Comments on: William Blake: prince of imagination, vision, and faith Thu, 22 Jul 2021 19:52:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauran Thu, 22 Jul 2021 19:52:29 +0000 Jon,… you are pulling from the depths in these last 2 weeks. This was even more intriguing than the work on Rand. Blake was a visionary in his explanation of God, as seen, perhaps, while looking in the eyes of an animal. I see the Creative force when I look at my small (somewhat domesticated) cat; and recall this poem many times.

By: Build Back Botter Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:44:05 +0000 “Life feels itself.” “Healing the universe is an inside job.”

Excerpt from the brilliant film Mindwalk:

By: Greg C. Thu, 22 Jul 2021 03:44:11 +0000 A true poet, Blake, choosing “doors” and not the more obvious “windows” for his metaphor. The best metaphors leave us to puzzle them out. I think Blake learned this from the Bible. Jesus loved his non-obvious metaphors to the extent that his listeners almost never understood him. He intentionally hid his meaning in this way. His words were doors, not windows. You had to open them. Blake understood that it took much effort to see beyond the mundane. Most people would rather look out of windows.

By: Paul Thu, 22 Jul 2021 02:10:49 +0000 “Do you choose to be lost midst the challenge of being one”

“On the darkest night so painful
Do you hunger for love
midst the torture of being one
On the passing light of easing
Have you seen you inside
midst the being of everyone
To the common goal of freedom
Where we offer ourselves…”

By: Alan Thu, 22 Jul 2021 01:06:14 +0000 Truth is stranger than fiction. No one will believe the story I am going to tell.

When the Second Coming of Christ occurred, most did not notice it. But after much difficulty and struggle, he managed to gather a sizable following.

And then when he died, his entire church fell into idolatry. His son and appointed heir managed to salvage a small following.

And then Satan struck with a worldwide scam, and the heir idolatrously believed the scam, and led his church into idolatry with him. So God sent a prophet to warn him, but he did not listen.

So here we are, the world in deep shit.

Most religious followers do not recognize the idolatry of today: believing in something untrue and ungodly, such as communism/socialism, and false science such as false tmedicine. Hence, Those who are most fond of criticizing others of idolatry are themselves the worst idolators, true to Matthew 7:1-3.

By: CK Thu, 22 Jul 2021 00:50:22 +0000 A lawsuit was just filed against the EUA of the vaccines in the US. A whistleblower is willing to testify that at least 45,000 Americans have died from the vaccines.

By: Sailors Delight Wed, 21 Jul 2021 22:48:12 +0000 May be of interest to some
Sept 2021 shipping, Book Authored by RFK.

Title: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Robert F. Kennedy (Author)

Looks like he has many sellers on board, not just A m a z

By: Paul Wed, 21 Jul 2021 22:36:08 +0000 I must say Jon, I don’t know if you are aware of the depth of the well that you are writing from this last month. It is extremely saturated & vibrant. It has been exhausting, in the best sense of the word. Like long oar rowing, in a shell boat. After the experience, you are exhausted, yet, filled with energy. It is difficult for me to stick words to it, because I don’t even understand it quite yet. But I know it is rich. I have not read your other reader’s posts because I don’t want to become distracted. I can only imagine other wellsprings. Thank you seems trite. But not meant to be so. Like sitting in one’s shell, on normal seas, & a huge, unnoticed, silent wave raises the vessel. This raises one above the horizon. It has an overcoat of a spell. But a spell that is revealing & bright. Enclosing but awakening. Beating, like a blood filled heart. Wed. 7-21-21 6:33 pm ET.

By: yerba buena Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:26:11 +0000 One of the jewels of Blake poetics is the book William and Catherine Blake created,
“The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”. Produced by the inferno method (lithography) from
engraving to printing and then hand painted with watercolours the lettering and the
illustrations and interlineals, Catherine and William gave the world a beautiful
child full of sweet wisdom and other delicacies, such as the Proverbs of Hell, a
sample of Blakes’ literary genius and intuition.

Such insight! “Energy is Eternal Delight” The Fool Sees Not the Same Tree a Wise
Man Sees” “Exuberance is Beauty” “The Walls of Prisons are Built from the Bricks
of Brothels” and many more.

Also, “I had to create a System, or else be enslaved by another Mans'” and, one of
my favorites, “How do you Know but that Ev’ry Bird that Cuts the Airy Way is not
an Immense World of Delight, closed by your Senses Five?”

William and Catherine loved to sun bathe au naturel in their backyard, to the
outraged sensibilities of their London neighbors…

By: Roundball Shaman Wed, 21 Jul 2021 18:55:32 +0000 “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.”

Everything IS infinite ALL THE TIME. It is the cloudy and murky and downward gaze of the eyes and perceptions of humans that makes things appear dark and confusing and limited.

When will humankind realize that they are their own worst enemy? That THEY are their own devils? That they themselves are the biggest threats to their own future? That all the answers they purport to seek are always in the palms of their hands? That it is they that constructs the prisons that they then doom their lives to live inside of? What the hell is wrong with us and why do so few even care to fix this?

“It is not because Angels are Holier than Men or Devils that makes them Angels but because they do not Expect Holiness from one another but from God only.”

Humankind should not be expecting ‘Holiness’ from each other. But we should live joyfully and courageously in the knowledge that we were not born to be perfect but we were born to live with our gaze to the horizon and The Heavens and with the desire to always be more than we think we can be. It is said that Source God does not dwell on our faults but only sees from Divine eyes of love of caring. Maybe we should take a a clue here? Maybe we should stop Canceling each other and criticizing each other and finding fault with each other and tearing each other apart and instead look upon each other from eyes of love and caring? Isn’t that what all the great Sages and Mystics and Teachers tell us? Has anyone come up with a better way?

Every person wakes up each morning with a question and a to-do list: What am I going to make of this day? Am I going to make a bit of Heaven, or more Hell?
