private industry repairing damage. For just one examplle. That is the yin and yang of things. It can’t be just about that noble, creative individual doing his own thing and thereby reaping his just rewards.

If Ayn Rand were alive today, I wonder what she’d made of the whole Corona business. I have no reason to think that she was such an individualist, such a creative, rational, individual thinker, that she would reject the Germ Theory of Disease. Very, very few of us “get it” – that the “germ” is not our enemy, but merely a marker of something deeper happening within each of us. I say she’d be the first in line for The Shot.

Now, about collectivism VS individualism. In tribal (paleo or early neolithic) societies, people do indeed think alike and want the same things.

By: Citizen Quasar Wed, 21 Jul 2021 03:36:39 +0000 “Ayn Rand was and still is extremely polarizing.”

“One of today’s fashionable anti-concepts is ‘polarization.’ Its meaning is not very clear, except that it is something bad—undesirable, socially destructive, evil—something that would split the country into irreconcilable camps and conflicts. It is used mainly in political issues and serves as a kind of ‘argument from intimidation’: it replaces a discussion of the merits (the truth or falsehood) of a given idea by the menacing accusation that such an idea would “polarize” the country—which is supposed to make one’s opponents retreat, protesting that they didn’t mean it. Mean—what? . . .”

—Ayn Rand

By: senorenapeepers Tue, 20 Jul 2021 18:51:18 +0000 Whew! I just could not have said it better.

By: Lauran Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:42:05 +0000 Absolute perfection, Jon!…you have analyzed her so well. While we in America were asleep at the wheel concerning what was going on; she saw it long before in her native country. She knew what was rearing it’s ugly head here.

By: Mb in Mi Tue, 20 Jul 2021 13:09:23 +0000 Thank you for posting your comment

By: Benjamin Martin Tue, 20 Jul 2021 04:43:06 +0000 PS

For sake of clarity, Jung refers to the tapeworm (in his critique of Ulysses) as something that can reproduce other tapeworms ‘in inexhaustible qualities’, and does not discuss their being cut up etc (my mistake, I was referring from memory).

Also, my own mention of the ‘reptilian variety’ is only utilized to draw attention to the cold-blooded aspect of such creatures: it goes without saying that they do not actually belong to the class of reptiles.
